PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

python-twitter 3.5 A Python wrapper around the Twitter API 2018-11-03 12:32:08
pixcat 0.1.4 Display images on a kitty terminal with optional resizing. 2018-10-02 20:03:13
uplink-protobuf 0.1.0 Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) support for Uplink. 2018-09-15 00:17:25
jpredapi 1.5.6 Python library for submitting jobs to JPRED - A Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server 2018-07-20 04:17:06
orcid 1.0.3 A python wrapper over the ORCID API 2018-07-17 08:02:25
coinbase 2.1.0 Coinbase API client library 2018-03-05 17:21:16
hgapi 1.7.4 Python API to Mercurial using the command-line interface 2017-10-17 15:40:47
ignite 1.1.0 Apache Ignite Rest Client Library 2017-07-07 05:43:19
PubChemPy 1.0.4 A simple Python wrapper around the PubChem PUG REST API. 2017-04-11 18:36:23
python-etcd 0.4.5 A python client for etcd 2017-03-02 23:05:36
python-tumblpy 1.1.4 A Python Library to interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth 2017-02-08 22:01:53
google_spreadsheet 0.0.6 Google spreadsheet create/update util 2016-07-18 13:30:31
CIRpy 1.0.2 Python wrapper for the NCI Chemical Identifier Resolver (CIR). 2016-01-04 23:46:47
wikipedia 1.4.0 Wikipedia API for Python 2014-11-15 15:59:49
google-oauth 1.0.1 OAuth2 for Google APIs
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