PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

axis 60 A Python library for communicating with devices from Axis Communications 2024-03-31 21:12:16
adafruit-circuitpython-adxl37x 1.1.9 A CircuitPython driver for the ADXL37x family of accelerometers 2024-02-26 17:38:00
yaxis-largecount-tanmay 0.1 Y axis for thousands and millions 2024-02-14 05:28:49
numcube 0.2.1 Numcube extends the functionality of numpy multidimensional arrays by adding named and annotated axes. 2022-12-30 17:52:49
nc-time-axis 1.4.1 Provides support for a cftime axis in matplotlib 2022-04-20 11:29:01
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