Name | Version | Summary | date |
pymindwave2 | 1.0.1 | A Python package for seamless communication with Neurosky MindWave Mobile 2 headset. | 2025-01-12 13:26:51 |
pyntbci | 1.8.0 | Python Noise-Tagging Brain-Computer Interface (PyntBCI) | 2024-11-08 14:35:41 |
eegsynth | 0.8.0 | Converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects | 2024-09-15 11:36:59 |
bcirisktools | 0.12.7 | BCI risks tools | 2023-12-01 10:52:25 |
install-pybci | 1.1.0 | A Python interface to create a BCI with the Lab Streaming Layer, Pytorch, SciKit-Learn and Tensorflow packages | 2023-09-03 11:38:35 |
hour | day | week | total |
64 | 457 | 2628 | 289859 |