PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

ev-manager 0.1.0 Bind functions to events that can be called from any other script at any time. 2024-03-03 11:36:57
hydra-callbacks 0.5.1 A collection of usefull hydra callbacks for hydra configuration 2023-11-15 10:48:04
dicta 1.0.3 A dict subclass to observe data changes in the nested data-tree. 2023-10-22 18:53:14
TelegramBotsCallbackData 1.0.2 This is a library for storing a lot of information in callback data 2023-10-18 06:17:28
pythondelegate 0.1.0 A CSharp like delegate implement for Python 2023-05-18 14:22:09
timer-event 0.9.1 The package offers thread-safe classes for event-driven programming, including a versatile Event class for managing callback routines and a TimerEvent class for creating repeated timer-based events. 2023-03-21 05:34:36
simplevent 1.0.1 A simple framework for event-driven programming, based on the Observer design pattern. 2023-03-12 23:50:06
Simplevent 1.0.0 A simple framework for event-driven programming, based on the Observer design pattern. 2023-03-12 18:56:56
callpyback 1.2.1 Simple and readable Pure Python callbacks! 2023-02-07 19:02:40
lpd 0.4.10 A Fast, Flexible Trainer with Callbacks and Extensions for PyTorch 2023-02-04 06:43:29
tf-training-notifier 1.0.3 Sends telegram messages informing user about ML training job progress. 2022-12-31 01:09:40
rstructs 1.0.0 Reactive structures - data structures with events. 2022-12-14 17:14:48
vkbottle 4.3.12 Homogenic! Customizable asynchronous VK API framework implementing comfort and speed 2022-10-30 22:35:50
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