Name | Version | Summary | date |
live-audio-capture |
0.4.1 |
A cross-platform utility for capturing live audio from a microphone using FFmpeg. |
2025-01-18 18:56:22 |
normcap |
0.5.9 |
OCR-powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images. |
2024-11-10 19:41:59 |
kazam |
2.0.0 |
A screencasting program created with design in mind. |
2024-08-30 03:00:41 |
PyScreeze |
1.0.1 |
A simple, cross-platform screenshot module for Python 2 and 3. |
2024-08-20 23:03:07 |
modelprop |
0.1.0 |
A package for evaluating machine learning supervised model and its performance |
2024-07-03 00:27:35 |
subprocconout |
0.10 |
run a subprocess and capture its CONOUT$ console output |
2024-02-02 00:46:13 |
pypeek |
2.10.11 |
An animated GIF recorder |
2024-01-29 17:48:06 |
framecraft |
0.2.6 |
by hyeonwoo jeong |
2024-01-15 07:05:32 |
cmdi |
2.0.0 |
A command interface |
2023-11-30 00:41:34 |
python-postgres-cdc |
0.0.0rc2 |
Change Data Capture (CDC) library for Postgres |
2023-09-24 22:22:34 |
pwntools-elf-only |
4.12.3.dev0 |
Pwntools CTF framework and exploit development library. |
2023-09-13 17:43:23 |
stderrstdoutcapture |
0.10 |
captures temporarily stdout and stderr |
2023-09-04 21:08:35 |
spytter |
0.0.0 |
Twitter Spy Tools |
2023-06-01 00:29:00 |
pyshark |
0.6 |
Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors |
2023-04-26 09:33:43 |
subprocess-print-and-capture |
0.16 |
Print and capture the output of a subprocess simultaneously |
2023-03-14 06:17:22 |
capture-stdout-decorator |
0.10 |
Captures stdout |
2023-01-06 13:22:42 |
aspectlib |
2.0.0 |
``aspectlib`` is an aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library. It is useful when changing |
2022-10-20 16:23:13 |
python-fssignal |
0.1.0 |
Signal capturer |
2022-02-10 17:38:39 |