PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

coconut 3.1.0 Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. 2024-03-02 09:18:28
pigi 0.0.7 Fast Lightweight sorting algorithm 2024-03-02 02:52:04
django-outbox-hitcount 1.1.1 DJANGO OUTBOX HITCOUNT 2023-12-30 07:02:13
messenger-counter 0.5.1 Package for counting messages from Facebook Messenger 2023-12-04 19:38:49
django-query-counter 0.4.0 Debug tool to print sql queries count to the console 2023-11-14 08:42:01
urn-calculator 0.0.1 Multivariate hypergeometric command line calculator. 2023-11-04 14:20:15
ed-pywc 1.0.0 Python implementation of the UNIX wc (Word Count) utility 2023-10-19 01:32:50
count-tokens 0.7.0 Count number of tokens in the text file using toktoken tokenizer from OpenAI. 2023-09-26 11:16:08
numpyasciiart 0.10 Converts an image to ASCII art using numpy / numexpr / cv2 2023-09-15 19:58:36
lowmemorywordcount 0.10 Fast count of the occurrences of words in a text file or a given string - low memory consumption 2023-07-20 21:30:53
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