Name | Version | Summary | date |
django-livereload-server |
0.4 |
LiveReload functionality integrated with your Django development environment |
2021-12-14 08:46:08 |
django-polymorphic |
3.1.0 |
Seamless polymorphic inheritance for Django models |
2021-11-18 11:55:40 |
django-graphiql-debug-toolbar |
0.2.0 |
Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE. |
2021-08-28 21:44:16 |
django-multiurl |
1.5.0 |
Allow multiple views to match the same URL. |
2021-08-10 20:09:11 |
django-q |
1.3.9 |
A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django |
2021-06-27 12:04:51 |
django-fullclean |
0.0.5 |
Force django model call full_clean before save. |
2021-05-29 00:41:16 |
django-crum |
0.7.9 |
Django middleware to capture current request and user. |
2020-11-10 17:15:35 |
jsonLookup |
0.9.0 |
Search MySQL JSON fields in Django |
2020-10-27 11:20:10 |
django-nose |
1.4.7 |
Makes your Django tests simple and snappy |
2020-08-20 02:49:43 |
django-flexible-subscriptions |
0.15.1 |
A subscription and recurrent billing application for Django. |
2020-08-11 01:23:43 |
django-autoslug |
1.9.8 |
An automated slug field for Django. |
2020-07-22 08:27:59 |
dj-pagination |
2.5.0 |
Django + Pagination Made Easy |
2020-07-09 06:04:39 |
django-utils-six |
2.0 |
Forward compatibility django.utils.six for Django 3 |
2020-06-17 14:57:27 |
espresso-orm |
0.1 |
ORM that map Objects with Postgres Tables. |
2020-05-20 10:42:35 |
django-libs |
2.0.3 |
A collection of things that we re-use in every Django project, such as custom middlewares, templates, templatetags, test mixins etc... |
2020-03-17 15:26:47 |
django-apptemplates |
1.5 |
Django template loader that allows you to load and override a template from a specific Django application. |
2020-03-11 00:24:08 |
django-tagging |
0.5.0 |
Generic tagging application for Django |
2020-03-06 18:00:29 |
django-url-filter |
0.3.15 |
Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs. |
2020-02-10 13:35:59 |
django-mathfilters |
1.0.0 |
A set of simple math filters for Django |
2020-02-10 12:02:06 |
hestia |
0.6.0 |
Polyaxon common utilities. |
2020-01-12 19:15:29 |