PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

flake8-qt-tr 0.2.0 Flake8 extension for detecting incorrect QT translation 2023-10-04 22:26:10
flake8-test-name 0.1.6 Invalid test name checker, plugin for flake8 2023-10-03 08:51:59
flake8-warnings 0.4.1 Linter (flake8, pylint, custom CLI) for finding usage of deprecated functions. 2023-09-28 06:42:58
flake8_simplify 0.21.0 flake8 plugin which checks for code that can be simplified 2023-09-23 21:40:25
sqlmeshsm 0.1.0b5 SQLMesh macros used for ❄️ Dynamic Masking Policies implementation ✏️, and the Snowflake Hooker CLI (hook) ⭐ 2023-09-23 07:11:13
flake8-author 2.1.0 Flake8 __author__ checker 2023-09-18 02:56:00
flake8-isort 6.1.0 flake8 plugin that integrates isort . 2023-09-15 17:36:55
flake8-no-pytest-mark-only 1.0.0 Flake8 plugin to disallow the use of the pytest.mark.only decorator. 2023-09-06 13:47:45
flake8-markdown 0.5.0 Lints Python code blocks in Markdown files using flake8 2023-09-04 16:24:00
flake8-sqlalchemy 0.2.0 A flake8 plugin to detect issues with SQLAlchemy code 2023-09-03 23:19:10
flake8-import-linter 0.1.10 Flake8 plugin that checks for forbidden imports in your code 2023-09-01 16:25:01
flake8-import-restrictions 2.0.1 A flake8 plugin used to disallow certain forms of imports. 2023-08-25 14:19:32
pandas-vet 2023.8.2 A flake8 plugin to lint pandas in an opinionated way. 2023-08-11 15:09:03
custolint 0.4.6 Another custom linter layer 2023-08-11 09:08:03
flake8-internal-name-import 1.0.1 flake8 plugin that reports imports of internal names 2023-08-10 17:37:17
flake8-staged-diff 0.3.0 flake8 wrapper to run only on modified/staged code 2023-07-29 22:05:04
flake8-private-name-import 1.0.0 flake8 plugin that reports imports of private names 2023-07-29 20:17:49
flake8-complicated-walrus 2.1.0 This Flake8 plugin for checking complicated assignment expressions. 2023-07-19 13:23:41
flake8-multiline-conditionals-comprehensions 2.0 A flake8 plugin to make sure complex conditional expressions and comprehension expressions are split over several lines. 2023-07-14 23:32:49
pytest-flake8-path 1.5.0 A pytest fixture for testing flake8 plugins. 2023-07-10 14:50:56
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