PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

sdbus-notifications 1.0.2 Freedesktop notifications binds for sdbus. 2024-05-19 11:50:29
sdbus 0.12.0 Modern Python D-Bus library. Based on sd-bus from libsystemd. 2024-03-23 11:50:11
jdDesktopEntryEdit 1.4 A graphical Program to create and edit Desktop Entries 2024-01-18 09:31:48
jdAppStreamEdit 8.0 A graphical Program to create and edit AppStream files 2023-12-22 17:41:10
desktop-entry-lib 4.1 A library for working with .desktop files 2023-12-18 19:44:38
sdbus-systemd 1.0.0 Systemd binds for sdbus. 2023-12-17 19:23:40
vignette 5.1.1 Library to create FreeDesktop-compatible thumbnails 2023-09-05 20:38:00
sdbus-networkmanager 2.0.0 NetworkManager binds for sdbus. 2023-06-04 10:50:16
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