PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pycufsm 0.1.7 Python CUFSM (Constrained and Unconstrained Finite Strip Method) 2024-12-05 21:44:08
dynamodb-fsm 0.0.2 FSM storage on dynamo data bases for aiogram 3.10 2024-10-05 18:18:23
Automat 24.8.1 Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go. 2024-08-19 17:31:58
django-fsm-admin-v4 1.2.5 Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin 2024-07-30 14:41:51
django-fsm-2-admin 2.0.1 Integrate django-fsm-2 state transitions into the django admin 2024-07-11 06:42:28
greenery 4.2.2 Greenery allows manipulation of regular expressions 2024-06-08 12:09:00
pyfsm-tool 0.9.3 pyfsm-tool is a module to create and manipulate finite states machines. 2024-06-05 21:34:21
fst-python-bindings 0.2.0 Search over large sets of strings 2024-02-29 12:18:17
django-fsm-admin-django-4 1.2.7 Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin with django 4 support. 2024-01-03 12:46:39
BasicFSM 0.1 A lightweight library to manage a Finite State Machine 2023-12-17 22:08:51
ezfsm > Easy and micro fsm could used in python3.x and micropython. 2023-08-04 13:48:55
raider 0.3.3 OWASP Raider: a novel framework for manipulating the HTTP processes of persistent sessions. 2022-12-27 16:58:58
django-autodisco 0.1.1 Django autodiscover modules utils 2022-12-09 15:52:41
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