PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

complex-parser 0.0.2 A versatile Python package for data extraction from JSON-like structures with user-defined format keys, enhanced with synonym retrieval capabilities. 2024-03-15 20:22:43
tesseractrapidfuzz 0.10 Performs OCR on a list of images using Tesseract and performs fuzzy string matching with a given list of strings. 2023-09-17 10:21:25
fuzstr 0.0.7 fuzzy string matching 2023-09-10 15:54:58
DataDoctor 1.0.15 A Python package for data cleaning and preprocessing. 2023-06-03 20:19:28
fuzzymap 1.1.2 The Fuzzy Map is a polymorph Python dictionary that always returns the value of the closest similar key. 2023-05-25 07:17:30
fuzzyfiles 0.11 Binary fuzzy matching in all file types [fzf (pre-filter)/rapidfuzz (finds the best result)] 2023-04-26 03:31:04
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