PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

sprites 1.725 Python Sprites Module for make introductory animations and games and educational purpose。It mainly provides Sprite class inherited from Turtle class。Can be applied to the teaching of elementary mathematics。Pyhton的精灵模块,为教育目的而制作启蒙动画与游戏。主要提供继承自Turtle类的Sprite类,Key类,Mouse类等及一些工具函数,如洪水填充命令,几何相关命令。它支持像素级碰撞检测命令及增强的图章命令等等。由于增加了一些初等几何命令,如求三角形的重心,作中垂线,所以也可应用于初等数学几何的教学。作者:李兴球。微信:scratch8,公众号:异编程。网址: 2025-01-11 12:03:12
geo 0.1.1 A Python package for practical geometry algorithms. 2024-12-24 08:52:07
archaea-simulation 1.3.0 Wrapper definitions for simulation tools. 2024-12-16 13:56:10
geometryMaths 0.0.5 A library made for making geometry in python simpler 2024-12-09 08:24:10
tofu 1.8.4 A python library for Tomography for Fusion 2024-12-03 18:27:16
slabbe 0.7.7 Sebastien Labbe's Research code 2024-11-14 19:16:12
coxeter 0.9.0 Tools for creating and manipulating shapes. 2024-09-16 19:28:15
pargeo 0.3.4 Generate complex two-dimensional geometries for simulations based on mesh discretizations. 2024-09-07 13:31:42
ThreeDTool 0.0.4 This module is needed to work in geometric primitives. 2024-08-26 12:43:03
ellipsoid 2024.8.22 参考椭球体基础软件包,主要包括:Geometry-几何要素类;Topology-几何要素拓扑类;MapGrid-国际标准比例尺图幅分幅网格类;Projection-几何要素坐标投影变换类;ProjectionHelper-几何要素坐标投影助手类;Astronomy-天文寻星计算类 2024-08-24 09:29:25
shapely 2.0.6 Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects 2024-08-19 21:57:22
geodynamic 0.0.27 Geometric tools for parsing GeoGebra construction, proccess with manim animation and export to SVG 2024-08-14 14:13:38
gsoup 0.2.4 A geoemtry & graphics library with focus on clarity rather than performance. 2024-07-25 11:23:21
Geometry3D-vendored 0.3.1 A 3D Geometry Lib 2024-07-23 09:47:47
geometryLibPy 1.0.0 This is the simplest module for calculating the area of a geometric figures. 2024-07-21 00:15:20
Shapely-cellvit 1.8.5.post1 Geometric objects, predicates, and operations 2024-07-03 21:59:46
gdicons 1.2.0 Render Geometry Dash icons 2024-06-24 18:07:16
bezier 2024.6.20 Helper for Bézier Curves, Triangles, and Higher Order Objects 2024-06-21 04:22:24
molecular-interaction-rules 0.7.2 None 2024-05-30 05:55:16
geo3d 1.3.0 A python package for performing geometric calculations in 3D 2024-04-27 07:43:19
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