PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

django-graphene-auth 1.1.1 Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django. 2024-03-17 07:17:28
simple-justwatch-python-api 0.14 A simple JustWatch Python API 2024-03-14 22:50:13
graphql-complexity 0.3.2 A python library that provides complexity calculation helpers for GraphQL 2024-03-14 18:36:51
spacelift 1.1.2 simple python client for the GraphQL API 2024-03-13 18:42:36
graphene-elastic 0.8.1 Graphene Elasticsearch/OpenSearch (DSL) integration 2024-03-05 22:36:08
castnet 0.0.15 CastNet is a schema based low level Neo4j connection interaction library your Python back end, enabling easy type conversions and generalized CRUD endpoints (including GraphQL). 2024-02-26 15:53:43
aiographql-client 1.1.0 An asyncio GraphQL client built on top of aiohttp and graphql-core-next 2024-02-22 02:45:50
llama-index-tools-playgrounds 0.1.3 llama-index tools playgrounds integration 2024-02-21 22:25:30
django-graphene-auth-code 1.0.3 Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django. 2024-02-21 01:32:52
graphql-query 1.3.1 Complete Domain Specific Language (DSL) for GraphQL query in Python. 2024-02-19 13:43:10
llama-index-readers-graphql 0.1.2 llama-index readers graphql integration 2024-02-13 20:53:39
sqlalchemy-gql 1.3.15 Map SQLAlchemy models to GraphQL Objects. 2024-02-08 13:52:41
graphene-pydantic 0.6.1 Graphene Pydantic integration 2024-02-01 18:37:29
graphene_pydantic 0.6.0 Graphene Pydantic integration 2024-01-31 03:15:52
django-graphql-auth-django-4 0.3.17 Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django. 2024-01-25 14:36:42
alchql Graphene SQLAlchemy core integration 2024-01-24 11:21:05
cannula 0.11.0 Async GraphQL Helper Library 2024-01-20 21:01:32
graphene-directives 0.4.6 Schema Directives implementation for graphene 2024-01-15 18:07:55
ArticutAPI 1.3.6 Articut NLP system provides not only finest results on Chinese word segmentaion (CWS), Part-of-Speech tagging (POS) and Named Entity Recogintion tagging (NER), but also the fastest online API service in the NLP industry. 2024-01-15 09:31:12
greff 0.0.6a0 rich graphql client in python 2024-01-05 21:04:38
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