PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

kv-deta 0.2.2.post1 Key-Value Model for Detabase 2024-01-18 13:52:10
cfkv 1.1.1 A Python wrapper for the Cloudflare KV Cache API 2023-10-24 13:42:48
stupiddb 1.0 The stupidest database system ever made 2023-09-08 12:32:26
Keva 0.1 A python client for the Keva Database 2023-08-25 19:27:24
buckets 20230810 Strongly consistent KV store and Log - with GET/PUT/APPEND operations over HTTPS. 2023-08-10 03:13:45
kvlog 20230720 A simple Queue and DB - with get/put operations over HTTPS. 2023-07-20 05:47:08
burrowkv 0.0.3 key-value store 2023-04-28 16:04:41
logdb 20230407 A simple Queue and DB - with append/tail and get/put operations over HTTPS. 2023-04-07 17:10:49
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