PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

stylist 0.4.1 Flexible source code style checking tool 2023-11-28 08:05:30
vault-appsettings-linter 1.0.2 Stratio Appsettings files linter for compatibility with Stratio.Extensions.Configuration.Vault 2023-11-21 15:31:59
check-wheel-contents 0.6.0 Check your wheels have the right contents 2023-10-31 21:20:45
dep-checker 0.8.0 Tool to check all requirements are actually required. 2023-10-20 14:51:33
flake8-pylint 0.2.1 Flake8 plugin that runs PyLint. 2023-10-07 05:44:04
flake8-warnings 0.4.1 Linter (flake8, pylint, custom CLI) for finding usage of deprecated functions. 2023-09-28 06:42:58
rpmdeplint 1.6 Rpmdeplint is a tool to find errors in RPM packages in the context of their dependency graph. 2023-09-14 08:02:33
flake8-import-linter 0.1.10 Flake8 plugin that checks for forbidden imports in your code 2023-09-01 16:25:01
pandas-vet 2023.8.2 A flake8 plugin to lint pandas in an opinionated way. 2023-08-11 15:09:03
custolint 0.4.6 Another custom linter layer 2023-08-11 09:08:03
jupylint 2.2.4 A tool to run pylint on Jupyter notebooks 2023-07-31 18:07:49
flake8-staged-diff 0.3.0 flake8 wrapper to run only on modified/staged code 2023-07-29 22:05:04
pylint-pa 3.0.0b1 python code static checker, but passive-aggressive 2023-07-13 04:03:56
python-lemming 0.6.0 Lemming is a tool for formatting and linting code. 2023-07-11 13:12:07
j2lint 1.1.0 Command-line utility that validates jinja2 syntax according to Arista's AVD style guide. 2023-07-11 09:23:51
jhu-assembly-linter 0.1.7 A Linter for JHU's Assembly Classes 2023-06-25 18:03:05
flake8-broken-line 1.0.0 Flake8 plugin to forbid backslashes for line breaks 2023-05-31 10:09:11
pylint-tensorflow 0.0.2 python code static checker tensorflow 2023-05-10 11:27:28
printf-log-formatter 0.3.0 Convert logger f-strings and str.format syntax to printf-style strings 2023-04-23 20:11:40
code-analyza 0.0b1 A Code Analyser package. 2023-04-18 12:52:13
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