Name | Version | Summary | date |
roger | 3.0.8 | Runoff Generation Research - a process-based hydrological toolbox model in Python | 2024-07-03 10:47:23 |
veros | 1.5.1 | The versatile ocean simulator, in pure Python, powered by JAX. | 2023-10-11 08:44:24 |
stream-dse | 0.0.8 | Stream - Multi-core accelerator design space exploration with layer-fused scheduling | 2023-09-05 07:38:26 |
veros-extra-setups | 1.5.0 | Extra setups for Veros, the versatile ocean simulator. | 2023-08-18 23:05:53 |
hour | day | week | total |
64 | 457 | 2628 | 289859 |