PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

cyclonedx-bom 5.1.1 CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generator for Python projects and environments 2024-11-09 13:48:04
maryam 2.5.3.post1 OWASP Maryam is a modular/optional open-source framework based on OSINT and data gathering. 2024-06-19 12:27:39
owasp-zap-historic-parser 0.2.4 Parser to push OWASP ZAP report data to MySQL and generate delta report 2024-02-01 19:42:45
jake 3.0.11 An OSS Index integration to check for vulnerabilities in your Python environments 2023-12-08 23:31:53
nettacker 0.3.1a17 Automates information gathering, vulnerability scanning and aids penetration testing engagements in general 2023-10-29 01:59:39
raider 0.3.3 OWASP Raider: a novel framework for manipulating the HTTP processes of persistent sessions. 2022-12-27 16:58:58
dependency-check 0.6.0 Shim to easily install OWASP dependency-check-cli into Python projects 2021-06-21 14:08:08
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