PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pycalculation 0.1.1 A Python package for calculating 2023-05-27 23:57:37
sababa 0.0.4 Sababa PyPI Package 2023-05-26 18:19:40
dummy-pip-package 1.0.0 A dummy package with no dependencies used for testing. 2023-05-26 16:06:28
streamlitopencvideoplayer 1.0.0 Streamlit Opencv player 2023-05-22 22:18:32
drf-easyview 2.0.1 Rapidly generate DRF API views for all models in your Django project. Simplifies development, but use with caution in production. 2023-05-22 07:31:47
tangerine-auth 0.0.73 Tangerine Auth: An easy to use authentication manager for Tangerine and Flask. 2023-05-19 13:50:45
example-pypi-package-loler1 0.2.0 Example PyPI (Python Package Index) Package 2023-05-16 08:21:33
example-pypi-package-loler 0.1.0 Example PyPI (Python Package Index) Package 2023-05-16 06:54:49
mopack 0.1.0 A multiple-origin package manager 2023-05-16 03:14:09
featurizerai 1.7.0 Python library for Featurizer AI 2023-05-14 03:02:49
deep-clone-gfg-test 1.0.0 Demo Package for GfG Article. 2023-05-09 09:13:15
hpb 0.0.1 Happy Package Builder 2023-05-08 11:43:55
sklean123 0.2.0 Example PyPI (Python Package Index) Package 2023-05-04 17:44:00
math-package-xgqfrms 0.0.1 A math package of python 3. 🐍 2023-04-26 19:20:53
sphinxcontrib-packages 1.1.2 This packages contains the Packages sphinx extension, which provides directives to display packages installed on the host machine 2023-04-26 18:51:51
cookiecutter-namespace-template 0.4.0 Cookiecutter template for a Python namespace package 2023-04-10 20:07:51
Jaiwant 0.0.1 Don't take this seriously because, this is just for testing 2023-04-09 10:30:52
isimport 0.3 Check required pip module for program. 2023-04-07 16:36:10
pyautodep 0.0.2 Check and install python modules 2023-04-06 06:52:44
pger 0.0.12 python package generator 2023-04-03 06:37:35
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