PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

strindex 3.4.0 A command line utility to extract and patch strings of various filetypes, with a focus on compatibility and translation. 2024-11-22 21:21:22
gorilla2 3.4.0 Convenient approach to monkey patching 2023-01-12 02:21:54
django-tortoise 0.0.1 Integration of Tortoise orm into a Django project with one line of code 2022-12-25 14:23:54
aspectlib 2.0.0 ``aspectlib`` is an aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library. It is useful when changing 2022-10-20 16:23:13
gorilla 0.4.0 Convenient approach to monkey patching 2021-04-17 00:05:04
mock-open 1.4.0 A better mock for file I/O 2020-04-15 15:26:51
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