PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

add2winpath 0.10 Adds/removes folders to the PATH on Windows (Current User/All Users). It doesn't spoil paths with variables (e.g. %windir%\system32) 2023-04-04 06:35:25
escape-windows-filepath 0.10 Escaping file paths (Windows) without crying and losing one's mind 2023-04-03 00:37:18
PillowScreenX 0.0.7 PillowScreenX is a powerful screenshot capturing tool that leverages the power of the Pillow library to provide high-quality screenshot captures. 2023-03-30 07:17:16
getpathfromreg 0.12 Get path from regedit 2023-03-24 02:10:45
mgetool 0.0.61 This is an tool box contains tools for mgedata.Some of code are non-originality, just copy for use. All the referenced code are marked,details can be shown in their sources 2023-02-05 08:57:26
pygeodesic 0.1.8 Python library for calculating geodesic distance on triangular based surface meshes 2023-01-26 22:47:00
mjooln 0.7.0 2023-01-22 16:10:09
pathtyped 0.1.4 Create static path checking and type checking for your Python code 2023-01-16 07:26:40
getfilepath 0.0.1 We can use the GetFileAccess module to find out where the files are located in memory and return a file path for a given filename. We will also return a count of the given filename in memory. 2022-12-20 17:35:00
sendero 0.0.3 sendero - data filtering for humans 2022-12-18 18:45:23
os0 2.0.1 OS indipendent interface 2022-12-13 06:13:22
pathable 0.4.3 Object-oriented paths 2022-09-01 22:33:33
svg.path 6.2 SVG path objects and parser 2022-06-17 12:22:26
Unipath 1.1 Object-oriented alternative to os/os.path/shutil 2015-02-11 04:36:15
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