PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pelican-pdf 1.0.4 PDF Generator is a Pelican plugin that exports articles and pages as PDF files during site generation 2024-05-28 13:19:18
pelicanfs 1.0.1 An FSSpec Implementation using the Pelican System 2024-05-24 13:36:31
plumage 4.0.0 Clean and tidy theme for Pelican. 2024-05-18 06:00:37
Notion2Pelican 0.0.4 Import notion pages in pelican blogging format 2024-05-11 12:56:35
pelican-myst-reader 1.3.0 Pelican plugin for converting MyST's Markdown variant to HTML. 2024-05-01 18:18:35
pelican-series 3.0.0 Series is a Pelican plugin that joins multiple posts into a series 2024-04-29 10:40:50
pelican-mau-reader 4.0.0 Pelican plugin that converts Mau-formatted content into HTML 2024-04-28 20:50:17
pelican-markdown-include 1.0.4 Pelican plugin for using the Markdown-Include extension 2024-04-14 11:32:00
pelican-graphviz 1.2.5 Pelican plugin supporting Graphviz images in articles 2024-04-14 11:29:16
pelican-avatar 1.0.9 Libravatar/Gravatar plugin for Pelican 2024-04-14 11:25:28
pelican-linkclass 2.1.4 Pelican plugin to set anchor tag's class attribute to differentiate between internal and external links 2024-04-14 10:01:21
pelican-markdown-it-reader 2.0.0 Reader plugin for Markdown-IT-py replacement 2024-04-09 19:29:01
pelican-nginx-alias-map 2.0.0 This Pelican plugin creates an nginx-compatible map between the final page locations and prior locations, defined in the `Alias` attribute for any article or page. 2024-04-09 18:51:43
minchin.pelican.readers.commonmark 2.0.0 CommonMark Reader for Pelican (via Markdown-IT) 2024-03-31 02:06:52
pelican-photos 1.6.0 Add a photo or a gallery of photos to an article 2024-03-17 07:31:32
pelican-pagination 2.0.0 Paginate articles 2024-03-11 18:08:14
pelican-image-process 3.0.4 Pelican plugin that automates image processing. 2024-03-08 08:35:56
pelican-social-cards 0.5.0 Plugin to generate social media cards with post title embedded 2024-02-18 17:24:01
pelican-thumbnailer 1.0.2 Thumbnailer is a Pelican plugin creates smaller versions of images found in a directory 2024-01-23 15:52:39
minchin.pelican.plugins.wikilinks 1.0.0 Support Wikilinks when generating Pelican sites 2024-01-01 08:07:59
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