PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

atelier-toolbox 1.1.1 Tools for various automations 🧰 2023-11-05 18:34:58
poetry-plugin-lockedbuild 0.10.1 Poetry plugin to add support for building wheel files with locked packages from the poetry.lock 2023-11-01 15:36:35
poeblix 0.10 Poetry plugin that adds support for building wheel files using the poetry.lock file, and data_files just like in 2023-10-31 05:28:33
pyise-ers Python wrapper for Cisco ISE ERS API 2023-10-28 15:33:13
cookiecutter-poetry 0.6.2 A python cookiecutter application to create a new python project that uses poetry to manage its dependencies. 2023-10-25 04:41:33
media-parser 1.1.4 API for parsing media from social networks 2023-10-18 22:07:11
python-whiteprint 0.10.0 Generating Python projects using best practices 2023-10-17 09:40:19
caos 3.0.1 A simple dependency management tool and tasks executor for Python projects 2023-10-10 06:23:53
poetry-plugin-drop-python-upper-constraint 0.1.0 Poetry plugin used to drop upper constraints for Python 2023-10-06 11:25:13
cerializer 1.4.0 Even faster alternative to FastAvro 2023-09-26 09:59:02
littlelink 0.1.1 Littlelink Generator 2023-09-09 18:59:13
aws-codeartifact-poetry 1.4.0 AWS CodeArtifact Poetry CLI 2023-09-06 14:39:42
poetry-plugin-tweak-dependencies-version 1.5.1 Poetry plugin used to tweak dependency versions 2023-09-04 10:10:56
virtualenv-cache 0.0.2 Manage a cache of Python environments 2023-08-30 17:00:40
cad-tickers 1.5.4 Various Stock Utilties Created by me 2023-08-05 15:48:16
powerjira 0.3.4 A succinct, minimal local jira control plane that can live in your text editor. Interface with tickets fast! 2023-08-04 22:46:31
poetry-githooks 3.0.0 Simple git hooks with poetry 2023-07-30 19:01:08
poetry-add-requirements-txt 1.1.4 Add dependencies specified in requirements.txt file(s) to your Poetry project 2023-07-30 04:23:50
gitflow-pyproject-version-bumper 0.1.4 Automatic pyproject.toml based app version bumper 2023-07-19 08:50:26
poetry-dotenv-plugin 0.2.0 A Poetry plugin to automatically load environment variables from .env files 2023-07-16 11:35:46
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