PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

sendtomail 0.5.0 Free SMTP email sender using virtual email address. 2023-01-24 22:37:44
Topsis-Nandini-102067009 1.1.4 API and CLI tool to calculate Topsis, CLI tool inputs CSV/Excel files 2023-01-22 17:37:53
pypi-wrangler 1.0.0 PyPi Wrangler is a tool to assist in the packaging of python dependencies.. 2023-01-22 15:10:08
thoth-python 0.17.0 A Python ecosystem specific library 2023-01-13 20:20:51
pvpcheck 1.1.0 Package to check if private repository libraries have a public doppelgaenger with the same name. The goal is to prevent a dependency confusion attack on the PyPi ecosystem. 2023-01-13 06:06:46
protPy 0.0.1 2023-01-12 19:55:29
whatsonpypi 0.3.7 CLI tool to get package info from PyPI and add to requirements. 2023-01-12 04:08:48
pyprivpackage 0.1.0 Dependency Confusion Test 2023-01-08 22:44:45
pypicloud 1.3.12 Private PyPI backed by S3 2022-12-30 02:55:02
pypinonevirgin 0.0.2 Build my first PyPI package 2022-12-29 07:05:23
hw-wisecloud-analytics-1 7.0.1 Analytics Kit is a one-stop user behavior analysis platform for products such as mobile apps, web apps, quick apps, quick games, and mini-programs. It offers scenario-specific data collection, management, analysis, and usage, helping enterprises achieve effective user acquisition, product optimization, precise operations, and business growth. 2022-12-25 14:59:20
dparse2 0.7.0 A parser for Python dependency files 2022-12-23 17:41:53
helpers-drscook 1.1.0 helpers 2022-12-23 16:42:22
stdontoday 0.1.0 Example PyPI (Python Package Index) Package 2022-12-23 08:23:22
gauss-rank-scaler 0.0.3 A scikit-learn style transformer that scales numeric variables to normal distributions 2022-12-22 15:11:50
pip-jump-to 0.1.0 pjt (pip-jump-to) - a quick navigation tool for the PyPI packages. 2022-12-21 22:22:19
pip-requirements-parser 32.0.1 pip requirements parser - a mostly correct pip requirements parsing library because it uses pip's own code. 2022-12-21 15:25:22
drscook-utilities 3.0.12 helpful utilities 2022-12-17 08:40:29
foyou-sign 0.0.2 python pypi package example 2022-12-12 04:11:10
pyroma 4.1 Test your project's packaging friendliness 2022-11-24 10:01:11
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