PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pytransformers 0.1.0 create transformer models (Architecture behind chat GPT and other large language models) 2023-08-12 16:29:58
stipspy 0.1.0 An API wrapper for Stips written in in Python. 2023-08-12 14:59:35
article-crawler 0.0.4 A package for crawling markdown formatted articles from certain webpage and storing them locally. 2023-08-12 07:36:24
fork-django-streaming 0.2.0 video streaming based on Django 2023-08-12 06:58:37
PyGeom3D 0.0.2 Useful tools to work Geometries in Python(beta) 2023-08-12 02:47:45
pyspeedinsights 0.5.1 Measure your site speed, performance, accessibility and SEO in bulk from the command line with Python and the PageSpeed Insights API. 2023-08-11 23:06:43
sbatchpy 1.0.0 Sbatchpy is a python package allowing easy sbatch job script creation and submissions on hpc clusters, directly from python. 2023-08-11 21:32:33
varscope 0.1.1 Ultra simple module for creating local scopes in Python 2023-08-11 20:53:43
py-simple-sqlite 1.1.0 Библиотека для упрощенной работы с sqlite 2023-08-11 20:33:34
cjm-yolox-pytorch 0.0.147 A PyTorch implementation of the YOLOX object detection model based on the mmdetection implementation. 2023-08-11 18:08:38
create-vars 0.0.1 Create variables in time 2023-08-11 17:45:33
gsp-python 0.0.10 GSP Python implementation 2023-08-11 15:29:38
custolint 0.4.6 Another custom linter layer 2023-08-11 09:08:03
gtnet 0.0.6 A package for running Genome Taxonomy Network predictions 2023-08-11 06:07:25
image-data-split 1.0.2 Image data split package for machine learning 2023-08-11 00:11:06
P.E.T-build 1.5 A python tool to edit image geolocation data. 2023-08-10 18:06:02
flake8-internal-name-import 1.0.1 flake8 plugin that reports imports of internal names 2023-08-10 17:37:17
mykit 9.1.0 Python utility library 2023-08-10 15:08:38
python-packages-installer 3.14.6 This package helps you to install all modules you need in your directory 2023-08-10 12:29:53
cmdtrix 0.1.9 Matrix-console-effect made in Python. 2023-08-10 12:20:41
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