PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

dayu-ratelimit 1.2.5 ratelimit 2024-02-05 09:18:25
upstash-ratelimit 1.0.0 Serverless ratelimiting package from Upstash 2023-12-04 11:03:39
call-throttle 0.4.0 A decorator used to throttle calls of regular functions and asyncio coroutines. 2023-11-13 07:07:46
floodgate-rs 0.1.3 Python bindings for, a ratelimiting library written in Rust. 2023-07-21 22:21:48
aioratelimits 0.2.6 2023-05-23 05:48:08
django-blacklist 0.7.0 Blacklist users and hosts in Django. Automatically blacklist rate-limited clients. 2022-12-07 23:15:14
Py-redis-ratelimit 0.1.4 A simple asyncio-based rate limiter for Python3 using Redis. 2022-12-06 16:06:51
djangojr 1.0.5 Django app to json rest api provide api views, serializer, rate limit, pagination, authentication, permission,lazy response,blacklist etc. 2022-12-06 00:31:13
ratelimit 2.2.1 API rate limit decorator 2018-12-17 18:55:49
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