PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

CodeMetaPy 2.5.2 Generate and manage CodeMeta software metadata 2023-11-27 15:25:06
pyshacl 0.25.0 Python SHACL Validator 2023-11-23 00:40:42
mizgra 1.0.1 Converts Mizar ESX MML mathematical data to property graph formats - GraphML, YARS-PG for Neo4j, and other graph databases 2023-11-13 16:22:31
eds4jinja2 0.2.0 Embed the data source specifications in your JINJA templates directly, and enjoy the dynamic data contexts. 2023-10-24 19:12:26
heliokos 0.0.10 A knowledge organization system (KOS) service for Heliophysics 2023-10-20 15:54:02
sdd2rdf 1.3.1 sdd2rdf generates RDF graphs from semantically annotated data. 2023-08-18 18:17:38
ontocop 0.2.0 A toolbox for checking ontologies 2023-08-03 18:08:01
rdfreader 1.0.2 Read the full contents of CTAB .rdf files in python. Captures RXN and MOL record using RDKit and reads additional data fields (including solvents/catalysts/agents). 2023-08-03 09:13:46
pymantic 1.0.0 Semantic Web and RDF library for Python 2023-07-13 16:31:36
pyrdfsubset 0.1.3 Create RDF subsets based on ShEx constraints and optionally SPARQL query results. The development of this library started at the Biohackathon Japan in 2023 in Shodoshima 2023-06-30 08:27:51
dataone.common 3.5.2 Contains functionality common to projects that interact with the DataONE infrastructure via Python 2023-06-05 20:26:38
rdflib-hdt 3.1 A Store back-end for rdflib to allow for reading and querying HDT documents 2023-06-02 12:22:02
ontolol 0.1.0 Publish repositories of OWL ontologies as website 2023-05-19 10:39:32
codemeta2html 0.1.0 Convert software metadata in codemeta to html for visualisation 2023-05-15 16:30:34
SPARQLStreamWrapper 0.1.dev0 SPARQL Endpoint interface to permit streaming queries from Python 2023-03-24 19:16:02
pyomexmeta 1.2.14 2023-03-17 14:55:40
ttlser 1.1.5 Deterministic turtle serialization for rdflib. 2023-01-16 20:13:30
rdflib-store-trigdump 1.0.0 RDFLib store that reads and dumps TriG data on open and close 2023-01-01 19:28:11
pyperseo 0.1.1 Personal Semantic Objects 2022-12-20 12:27:36
skosprovider-rdf 1.3.0 skosprovider_rdf 2022-12-15 21:58:45
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