PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

requests_request 0.0.3 requests request extension. 2024-06-01 15:26:26
web-assets-downloader 2.3.1 A package for downloading web content and assets 2024-05-26 17:33:33
isic-metadata 2.0.0 None 2024-05-20 18:31:16
aiohttp-requests 0.2.4 A thin wrapper for aiohttp client with Requests simplicity 2024-05-11 19:48:53
PotSql 1.0 MySQL Library 2024-05-08 18:45:32
robotframework-zoomba 4.0.1 Robot Framework mini-framework. 2024-04-29 16:04:21
requests-builder 1.0.0 A helper package for building HTTP requests with the requests package 2024-04-27 12:28:54
robotframework-requests 0.9.7 Robot Framework keyword library wrapper around requests 2024-04-07 22:48:08
PyGz1 0.4.0 A Python library for Internet interaction. 2024-04-06 14:52:57
outerr2html 0.11 Pipe stdout/stderr to TXT/HTML (Windows only) 2024-04-03 03:17:51
getpublicipv4 0.12 script to get the public IP (v4) of a PC 2024-04-03 02:01:18
invenio-requests 4.1.0 "Invenio module for generic and customizable requests." 2024-03-23 14:29:03
SpaceXRM 0.0.4 Special package 2024-03-03 17:07:47
unparallel 0.3.0 Create async web requests in no time 2024-03-02 16:44:14
msal-requests-auth 0.8.0 Authentication using python requests and MSAL 2024-03-01 19:33:51
mymodules 7.0.5 Simple helping tool for scraping 2024-03-01 07:39:35
requests-ratelimiter 0.6.0 Rate-limiting for the requests library 2024-02-29 20:40:17
cianparser 1.0.4 Parser information from Cian website 2024-02-20 19:24:52
certifi-linux 1.0.0 Certifi patch for using Linux cert trust stores 2024-02-20 12:17:27
requests-cache 1.2.0 A persistent cache for python requests 2024-02-17 23:28:05
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