PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

torchlayers-nightly 1711930087 Input shape inference and SOTA custom layers for PyTorch. 2024-04-01 00:08:27
leap-net 0.1.1 An implementation in keras 3.0 (and tensorflow keras) of the LeapNet model 2024-02-21 13:43:05
timm-eidl 0.9.14.dev0 PyTorch Image Models 2024-01-14 00:59:17
sparsezoo 1.6.1 Neural network model repository for highly sparse and sparse-quantized models with matching sparsification recipes 2023-12-20 14:23:57
xmixers 0.0.0 Xmixers: A collection of SOTA efficient token/channel mixers 2023-11-19 08:00:22
fastervit 0.9.8 FasterViT: Fast Vision Transformers with Hierarchical Attention 2023-09-01 18:48:20
pydlmodels 0.1.4 A package for deep learning models and data preprocessing 2023-08-16 10:47:36
pytorch-toolbelt 0.6.3 PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming 2023-05-07 18:50:34
plsc 2.4.0 PLSC is an open source repo for a collection of Paddle Large Scale Classification Tools, which supports large-scale classification model pre-training as well as finetune for downstream tasks. 2023-01-17 11:43:06
torch-resnet 0.0.1 Resnet implementation in pytorch 2022-11-21 17:17:07
pytorchcv 0.0.67 Image classification and segmentation models for PyTorch 2021-09-21 10:21:23
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