PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

django-rest-framework-signature 4.0.1.dev1 Django Rest Framework Signature Authentication 2024-11-13 18:35:28
drf-writable-nested 0.7.1 Writable nested helpers for django-rest-framework's serializers 2024-10-29 00:40:22
drf-keyed-list-bihealth 0.2.1 Fork of drf-keyed-list maintained by @bihealth 2024-02-29 14:34:15
rest_framework_mixins 1.0.0 A collection of DRF mixins combinations 2023-12-10 01:23:42
embedded-hermes-dataclasses 0.0.3 Django REST Framework and dataclasses integration 2023-10-10 01:07:42
djangorestframework-fine-permissions 0.9.2 Field level permissions for Django REST Framework 2023-07-18 12:21:26
drf-serializer-inference 0.0.2 Infer Django Rest Framework serializers from callables like functions and classes. 2023-05-06 12:22:04
drf-openapi-schema 0.0.3 Django Rest Framework OpenAPI Schema generation. 2023-05-06 11:19:14
drf-dynamic-fields 0.4.0 Dynamically return subset of Django REST Framework serializer fields 2022-04-05 20:48:34
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