PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

flama 1.6.0 Fire up your models with the flame 🔥 2023-09-27 01:28:29
piiwee 0.4 A simple cache and permission layer for peewee 2023-08-24 05:55:57
chato 0.1 2023-08-22 14:22:18
fastapi-crudrouter-as3445 0.8.6 A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models 2023-08-15 15:11:13
fastapi-restful 0.5.0 Quicker FastApi developing tools 2023-08-13 17:17:08
pypdb 2.3 A Python wrapper for the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) API 2023-07-24 02:30:40
api-shop 1.14.1 RESTful api shop for django or flask or bottle 2023-07-07 07:35:13
fdi 1.34.2 Flexible Data Integrator 2023-07-06 05:24:07
geoserver-pyadm 1.0.0 Geoserver Python client 2023-05-12 03:34:21
pyramid-openapi3 0.16.0 Pyramid addon for OpenAPI3 validation of requests and responses. 2023-03-22 16:21:08
result4utility 0.1.3 Result For Utility Tools 2023-02-10 16:13:41
fastapi-crudrouter 0.8.6 A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models 2023-01-28 08:44:45
elepay-python-sdk 1.2.0 elepay API リファレンス 2023-01-24 02:50:29
elepay 0.5.1 elepay API リファレンス 2023-01-23 02:42:28
diematic-client 1.9 Asynchronous Python client for diematic-server HTTP server 2022-12-12 16:11:27
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