PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

wmi-client-wrapper-py3 2023.1 A fork of Bryan Bishop's wmi-client-wrapper extended to include Python3 support 2023-01-31 02:59:44
ort-function-experiment-nightly 0.0.1 2023-01-28 15:43:53
ccache 0.0.1 2023-01-24 12:31:02
soos-sample-project 1.0.1 SOOS ( ) is an independent software security company, located in Winooski, VT USA, building security software for your team. Used for testing purposes, this package is an example of a vulnerable package on a public registry. 2023-01-16 17:40:50
viena-polygon 1.1.11 A viena-polygon Python project 2023-01-13 14:47:57
turbinia-api-client 1.0.0 2023-01-11 03:52:25
justfunctions 0.0.0 justfunctions for Python 2023-01-08 08:10:29
mylib-km A sample Python project 2023-01-05 03:10:49
damealgorithms 0.1.2.post1 A library storing simple algorithms maintained by David Arroyo MEnéndez' 2022-12-27 18:48:01
samcarswell-test 0.20.1 A CLI to interact with samcarswell-test 2022-12-19 02:38:49
stochpro 0.0.1 Sampling from stochastic processes. 2022-12-16 22:39:34
example-package-hchiam 0.0.3 A sample Python project 2022-12-16 07:58:55
sampleproject 3.0.0 A sample Python project 2022-12-01 18:51:01
sample-sheet 0.13.0 An Illumina Sample Sheet parsing library 2022-08-12 02:21:02
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