Name | Version | Summary | date |
plateFinderDaniela | 1.0.0 | A package find the plate | 2024-02-11 15:30:05 |
plateFinderErbi | 1.0.0 | A package find the plate | 2024-02-11 15:27:51 |
plateFinderOne | 1.0.0 | A package find the plate | 2024-02-11 15:27:03 |
plateFinder | 1.0.1 | A package find the plate | 2024-02-11 15:26:38 |
plateFinderAndi | 1.0.1 | A package that finds the plate | 2024-02-11 15:26:37 |
salaryLedia | 1.0.0 | A package that calculates salary | 2023-10-15 13:20:58 |
salaryyy | 1.0.0 | tax payment | 2023-10-15 12:48:56 |
salaryandtaxcalculator | 1.0.1 | A package that calculates tax based on salary | 2023-10-15 12:46:01 |
llogaritestax | 1.0.0 | A package calculates tax | 2023-10-15 12:45:47 |
salarycalculatorsda | 1.0.0 | A package to calculate ypur salary | 2023-10-15 12:45:39 |
fraplustreewww | 1.0.0 | A package draws tree and fractals | 2023-10-15 12:44:58 |
fraplustree | 1.1.1 | A package draws tree and fractals | 2023-10-15 10:35:53 |
PlayCoinGame | 1.0.2 | A package that plays guess the coin | 2023-01-14 15:24:27 |
hour | day | week | total |
34 | 1542 | 6908 | 284065 |