PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

tap-readme 0.0.1a4 `tap-readme` is a Singer tap for, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-03-18 17:41:37
tap-forem 0.1.1 `tap-forem` is a Singer tap for Forem, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-03-06 23:33:57
tap-socketdev 0.2.1 `tap-socketdev` is a Singer tap for Socket, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-03-05 03:10:48
tap-geekbot 0.2.0 `tap-geekbot` is a Singer tap for Geekbot, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-03-01 17:26:18
tap-clinicaltrials 0.1.1 `tap-clinicaltrials` is a Singer tap for, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-03-01 17:21:24
tap-google-play 0.3.3 `tap-google-play` is a Singer tap for GooglePlay, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-02-19 16:38:46
tap-pulumi-cloud 0.1.0 `tap-pulumi-cloud` is a Singer tap for Pulumi Cloud, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-02-19 01:32:07
tap-neon 0.4.0 `tap-neon` is a Singer tap for Neon Serverless Postgres, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-02-17 04:43:55
tap-readthedocs 0.4.0 `tap-readthedocs` is a Singer tap for ReadTheDocs, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-02-06 01:50:57
tap-shortcut 0.4.0 `tap-shortcut` is a Singer tap for Shortcut, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-02-05 19:56:23
tap-dbt 0.10.0 Singer tap for dbt, built with the Singer SDK. 2024-02-05 17:56:12
tap-dbf 0.1.2 Singer tap for .DBF files 2024-01-09 01:24:38
tap-betterstack 0.1.1 `tap-betterstack` is a Singer tap for Better Stack, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-01-03 03:24:49
tap-pipedream 0.2.0 `tap-pipedream` is a Singer tap for Pipedream, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-01-02 23:39:57
tap-checkly 0.2.0 Singer tap for Checkly, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-01-02 20:57:14
tap-bitly 0.2.0 `tap-bitly` is a Singer tap for Bitly, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-01-02 18:33:22
tap-bitso 0.1.1 `tap-bitso` is a Singer tap for Bitso, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2024-01-02 05:00:22
tap-belvo 0.0.1b6 `tap-belvo` is a Singer tap for Belvo, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps. 2023-12-07 06:16:04
singer-summarize 0.0.1a5 Singer target that summarizes a tap's output 2023-10-22 02:25:25
target-miso 0.9.5 A Singer target for writing data to Miso API 2023-07-13 15:04:56
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