PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

stactools-glad-glclu2020 0.1.1 GLAD Land Use Land Cover 2020 stactools packages 2024-11-20 02:14:34
stactools-noaa-hrrr 0.1.2 NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) stactools package 2024-08-16 20:53:48
stactools-sentinel2 0.6.4 Create STAC Items from Sentinel-2 metadata 2024-04-04 16:36:30
stactools-ecmwf-forecast 0.2.0 "stactools package to generate STAC items for ECMWF forecast products." 2024-03-14 19:24:06
stactools-sentinel1 0.8.0 stactools subpackage for creating sentinel1 STACs 2024-02-16 19:25:54
stactools-amazonia-1 0.1.3 Amazonia-1 on AWS stactools package 2024-02-07 21:10:25
stactools-naip 0.5.0 STAC item creation tools for NAIP dataset. 2024-01-17 23:07:57
stactools-datacube 0.1.0 stactools package for datacube data formats 2023-09-05 14:28:08
stactools-landsat 0.4.1 stactools package for Landsat data 2023-08-31 12:17:38
stactools-canelevation 0.2.0 PROVIDE DESCRIPTION HERE 2023-08-18 17:39:04
stactools-geoparquet-items 0.4.0 Uses stac-geoparquet to generate a geoparquet for a list of STAC items 2023-07-25 21:57:15
stactools-cop-dem 0.4.1 stactools package for Copernicus Digital Elevation Model 2023-04-14 20:20:44
stactools-sentinel3 0.4.0 Stactools package for Sentinel-3 OLCI (level 1 EFR, ERR and level 2 LFR, LRR, WFR), SLSTR (level 1 RBT and level 2 FRP, LST, WST), SRAL (level 2 LAN, WAT), and SYNERGY (level 2 AOD, SYN, V10, VG1, VGP) scenes. 2023-03-31 16:10:48
stactools-noaa-cdr 0.2.1 NOAA Climate Data Records (CDR) stactools package 2023-03-31 13:37:18
stactools-goes-glm 0.2.3 stactools package for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on the GOES-16/R, GOES-17/S, and GOES-18/T satellites. 2023-01-27 16:30:40
stactools-usda-cdl 0.1.2 stactools package for USDA Cropland Data Layer 2023-01-12 19:33:24
stactools-aster 0.2.1 PROVIDE DESCRIPTION HERE 2023-01-11 23:06:53
stactools-goes 0.1.7 stactools package for working with NOAA''s GOES data 2023-01-06 19:45:30
stactools-fws-nwi 0.2.0 stactools package for the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) product provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) 2022-12-21 16:33:57
stactools-esa-cci-lc 0.1.0 stactools package for ESA''s Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Land Cover (LC) product 2022-12-19 20:26:25
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