PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

lunasvg 0.0.9 SVG rendering library 2024-09-16 22:45:51
mkdocs-plugin-inline-svg-utf8 0.1.3 A MkDocs plugin that inlines SVG images into the output with utf-8 encoding. 2024-09-06 21:13:16
geodynamic 0.0.27 Geometric tools for parsing GeoGebra construction, proccess with manim animation and export to SVG 2024-08-14 14:13:38
pygal 3.0.5 A Python svg graph plotting library 2024-08-12 14:55:23
inkscape-layer-utils 0.5.0 Simple library to extract and manipulate layers in inkscape SVGs 2024-07-05 11:19:31
drawsvg 2.4.0 A Python 3 library for programmatically generating SVG (vector) images and animations. Drawsvg can also render to PNG, MP4, and display your drawings in Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab. 2024-06-23 02:08:15
svgoutline 0.2.2 Convert SVG files (including text) into simple lines and curves for plotters. 2024-06-04 06:33:00
vtracer 0.6.11 Python bindings for the Rust Vtracer raster-to-vector library 2024-05-02 22:09:06
svglibwheel 0.1 A pure-Python library for reading and converting SVG 2024-04-10 06:49:36
svgcheck 0.8.0 Verify that an svg file is compliant with the RFC standards. 2024-04-04 23:26:53
ean 0.0.2 ean is a python module to create EAN13 (ISBN) .svg barcode 2024-03-26 15:11:39
svgpathtools-light 1.6.2 A collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves. 2024-03-13 02:47:51
logo-diagram-generator 0.3.3 Generate SVG diagrams of a (tech) ecosystem, using logos from each tool organised into groups around a central logo 2024-03-08 00:07:31
bibliometrics 3.2.0 Summarize your Google Scholar bibliometrics in an SVG 2024-03-05 20:52:05
svg-pltmarker 1.0.0 A library for generating Matplotlib markers from SVG files. 2024-02-19 14:27:02
sphinxcontrib-cadquery 0.8.1 Sphinx extension for rendering CadQuery models. 2024-02-17 02:22:19
prev-gen 5.1.0 Palette preview generator 2024-02-15 13:45:26
knows 1.0.0 Property graph benchmark that creates graphs with specified node and edge numbers, supporting multiple output formats and visualization 2024-01-28 22:22:41
vye-svgbob 0.1.4 Render ASCII art diagrams to SVG using the Rust crate svgbob. 2024-01-17 06:51:10
django-iconify 0.4 Iconify API implementation and tools for Django projects 2023-12-04 23:21:05
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