PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

types-aiobotocore-swf 2.12.3 Type annotations for aiobotocore.SWF 2.12.3 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.2 2024-04-12 01:33:26
Aspose.Slides 24.3.0 Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET is a presentation file formats processing library for working with Microsoft PowerPoint files without using Microsoft PowerPoint. 2024-03-17 19:51:44
mypy-boto3-swf 1.29.0 Type annotations for boto3.SWF 1.29.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.20.3 2023-11-14 21:36:32
swf-typed 1.1.1 Typed Python interface to AWS Simple Workflow service 2022-10-26 04:10:17
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