PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

gigacommit 0.1.1 gigacommit generates commit message with GigaChat 2024-03-25 08:51:08
lnmc 1.4.0 Allows to create symbolic link in batches from a YAML file and consolidate them in a specific directory. 2023-12-28 12:40:59
debops 3.1.0 Your Debian-based data center in a box 2023-11-29 21:50:41
joker-superuser 0.2.6 tools for power users 2023-07-31 08:29:50
python-netdiscover 0.3.0 python-netdiscover is a simple wrapper for the netdiscover reconnaissance tool 2023-06-27 08:11:25
tell-me-your-secrets 2.4.2 A simple module which finds files with different secrets keys present inside a directory 2023-04-02 19:33:02
searchdups 1.0.0 Searches for duplicate files in folders (recursively, if needed) 2023-02-02 13:46:28
ph-confer 1.2.8 A tool to automatically template configurations from a key-value store. 2023-01-30 20:20:01
configobj 5.0.8 Config file reading, writing and validation. 2023-01-18 22:34:47
honcho 1.1.0 Honcho: a Python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applications. 2021-10-30 15:18:04
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