PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

iJustWantTemplating 2.0.2 A very simplistic templating "language" for quick and easy development of static sites. 2023-08-30 12:57:25
ssm-ps-template 2.4.1 CLI for rendering configuration templates with SSM Parameter Store as a data source 2023-06-21 18:19:56
html5tagger 1.3.0 Pythonic HTML generation/templating (no template files) 2023-03-28 05:59:34
tempt 0.0.1 tempt is a flexible and powerful Python template engine for dynamic substitution of values in templates. 2023-03-15 19:38:08
t5html 23.6.2 Converts text to html. Text muste be in t5html form. 2023-02-11 16:55:46
k8t 0.8.3 Kubernetes templating engine based on Jinja2 2023-02-09 15:42:38
docplates 1.0.2 Docplates is a PDF document templater which uses Jinja2 and LaTeX/WeasyPrint backends to create documents. 2023-02-08 11:00:54
pyannotating 1.2.1 Library to structure annotations in your code 2023-01-21 17:09:24
head-context 0.1.1 2022-12-31 11:02:45
j2cli 0.3.10 Command-line interface to Jinja2 for templating in shell scripts. 2019-06-07 12:23:41
py3o.template 0.10.0 An easy solution to design reports using LibreOffice 2019-03-15 10:09:06
Tempita 0.5.2 A very small text templating language 2013-12-17 04:08:06
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