PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

arxiv2text 0.1.14 Converting PDF files to text, mainly with a focus on arXiv papers. 2024-01-09 09:52:08
spatialmath-python 1.1.9 Provides spatial maths capability for Python 2024-01-03 17:06:44
tranzlate 0.0.1 Multilingual translation of text, files, markup and BeautifulSoup objects. 2023-12-26 18:01:40
Flask-Translator 0.1 Flask-Translator is a quick and easy-to-use extension for Flask projects, enabling translation from YAML files. 2023-12-23 13:57:22
ocr_translate-tesseract 0.2.0 Plugin to implement tesseract OCR for ocr_translate. 2023-12-17 06:48:52
ocr_translate-easyocr 0.3.0 Plugins to enable usage of Easyocr in ocr_translate 2023-12-17 06:46:44
ocr_translate-hugging_face 0.2.1 Plugins to enable usage of HuggingFace Models in ocr_translate 2023-12-17 06:45:39
ocr_translate-google 0.2.1 Plugin to implement google translation for ocr_translate. 2023-12-17 06:31:49
django-ocr_translate 0.5.1 Django app for OCR and translation 2023-12-17 06:28:19
mymemopy 0.1.1 Translate phrases or texts using the Mymemory API in a simple way. 2023-12-14 14:35:52
elongation-simulators 1.0.5 High-performance Ribosome simulator and elongation simulator for eukaryotic organism 2023-12-12 21:49:06
aiogram-translation 2.0.1 Simple aiogram translation plugin built using pydantic. 2023-12-12 17:48:05
voxa 0.0.2 The Voxa Language Translation Service 2023-12-12 04:00:07
gpt-api-python 1.0.3 Python client sdk to access GPT's AI-powered conversational functionality (without OpenAI API key nor VPN) 2023-12-06 16:25:04
sil-thot 3.4.3 A toolkit for statistical word alignment and machine translation 2023-11-30 22:07:11
ezi18n 1.0.3 A custom i18n implementation that is built to be easily used. 2023-11-30 14:51:04
sil-machine 1.0.1 A natural language processing library that is focused on providing tools for resource-poor languages. 2023-11-22 18:07:48
python-docs-bootstrapper 0.1.2 Bootstrapper for Python documentation translations 2023-11-12 18:35:40
py-transgpt 1.4 Platform translation interface encapsulation: ChatGPT, Baidu, Tencent 2023-11-11 23:52:08
ragstack-ai-langsmith 0.0.1a1 Client library to connect to the LangSmith LLM Tracing and Evaluation Platform. 2023-11-09 15:11:25
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