PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

romanlibrary 1.3.1 A Python library for drawing Roman numerals using Turtle graphics 2024-02-15 21:20:14
turtle-trading 3.5.1 A collection of investment tools used by the Turtle Traders. 2024-02-07 19:01:53
gameturtle 0.281 Python gameturtle Module for make animations and games easily,by 2024-01-19 03:32:30
turtlefmt 0.1.1 Auto-formatter for RDF Turtle 2024-01-11 14:20:39
catch-turtle 1.1.4 使用turtle模块制作的一款娱乐游戏。An entertainment game using module turtle.作者:qfcy 2024-01-09 12:03:29
turtlestar 1.0.4 使用turtle模块画出动态星空的程序, 类似Windows内置的星空屏保。A program uses module turtle to draw dynamic stars, being similar to the built-in starry screen saver in Windows. 2024-01-09 12:03:25
solar-system 0.9 Solar system gravity simulation using Python turtle graphics and physical algorithm. 使用turtle模块及物理算法的天体引力模拟程序。 2023-12-24 04:10:58
BoxTurtle 1.1.5 Simple turtle graphics library with 3D integration 2023-12-13 16:37:57
adafruit-circuitpython-turtle 3.0.1 Turtle graphics library for CircuitPython and displayio 2023-12-09 17:54:11
sprites 1.722 Python Sprites Module for make introductory animations and games and educational purpose。It mainly provides Sprite class inherited from Turtle class。Can be applied to the teaching of elementary mathematics。Pyhton的精灵模块,为教育目的而制作启蒙动画与游戏。主要提供继承自Turtle类的Sprite类,Key类,Mouse类等及一些工具函数,如洪水填充命令,几何相关命令。它支持像素级碰撞检测命令及增强的图章命令等等,也可应用于初等数学几何的教学。作者:李兴球。微信:scratch8,专业编程私教。网址: 2023-11-15 11:31:00
pyontutils 0.1.34 utilities for working with the NIF ontology, SciGraph, and turtle 2023-07-27 22:18:42
pymantic 1.0.0 Semantic Web and RDF library for Python 2023-07-13 16:31:36
turtle-tools 0.0.1 Simple utilities that extend Turtle 2023-07-09 20:21:57
Turtle-Polish-Edition 0.0.1 Turtle Module in Polish Commands (beta wersion) 2023-02-03 10:22:03
ttlser 1.1.5 Deterministic turtle serialization for rdflib. 2023-01-16 20:13:30
kglab 0.6.6 A simple abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs 2022-11-24 02:49:14
tortoise 0.1.1 Turtle graphics on the web. 2019-08-03 15:54:19
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