PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

colchian 0.2.1 Validate json/yaml documents using a Python dictionary defining keys and types. 2023-04-26 03:57:54
luhn-validator 1.2.0.post4 Simple validator for identification numbers based on the Luhn algorithm 2023-04-24 18:12:52
hebi A simple and fast pythonic programming language for Smart Contracts on Cardano 2023-04-15 22:35:19
csvschemavalidation 0.0.8 csvschemavalidation is an implementation of CSV Schema in Python. 2023-03-22 10:45:39
eopsin-lang 0.9.12 A simple pythonic programming language for Smart Contracts on Cardano 2023-03-14 16:30:58
kohi 0.3.0 A powerfull schema validator 2023-01-26 21:24:12
otsuvalidator 2.0.1 単体でもディスクリプタとしても使用できるバリデータライブラリ 2023-01-13 14:10:38
django-password-policies-validator 1.0.1 A Django app to validate password complexity and prevent users from reusing previous passwords. 2022-12-28 04:08:02
sqlvalidator 0.0.20 SQL queries formatting, syntactic and semantic validation 2022-12-25 15:30:14
extended-jsonschema 0.1.0 A fast JSON Schema validator with extensions 2022-12-22 20:40:29
Flask-Lan 0.1.12 Modernized Flask API builder with schema validator and OpenAPI 2022-12-16 15:13:26
django-fullclean 0.0.5 Force django model call full_clean before save. 2021-05-29 00:41:16
rfc3339-validator 0.1.4 A pure python RFC3339 validator 2021-05-12 16:37:54
rstvalidator 2020.12.3 .rst (reStructuredText) validator 2020-12-03 20:39:09
validator-collection 1.5.0 Collection of 60+ Python functions for validating data 2020-10-12 17:24:21
rfc3986-validator 0.1.1 Pure python rfc3986 validator 2019-10-28 16:00:19
collective.checkdocs 0.2 Distutils command to view and validate restructured text in package's long_description 2014-06-06 10:05:03
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