PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

unit-ease 0.1 A simple unit converter package for length, temperature, weight, and volume conversions 2024-09-03 14:29:17
modelprop 0.1.0 A package for evaluating machine learning supervised model and its performance 2024-07-03 00:27:35
trytond-carrier-weight 7.2.1 Tryton module to add cost method "on weight" on carrier 2024-05-01 12:03:16
trytond-stock-shipment-cost-weight 7.2.0 Tryton module to allocate shipment cost "by weight" 2024-04-29 15:53:02
trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost-weight 7.2.0 Tryton module to allocate shipment cost per weight 2024-04-29 15:37:06
trytond-account-stock-landed-cost-weight 7.2.0 Tryton module for landed cost per weight 2024-04-29 15:36:53
isovec 1.2.2 A package to calculate atomic, weight or volume composition of (custom) elements, molecules and mixtures, down to isotopic composition. 2024-03-06 16:29:05
ANYstructure 5.1.4 A plate field optimization tool for offshore structures calculated according to DNV standards 2024-03-01 12:36:21
hx711-rpi-py 1.65.0 Python bindings for Raspberry Pi HX711 C++ Library 2024-01-21 12:31:25
pkg13 0.1.0 Learn to create python package 2023-12-27 17:07:41
package-danu 0.1.0 Learn to create python package 2023-12-12 04:13:24
GuessConversionPkg 0.1.0 Learn to create python package 2023-12-09 04:51:39
weighted-levenshtein 0.2.2 Library providing functions to calculate Levenshtein distance, Optimal String Alignment distance, and Damerau-Levenshtein distance, where the cost of each operation can be weighted by letter. 2023-01-31 22:58:01
senitherweight 0.0.1 Hypixel SkyBlock Weight Calculator. 2023-01-03 21:19:46
weighted-levenshtein-substring 0.0.3 Library providing functions to calculate Levenshtein distance, Optimal String Alignment distance, and Damerau-Levenshtein distance, where the cost of each operation can be weighted by letter. 2022-12-28 19:26:48
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