PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

xcresult 15.1.3 An xcresult parser. 2024-03-07 14:46:58
kin 2.1.9 A simple project.pbxproj verifier 2024-02-26 10:25:40
xcodeproj 2.1.0 A utility for interacting with Xcode's xcodeproj bundle format. 2023-11-30 13:48:24
isim 15.0.0 Python wrapper around the simctl utility 2023-08-24 13:30:55
makeprojects 0.15.0 IDE project generator for Visual Studio, XCode, etc... 2023-08-19 23:37:23
protool 2.0.0 A tool for dealing with provisioning profiles 2023-08-04 06:52:26
os-ios-app-automation 1.16 Will prepare an iOS app by properties defined by a xml file 2023-04-20 07:48:06
xcodelocalize 1.0.1 Tool for automatic search and localization of .strings files 2023-02-04 04:50:27
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