
NameCr0wl3r JSON
Version 1.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThis module implements a crawler to find all links and resources
upload_time2024-06-18 10:26:00
maintainerMaurice Lambert
authorMaurice Lambert
licenseGPL-3.0 License
keywords crawler scraper scan web pentest discovery security selenium url uri
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            ![Cr0wl3r logo]( "Cr0wl3r logo")

# Cr0wl3r

## Description

This package implements a web discreet crawler to find all visible URLs on a website, this crawler can store pages (and reuse them for next crawl), scan web content for dynamic content (useful for pentest, red teaming and hacking), create a full JSON report and database to reuse the analysis, try to identify web pages, static content and assets to request only what is useful.

> The name *Cr0wl3r* is a pun with *Crawler* and *Growler* because this tool in not offensive but it's the first step to attack a web server.

## Requirements

This package require:

 - python3
 - python3 Standard Library


 - Selenium

## Installation

pip install Cr0wl3r 

## Usages

### Command lines

# Python executable
python3 Cr0wl3r.pyz -h
# or
chmod u+x Cr0wl3r.pyz
./Cr0wl3r.pyz --help

# Python module
python3 -m Cr0wl3r

# Entry point (console)
Cr0wl3r -F report.json -L DEBUG -l logs.log -R -S -d -c "mycookie=foobar" -H "User-Agent:Chrome" -m 3 -t "p" -r
Cr0wl3r -R -S -C -d -u -i -F report.json -L DEBUG -l logs.log -c "mycookie=foobar" "session=abc" -c "counter=5" -H "User-Agent:Chrome" "Api-Key:myapikey" -H "Authorization:Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" -m 5 -t "p" "img" -t "link" -I 3.5 -f "raw-url-only" -D4 "text/html" -q -r

### Python3

from Cr0wl3r import CrawlerRawPrinter


from ssl import _create_unverified_context
from Cr0wl3r import _Crawler, reports
from logging import basicConfig
from typing import Union


class CustomCr0wl3r(_Crawler):
    def handle_web_page(
        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str
    ) -> Union[bool, None]:

        print("[+] New web page:", url, "from", from_url, f"{tag}<{attribute}>")
        print("[*] There are still", len(self.urls_to_parse), "requests to send.")

    def handle_static(
        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str
    ) -> Union[bool, None]:

        print("[+] New static:", url, "from", from_url, f"{tag}<{attribute}>")
        print("[*] There are still", len(self.urls_to_parse), "requests to send.")

    def handle_resource(
        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str
    ) -> Union[bool, None]:

        print("[+] New assets:", url, "from", from_url, f"{tag}<{attribute}>")
        print("[*] There are still", len(self.urls_to_parse), "requests to send.")

cr0wl3r = CustomCr0wl3r(
    headers={"User-Agent": "Chrome", "Cookie": "mycookie=abc"},
    download_policy="do not download",

with open("urls.txt", 'w') as report:
    [report.write(url + '\n') for url in reports]

## Links

 - [Github Page](
 - [Pypi](
 - [Documentation](
 - [Python Executable](
 - [Windows Python Executable](

## Help

~# Cr0wl3r --help
usage: Cr0wl3r [-h] [--recursive] [--update] [--insecure] [--do-not-request-robots] [--do-not-request-sitemap] [--do-not-request-crossdomain] [--not-only-domain] [--max-request MAX_REQUEST] [--cookies COOKIES [COOKIES ...]]
               [--headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]] [--dynamic-tags-counter DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...]] [--report-filename REPORT_FILENAME] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,REQUEST,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE]
               [--interval-request INTERVAL_REQUEST] [--output-format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}] [--no-query-page]
               [--download-all | --download-html | --download-static | --download-resources | --download-by-content-type DOWNLOAD_BY_CONTENT_TYPE | --download-requested | --do-not-download]

This script crawls web site and prints URLs.

positional arguments:
  url                   First URL to crawl.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --recursive, -r       Crawl URLs recursively.
  --update, -u          Re-downloads and overwrites responses from requests made during previous crawls.
  --insecure, -i        Use insecure SSL (support selenium and urllib)
  --do-not-request-robots, --no-robots, -R
                        Don't search, request and parse robots.txt
  --do-not-request-sitemap, --no-sitemap, -S
                        Don't search, request and parse sitemap.xml
  --do-not-request-crossdomain, --no-crossdomain, -C
                        Don't search, request and parse crossdomain.xml
  --not-only-domain, -d
                        Do not request only the base URL domain (request all domains).
  --max-request MAX_REQUEST, -m MAX_REQUEST
                        Maximum request to perform.
  --cookies COOKIES [COOKIES ...], -c COOKIES [COOKIES ...]
                        Add a cookie.
  --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...], -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
                        Add headers.
                        Add a tag counter for scoring.
                        The JSON report filename.
                        WebCrawler logs level.
  --logfile LOGFILE, -l LOGFILE
                        WebCrawler logs file.
                        Interval between each requests by domain.
  --output-format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}, --format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}, -f {raw-url-only,colored,raw}
                        Output format.
  --no-query-page, --no-query, -q
                        Request only when path is different, without this option the same path will be requested for each differents queries.
  --download-all, --download, -D, -D0
                        Download (store) all responses
  --download-html, --dh, -D1
                        Download (store) only HTML responses
  --download-static, --ds, -D2
                        Download (store) only static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  --download-resources, --dr, -D3
                        Download (store) only resources files (images, documents, icon...)
                        Download (store) only responses with Content-Type that contains this value
  --download-requested, --dR, -D5
                        Download all requests responses and try to requests only Web page
  --do-not-download, --dN, -D6
                        Try to requests only Web page and do not download


## Licence

Licensed under the [GPL, version 3](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "Cr0wl3r",
    "maintainer": "Maurice Lambert",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "Crawler, Scraper, Scan, Web, Pentest, Discovery, Security, Selenium, URL, URI",
    "author": "Maurice Lambert",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "Windows",
    "description": "![Cr0wl3r logo]( \"Cr0wl3r logo\")\n\n# Cr0wl3r\n\n## Description\n\nThis package implements a web discreet crawler to find all visible URLs on a website, this crawler can store pages (and reuse them for next crawl), scan web content for dynamic content (useful for pentest, red teaming and hacking), create a full JSON report and database to reuse the analysis, try to identify web pages, static content and assets to request only what is useful.\n\n> The name *Cr0wl3r* is a pun with *Crawler* and *Growler* because this tool in not offensive but it's the first step to attack a web server.\n\n## Requirements\n\nThis package require:\n\n - python3\n - python3 Standard Library\n\nOptional:\n\n - Selenium\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install Cr0wl3r \n```\n\n## Usages\n\n### Command lines\n\n```bash\n# Python executable\npython3 Cr0wl3r.pyz -h\n# or\nchmod u+x Cr0wl3r.pyz\n./Cr0wl3r.pyz --help\n\n# Python module\npython3 -m Cr0wl3r\n\n# Entry point (console)\nCr0wl3r -F report.json -L DEBUG -l logs.log -R -S -d -c \"mycookie=foobar\" -H \"User-Agent:Chrome\" -m 3 -t \"p\" -r\nCr0wl3r -R -S -C -d -u -i -F report.json -L DEBUG -l logs.log -c \"mycookie=foobar\" \"session=abc\" -c \"counter=5\" -H \"User-Agent:Chrome\" \"Api-Key:myapikey\" -H \"Authorization:Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==\" -m 5 -t \"p\" \"img\" -t \"link\" -I 3.5 -f \"raw-url-only\" -D4 \"text/html\" -q -r\n```\n\n### Python3\n\n```python\nfrom Cr0wl3r import CrawlerRawPrinter\n\nCrawlerRawPrinter(\n    \"\",\n    recursive=False,\n).crawl()\n```\n\n```python\nfrom ssl import _create_unverified_context\nfrom Cr0wl3r import _Crawler, reports\nfrom logging import basicConfig\nfrom typing import Union\n\nbasicConfig(level=1)\n\nclass CustomCr0wl3r(_Crawler):\n    def handle_web_page(\n        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str\n    ) -> Union[bool, None]:\n\n        print(\"[+] New web page:\", url, \"from\", from_url, f\"{tag}<{attribute}>\")\n        print(\"[*] There are still\", len(self.urls_to_parse), \"requests to send.\")\n\n    def handle_static(\n        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str\n    ) -> Union[bool, None]:\n\n        print(\"[+] New static:\", url, \"from\", from_url, f\"{tag}<{attribute}>\")\n        print(\"[*] There are still\", len(self.urls_to_parse), \"requests to send.\")\n\n    def handle_resource(\n        self, from_url: str, url: str, tag: str, attribute: str\n    ) -> Union[bool, None]:\n\n        print(\"[+] New assets:\", url, \"from\", from_url, f\"{tag}<{attribute}>\")\n        print(\"[*] There are still\", len(self.urls_to_parse), \"requests to send.\")\n\ncr0wl3r = CustomCr0wl3r(\n    \"\",\n    recursive=True,\n    update=True,\n    max_request=10,\n    only_domain=False,\n    headers={\"User-Agent\": \"Chrome\", \"Cookie\": \"mycookie=abc\"},\n    robots=False,\n    sitemap=False,\n    crossdomain=False,\n    context=_create_unverified_context(),\n    interval=3.5,\n    download_policy=\"do not download\",\n    no_query_page=False,\n)\ncr0wl3r.crawl()\n\nwith open(\"urls.txt\", 'w') as report:\n    [report.write(url + '\\n') for url in reports]\n```\n\n## Links\n\n - [Github Page](\n - [Pypi](\n - [Documentation](\n - [Python Executable](\n - [Windows Python Executable](\n\n## Help\n\n```text\n~# Cr0wl3r --help\nusage: Cr0wl3r [-h] [--recursive] [--update] [--insecure] [--do-not-request-robots] [--do-not-request-sitemap] [--do-not-request-crossdomain] [--not-only-domain] [--max-request MAX_REQUEST] [--cookies COOKIES [COOKIES ...]]\n               [--headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]] [--dynamic-tags-counter DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...]] [--report-filename REPORT_FILENAME] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,REQUEST,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE]\n               [--interval-request INTERVAL_REQUEST] [--output-format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}] [--no-query-page]\n               [--download-all | --download-html | --download-static | --download-resources | --download-by-content-type DOWNLOAD_BY_CONTENT_TYPE | --download-requested | --do-not-download]\n               url\n\nThis script crawls web site and prints URLs.\n\npositional arguments:\n  url                   First URL to crawl.\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --recursive, -r       Crawl URLs recursively.\n  --update, -u          Re-downloads and overwrites responses from requests made during previous crawls.\n  --insecure, -i        Use insecure SSL (support selenium and urllib)\n  --do-not-request-robots, --no-robots, -R\n                        Don't search, request and parse robots.txt\n  --do-not-request-sitemap, --no-sitemap, -S\n                        Don't search, request and parse sitemap.xml\n  --do-not-request-crossdomain, --no-crossdomain, -C\n                        Don't search, request and parse crossdomain.xml\n  --not-only-domain, -d\n                        Do not request only the base URL domain (request all domains).\n  --max-request MAX_REQUEST, -m MAX_REQUEST\n                        Maximum request to perform.\n  --cookies COOKIES [COOKIES ...], -c COOKIES [COOKIES ...]\n                        Add a cookie.\n  --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...], -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]\n                        Add headers.\n  --dynamic-tags-counter DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...], --tags-counter DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...], --tags DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...], -t DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER [DYNAMIC_TAGS_COUNTER ...]\n                        Add a tag counter for scoring.\n  --report-filename REPORT_FILENAME, --report REPORT_FILENAME, -F REPORT_FILENAME\n                        The JSON report filename.\n  --loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,REQUEST,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}, -L {DEBUG,INFO,REQUEST,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}\n                        WebCrawler logs level.\n  --logfile LOGFILE, -l LOGFILE\n                        WebCrawler logs file.\n  --interval-request INTERVAL_REQUEST, --interval INTERVAL_REQUEST, -I INTERVAL_REQUEST\n                        Interval between each requests by domain.\n  --output-format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}, --format {raw-url-only,colored,raw}, -f {raw-url-only,colored,raw}\n                        Output format.\n  --no-query-page, --no-query, -q\n                        Request only when path is different, without this option the same path will be requested for each differents queries.\n  --download-all, --download, -D, -D0\n                        Download (store) all responses\n  --download-html, --dh, -D1\n                        Download (store) only HTML responses\n  --download-static, --ds, -D2\n                        Download (store) only static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)\n  --download-resources, --dr, -D3\n                        Download (store) only resources files (images, documents, icon...)\n  --download-by-content-type DOWNLOAD_BY_CONTENT_TYPE, --dct DOWNLOAD_BY_CONTENT_TYPE, -D4 DOWNLOAD_BY_CONTENT_TYPE\n                        Download (store) only responses with Content-Type that contains this value\n  --download-requested, --dR, -D5\n                        Download all requests responses and try to requests only Web page\n  --do-not-download, --dN, -D6\n                        Try to requests only Web page and do not download\n\n~# \n```\n\n## Licence\n\nLicensed under the [GPL, version 3](\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL-3.0 License",
    "summary": "This module implements a crawler to find all links and resources",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Documentation": "",
        "Executable": "",
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " scraper",
        " scan",
        " web",
        " pentest",
        " discovery",
        " security",
        " selenium",
        " url",
        " uri"
    "urls": [
            "comment_text": "",
            "digests": {
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                "sha256": "bf8399dbaa770008ac356259c876aa175d51b5adacfb95017f08916d89e0b560"
            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "Cr0wl3r-1.1.0.tar.gz",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "eab8cc591c09e2147d211e4697f07fd2",
            "packagetype": "sdist",
            "python_version": "source",
            "requires_python": ">=3.8",
            "size": 36586,
            "upload_time": "2024-06-18T10:26:00",
            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2024-06-18T10:26:00.500905Z",
            "url": "",
            "yanked": false,
            "yanked_reason": null
    "upload_time": "2024-06-18 10:26:00",
    "github": true,
    "gitlab": false,
    "bitbucket": false,
    "codeberg": false,
    "github_user": "mauricelambert",
    "github_project": "Cr0wl3r",
    "travis_ci": false,
    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": false,
    "requirements": [],
    "lcname": "cr0wl3r"
Elapsed time: 0.23775s