<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/gh-pages/doc/img/cryptoFuzz_Logo.png" title="Cryptofuzz / Generated and Converted Private and Public Key Very Easy On Python With cryptofuzz" alt="cryptofuzz python cryptography library" width="136" height="136">
# CryptoFuzz
[![Read the Docs](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/cryptofuzz)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest 'cryptofuzz documentation') [![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/python-publish.yml)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub commit check runs](https://img.shields.io/github/check-runs/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/main)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub top language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/cryptoFuzz)](https://pypi.org/project/cryptofuzz/) [![Website](https://img.shields.io/website?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcryptofuzz.readthedocs.io&up_color=blue&style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest)
## Installing & Quick Use
### Windows
On Windows, you can install CryptoFuzz using the following pip command:
pip install --upgrade cryptofuzz
### Linux & Mac
On Linux and macOS, you should use pip3 for installation:
pip3 install --upgrade cryptofuzz
### Git
To use the latest version from the source, you can clone the CryptoFuzz repository:
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptofuzz
2. Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd cryptofuzz
3. Install the package:
### Windows
You can either run the `install.bat` or `install` command:
# or
### Linux & Mac
On Linux and Mac, you can use the following commands to install:
bash install.sh
# or simply:
**Note:** If you face any permission issues on Linux, make the script executable using:
sudo chmod +x install.sh
[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/More%20Detail-0049AB?style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ton/ 'cryptoFuzz - Ton')
Add New Class For Generate and Convert TON Address.
- `cryptofuzz.Ton`
- `cryptofuzz.Ton.privatekey_to_address`
- `cryptofuzz.Ton.mnemonic_to_address`
- `cryptofuzz.Ton.decimal_to_address`
- `cryptofuzz.Ton.publickey_to_address`
- `cryptofuzz.Ton.raw_address`
[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/More%20Detail-0049AB?style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tron/ 'cryptoFuzz - Tron')
Add Function for Convert Private Key To Hex Address
- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_addr`
- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_hex_addr`
- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.pvk_to_hex_addr`
Add Function for Convert Decimal Number to Tron
Address :
- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.dec_to_addr`
Add Function for checking mnemonic standard type :
- `cryptofuzz.utils.is_mnemonic`
from cryptofuzz import Convertor
cn = Convertor()
isValid = cn.is_mnemonic("abandon ... help abandon flower") # Mnemonic 12/18/24
Add Short Key (Mini Private Key) Converter for bitcoin wallet. (Mini Private
Key : [More Detail's](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mini_private_key_format))
Short Key Like: `S6c56bnXQiBjk9mqSYE7ykVQ7NzrRy`
- Convert Short Key To Private Key (hex).
- Convert Short Key To Seed (bytes)
- Convert Short Key To Wif Compress and Uncompress.
- Convert Short Key To Decimal Number.
- More example follow : [Example/Source](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/tree/main/Example)
- [Convert Private key To Bitcoin (All Format) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-bitcoin 'Private key To Bitcoin (All Format) Address')
- [Convert Private key To Ethereum Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-ethereum 'Private key To Ethereum Address')
- [Convert Private key To TRON (TRX) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-tron-trx 'Private key To TRON (TRX) Address')
- [Convert Private key To Dogecoin Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-dogecoin 'Private key To Dogecoin Address')
- [Convert Private key To Litecoin Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-litecoin 'Private key To Litecoin Address ')
- [Convert Private key To Digibyte Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-digibyte 'Private key To Digibyte')
- [Convert Private key To DASH Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-dash 'Private key To DASH')
- [Convert Private key To Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-bitcoin-gold 'Private key To Bitcoin Gold')
- [Convert Private key To Ravencoin (rvn) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-ravencoin 'Private key To Ravencoin (rvn) Address')
## Private Key
More details about private key convert in python with
cryptofuzz : [cryptofuzz/Example/Privatekey](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/private-key-hex 'cryptofuzz private key hex source code python')
from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator
# // Convertor and Generator Shortcut
conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()
# // Generate private key
privatekey = gen.generate_private_key()
# // Convert private key To bytes
seed = conv.hex_to_bytes(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.hex_to_mne(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To wif compress
wif_compress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, True)
# // Convert private key To wif uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, False)
# // Convert private key To decimal number
dec = conv.hex_to_int(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To binary
binary_str = conv.hex_to_binary(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To xprv
xprv = conv.hex_to_xprv(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To xpub
xpub = conv.hex_to_xpub(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To compress address
compress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, True)
# // Convert private key To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, False)
## Wif
Convert From
Wif ( [More detail and Example](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/private-key-wif 'more detail wif convert with cryptofuzz') )
import os
from cryptofuzz import Convertor
conv = Convertor()
# // generate byte
byte = os.urandom(32)
# // convert Byte To wif
wif = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte)
# // wif to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.wif_to_mne(wif)
# // Convert Wif To Hex
privatekey = conv.wif_to_hex(wif)
# // Convert bytes To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte, False)
# // Convert Wif To Decimal Number
dec = conv.wif_to_int(wif)
# // Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.wif_to_binary(wif)
# // Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.wif_to_xprv(wif)
# // Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.wif_to_xpub(wif)
# // Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, True)
# // Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, False)
## Mnemonic
Convert From Mnemonic (BIP39) ( [More Detail](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/mnemonic) )
from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator
conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()
# Generate Mnemonic
mnemonic = gen.generate_mnemonic(12)
# Convert Mnemonic To Seed Bytes
seed = conv.mne_to_bytes(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To Hex
privatekey = conv.mne_to_hex(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Compress
wif_compress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, True)
# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, False)
# Convert Mnemonic To Decimal Number
dec = conv.mne_to_int(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To Binary
binary_str = conv.mne_to_binary(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To xprv
xprv = conv.mne_to_xprv(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To xpub
xpub = conv.mne_to_xpub(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To compress address
compress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, True)
# Convert Mnemonic To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, False)
## Decimal
Convert From Decimal (Number) ( [More Detail](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/decimal) )
from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator
conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()
# generate random number decimal
dec = gen.generate_decimal()
# decimal to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.int_to_mnemonic(dec)
# Convert decimal To Hex
privatekey = conv.int_to_hex(dec)
# Convert decimal To WIF Compress
wif_compress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, True)
# Convert decimal To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, False)
# Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.int_to_binary(dec)
# Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.int_to_xprv(dec)
# Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.int_to_xpub(dec)
# Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, True)
# Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, False)
## Block
read block data from block file (bitcoin core sync data file's) [ `blk00001.dat` ]
from cryptofuzz import block
import os
# path block file
path_data = os.path.join("BITCOIN_CORE_SYNC_BLOCK_FOLDER")
block_path = os.path.join(path_data, "blk00001.dat") # first block file sync
# full block data
block_data = block.reader(block_path)
## Command-Line Usage
After installing the `cryptofuzz` package, you can use the `cryptofuzz` command-line tool to perform various
cryptographic operations directly from your terminal.
### Examples
Here are some examples demonstrating how to use the `cryptofuzz` command-line tool:
### Generate a New Private Key
cryptofuzz --privatekey
Generating a new private key...
Private Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...
WIF: L5BmW3B5xBv...
Public Key: 04a34b...
Bitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT
Ethereum Address: 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e
### Generate a New Mnemonic Phrase
cryptofuzz --mnemonic
Generating a new mnemonic phrase...
Mnemonic: abandon amount liar amount expire adjust cage candy arch gather drum buyer
Seed: 5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c0...
Private Key: 0x8f2a559490...
Public Key: 04bfcab...
Bitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1HZwkCg...
Ethereum Address: 0xAb5801a7...
### Convert Private Key to Bitcoin Addresses
cryptofuzz --bitcoin
Converting private key to Bitcoin addresses...
Private Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...
P2PKH Address: 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT
P2SH Address: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy
Bech32 Address: bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kygt080
### Display Example Usages
cryptofuzz --example
Cryptofuzz Usage Examples:
1. Generate a new private key:
cryptofuzz --privatekey
2. Generate a new mnemonic phrase:
cryptofuzz --mnemonic
3. Convert a private key to Ethereum address:
cryptofuzz --ethereum
4. Display help information:
cryptofuzz --help
### Handling Incorrect Commands
If you enter an incorrect or unsupported command, `cryptofuzz` will suggest the closest matching command or prompt you
to view the help documentation.
cryptofuzz --bitcon
Unknown command '--bitcon'.
Did you mean '--bitcoin'?
For a list of available commands, type: cryptofuzz --help
### Display Help Information
To view detailed help information about all available commands, use the `--help` flag:
cryptofuzz --help
usage: `cryptofuzz [OPTIONS]`
### Example Cryptofuzz Operations
optional arguments:
- `-h`, `--help` show this help message and exit
- `-p`, `--privatekey` Generate a new private key and display associated data.
- `-m`, `--mnemonic` Generate a new mnemonic phrase and display associated data.
- `-b`, `--bytes` Generate a random byte sequence and display associated data.
- `-bin`,` --binary` Generate a random binary string and display associated data.
- `-x`, `--xprv` Generate a new extended private key (XPRV) and display associated data.
- `-d`, `--decimal` Generate a random decimal number and display associated data.
- `-w`, `--wif` Generate a new WIF key and display associated data.
- `-btc`, `--bitcoin` Convert a private key to Bitcoin addresses.
- `-eth`, `--ethereum` Convert a private key to an Ethereum address.
- `-dash`, `--dash` Convert a private key to a Dash address.
- `-ltc`, `--litecoin` Convert a private key to Litecoin addresses.
- `-doge`, `--dogecoin` Convert a private key to a Dogecoin address.
- `-btg`, `--bitcoingold` Convert a private key to a Bitcoin Gold address.
- `-qtum`, `--qtum ` Convert a private key to a Qtum address.
- `-zcash`, `--zcash ` Convert a private key to a Zcash address.
- `-rvn`, `--ravencoin` Convert a private key to a Ravencoin address.
- `-ex`, `--example` Display example usages of different commands.
### contact
Programmer & Owner : Mr. [PyMmdrza](https://github.com/Pymmdrza)
Email : PyMmdrza@Gmail.Com
Github: [cryptofuzz/cryptofuzz](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)
Document: [cryptofuzz](https://pymmdrza.github.io/cryptoFuzz)
### Donate:
Bitcoin (BTC): `1MMDRZA12xdBLD1P5AfEfvEMErp588vmF9`
Ethereum & USDT (ERC20): `0x348e3C3b17784AafD7dB67d011b85F838F16E2D1`
Litecoin (LTC): `ltc1qtgvxc6na9pxvznu05yys3j5rq9ej6kahe2j50v`
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz",
"name": "CryptoFuzz",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "CryptoFuzz, Wif, Mnemonic, Binary, seed, Foundation, Private, Key, HEX, Mnemonic, Binary, Bytes, bitcoin, ethereum, tron, dogecoin, zcash, digibyte, bitcoin gold, wallet, bip32, bip39, litecoin, qtum, ravencoin, BTC, ETH, TRX, DOGE, BTG, LTC, ZEC, AXE, DASH",
"author": "Mohammadreza (Mmdrza.Com)",
"author_email": "Pymmdrza@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/74/98/ca3dad9940bee197d7f46377a6910bc7583449077d1a6a3e2e6529ab628f/cryptofuzz-17.3.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "<div style=\"display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;\">\n\n\n<img src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/gh-pages/doc/img/cryptoFuzz_Logo.png\" title=\"Cryptofuzz / Generated and Converted Private and Public Key Very Easy On Python With cryptofuzz\" alt=\"cryptofuzz python cryptography library\" width=\"136\" height=\"136\"> \n\n</div> \n\n# CryptoFuzz\n\n[![Read the Docs](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/cryptofuzz)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest 'cryptofuzz documentation') [![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/python-publish.yml)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub commit check runs](https://img.shields.io/github/check-runs/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/main)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![GitHub top language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/cryptoFuzz)](https://pypi.org/project/cryptofuzz/) [![Website](https://img.shields.io/website?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcryptofuzz.readthedocs.io&up_color=blue&style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest)\n\n\n## Installing & Quick Use\n\n### Windows\n\nOn Windows, you can install CryptoFuzz using the following pip command:\n\n```bash\npip install --upgrade cryptofuzz\n```\n\n### Linux & Mac\n\nOn Linux and macOS, you should use pip3 for installation:\n\n```bash\npip3 install --upgrade cryptofuzz\n```\n\n### Git\n\nTo use the latest version from the source, you can clone the CryptoFuzz repository:\n\n1. Clone the repository:\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptofuzz\n```\n\n2. Navigate to the cloned directory:\n\n```bash\ncd cryptofuzz\n```\n\n3. Install the package:\n\n### Windows\n\nYou can either run the `install.bat` or `install` command:\n\n```bash\n./install.bat\n# or\n./install\n```\n\n### Linux & Mac\n\nOn Linux and Mac, you can use the following commands to install:\n\n```bash\nbash install.sh\n# or simply:\n./install.sh\n```\n\n**Note:** If you face any permission issues on Linux, make the script executable using:\n\n```bash\nsudo chmod +x install.sh\n```\n---\n\n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20Update%20at-2024.09.28-009848?style=plastic)]() \n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/More%20Detail-0049AB?style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ton/ 'cryptoFuzz - Ton')\n\nAdd New Class For Generate and Convert TON Address.\n\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton`\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton.privatekey_to_address`\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton.mnemonic_to_address`\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton.decimal_to_address`\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton.publickey_to_address`\n- `cryptofuzz.Ton.raw_address`\n\n---\n\n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20Update%20at-2024.09.16-009848?style=plastic)]() \n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/More%20Detail-0049AB?style=plastic)](https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tron/ 'cryptoFuzz - Tron')\n\nAdd Function for Convert Private Key To Hex Address\nTRON :\n\n- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_addr`\n- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_hex_addr`\n- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.pvk_to_hex_addr`\n\nAdd Function for Convert Decimal Number to Tron\nAddress :\n\n- `cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.dec_to_addr`\n\n---\n\n\n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20Update%20at-2024.09.07-009848?style=plastic)]() \n\nAdd Function for checking mnemonic standard type :\n\n- `cryptofuzz.utils.is_mnemonic`\n\n```python\nfrom cryptofuzz import Convertor\n\ncn = Convertor()\nisValid = cn.is_mnemonic(\"abandon ... help abandon flower\") # Mnemonic 12/18/24\n```\n\n---\n\n\n[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20Update%20at-2024.08.24-009848?style=plastic)]() \n\n\nAdd Short Key (Mini Private Key) Converter for bitcoin wallet. (Mini Private\nKey : [More Detail's](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mini_private_key_format))\n\nShort Key Like: `S6c56bnXQiBjk9mqSYE7ykVQ7NzrRy`\n\n- Convert Short Key To Private Key (hex).\n- Convert Short Key To Seed (bytes)\n- Convert Short Key To Wif Compress and Uncompress.\n- Convert Short Key To Decimal Number.\n\n---\n\n- More example follow : [Example/Source](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/tree/main/Example)\n- [Convert Private key To Bitcoin (All Format) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-bitcoin 'Private key To Bitcoin (All Format) Address')\n- [Convert Private key To Ethereum Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-ethereum 'Private key To Ethereum Address')\n- [Convert Private key To TRON (TRX) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-tron-trx 'Private key To TRON (TRX) Address')\n- [Convert Private key To Dogecoin Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-dogecoin 'Private key To Dogecoin Address')\n- [Convert Private key To Litecoin Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-litecoin 'Private key To Litecoin Address ')\n- [Convert Private key To Digibyte Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-digibyte 'Private key To Digibyte')\n- [Convert Private key To DASH Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-dash 'Private key To DASH')\n- [Convert Private key To Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-bitcoin-gold 'Private key To Bitcoin Gold')\n- [Convert Private key To Ravencoin (rvn) Address With Cryptofuzz](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/private-key-to-ravencoin 'Private key To Ravencoin (rvn) Address')\n\n---\n\n## Private Key\n\nMore details about private key convert in python with\ncryptofuzz : [cryptofuzz/Example/Privatekey](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/private-key-hex 'cryptofuzz private key hex source code python')\n\n```python\nfrom cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator\n\n# // Convertor and Generator Shortcut\nconv = Convertor()\ngen = Generator()\n# // Generate private key\nprivatekey = gen.generate_private_key()\n# // Convert private key To bytes\nseed = conv.hex_to_bytes(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To mnemonic\nmnemonic = conv.hex_to_mne(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To wif compress\nwif_compress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, True)\n# // Convert private key To wif uncompress\nwif_uncompress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, False)\n# // Convert private key To decimal number\ndec = conv.hex_to_int(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To binary\nbinary_str = conv.hex_to_binary(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To xprv\nxprv = conv.hex_to_xprv(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To xpub\nxpub = conv.hex_to_xpub(privatekey)\n# // Convert private key To compress address\ncompress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, True)\n# // Convert private key To uncompress address\nuncompress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, False)\n```\n\n## Wif\n\nConvert From\nWif ( [More detail and Example](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/private-key-wif 'more detail wif convert with cryptofuzz') )\n\n```python\nimport os\nfrom cryptofuzz import Convertor\n\nconv = Convertor()\n\n# // generate byte\nbyte = os.urandom(32)\n# // convert Byte To wif\nwif = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte)\n# // wif to mnemonic\nmnemonic = conv.wif_to_mne(wif)\n# // Convert Wif To Hex\nprivatekey = conv.wif_to_hex(wif)\n# // Convert bytes To WIF Uncompress\nwif_uncompress = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte, False)\n# // Convert Wif To Decimal Number\ndec = conv.wif_to_int(wif)\n# // Convert Wif To Binary\nbinary_str = conv.wif_to_binary(wif)\n# // Convert Wif To xprv\nxprv = conv.wif_to_xprv(wif)\n# // Convert Wif To xpub\nxpub = conv.wif_to_xpub(wif)\n# // Convert Wif To compress address\ncompress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, True)\n# // Convert Wif To uncompress address\nuncompress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, False)\n\n```\n\n## Mnemonic\n\nConvert From Mnemonic (BIP39) ( [More Detail](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/mnemonic) )\n\n```python\nfrom cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator\n\nconv = Convertor()\ngen = Generator()\n\n# Generate Mnemonic\nmnemonic = gen.generate_mnemonic(12)\n# Convert Mnemonic To Seed Bytes\nseed = conv.mne_to_bytes(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To Hex\nprivatekey = conv.mne_to_hex(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Compress\nwif_compress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, True)\n# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Uncompress\nwif_uncompress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, False)\n# Convert Mnemonic To Decimal Number\ndec = conv.mne_to_int(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To Binary\nbinary_str = conv.mne_to_binary(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To xprv\nxprv = conv.mne_to_xprv(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To xpub\nxpub = conv.mne_to_xpub(mnemonic)\n# Convert Mnemonic To compress address\ncompress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, True)\n# Convert Mnemonic To uncompress address\nuncompress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, False)\n```\n\n---\n\n## Decimal\n\nConvert From Decimal (Number) ( [More Detail](https://guide.mmdrza.com/guidelines/cryptofuzz/example/decimal) )\n\n```python\nfrom cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator\n\nconv = Convertor()\ngen = Generator()\n\n# generate random number decimal\ndec = gen.generate_decimal()\n# decimal to mnemonic\nmnemonic = conv.int_to_mnemonic(dec)\n# Convert decimal To Hex\nprivatekey = conv.int_to_hex(dec)\n# Convert decimal To WIF Compress\nwif_compress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, True)\n# Convert decimal To WIF Uncompress\nwif_uncompress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, False)\n# Convert Wif To Binary\nbinary_str = conv.int_to_binary(dec)\n# Convert Wif To xprv\nxprv = conv.int_to_xprv(dec)\n# Convert Wif To xpub\nxpub = conv.int_to_xpub(dec)\n# Convert Wif To compress address\ncompress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, True)\n# Convert Wif To uncompress address\nuncompress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, False)\n\n```\n\n---\n\n## Block\n\nread block data from block file (bitcoin core sync data file's) [ `blk00001.dat` ]\n\n```python\nfrom cryptofuzz import block\nimport os\n\n# path block file\npath_data = os.path.join(\"BITCOIN_CORE_SYNC_BLOCK_FOLDER\")\nblock_path = os.path.join(path_data, \"blk00001.dat\") # first block file sync\n# full block data\nblock_data = block.reader(block_path) \n```\n\n---\n\n## Command-Line Usage\n\nAfter installing the `cryptofuzz` package, you can use the `cryptofuzz` command-line tool to perform various\ncryptographic operations directly from your terminal.\n\n### Examples\n\nHere are some examples demonstrating how to use the `cryptofuzz` command-line tool:\n\n### Generate a New Private Key\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --privatekey\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\n```\nGenerating a new private key...\nPrivate Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...\nWIF: L5BmW3B5xBv...\nPublic Key: 04a34b...\nBitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT\nEthereum Address: 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e\n...\n```\n\n### Generate a New Mnemonic Phrase\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --mnemonic\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\n```\nGenerating a new mnemonic phrase...\nMnemonic: abandon amount liar amount expire adjust cage candy arch gather drum buyer\nSeed: 5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c0...\nPrivate Key: 0x8f2a559490...\nPublic Key: 04bfcab...\nBitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1HZwkCg...\nEthereum Address: 0xAb5801a7...\n```\n\n### Convert Private Key to Bitcoin Addresses\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --bitcoin\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\n```\nConverting private key to Bitcoin addresses...\nPrivate Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...\nP2PKH Address: 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT\nP2SH Address: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy\nBech32 Address: bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kygt080\n```\n\n### Display Example Usages\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --example\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\n```\nCryptofuzz Usage Examples:\n\n1. Generate a new private key:\n cryptofuzz --privatekey\n\n2. Generate a new mnemonic phrase:\n cryptofuzz --mnemonic\n\n3. Convert a private key to Ethereum address:\n cryptofuzz --ethereum\n\n4. Display help information:\n cryptofuzz --help\n```\n\n### Handling Incorrect Commands\n\nIf you enter an incorrect or unsupported command, `cryptofuzz` will suggest the closest matching command or prompt you\nto view the help documentation.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --bitcon\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\n```bash\nUnknown command '--bitcon'.\nDid you mean '--bitcoin'?\nFor a list of available commands, type: cryptofuzz --help\n```\n\n### Display Help Information\n\nTo view detailed help information about all available commands, use the `--help` flag:\n\n```bash\ncryptofuzz --help\n```\n\n**Output:**\n\nusage: `cryptofuzz [OPTIONS]`\n\n### Example Cryptofuzz Operations\n\noptional arguments:\n\n- `-h`, `--help` show this help message and exit\n- `-p`, `--privatekey` Generate a new private key and display associated data.\n- `-m`, `--mnemonic` Generate a new mnemonic phrase and display associated data.\n- `-b`, `--bytes` Generate a random byte sequence and display associated data.\n- `-bin`,` --binary` Generate a random binary string and display associated data.\n- `-x`, `--xprv` Generate a new extended private key (XPRV) and display associated data.\n- `-d`, `--decimal` Generate a random decimal number and display associated data.\n- `-w`, `--wif` Generate a new WIF key and display associated data.\n- `-btc`, `--bitcoin` Convert a private key to Bitcoin addresses.\n- `-eth`, `--ethereum` Convert a private key to an Ethereum address.\n- `-dash`, `--dash` Convert a private key to a Dash address.\n- `-ltc`, `--litecoin` Convert a private key to Litecoin addresses.\n- `-doge`, `--dogecoin` Convert a private key to a Dogecoin address.\n- `-btg`, `--bitcoingold` Convert a private key to a Bitcoin Gold address.\n- `-qtum`, `--qtum ` Convert a private key to a Qtum address.\n- `-zcash`, `--zcash ` Convert a private key to a Zcash address.\n- `-rvn`, `--ravencoin` Convert a private key to a Ravencoin address.\n- `-ex`, `--example` Display example usages of different commands.\n\n---\n\n### contact\n\nProgrammer & Owner : Mr. [PyMmdrza](https://github.com/Pymmdrza)\n\nEmail : PyMmdrza@Gmail.Com\n\nGithub: [cryptofuzz/cryptofuzz](https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz)\n\nDocument: [cryptofuzz](https://pymmdrza.github.io/cryptoFuzz)\n\n---\n\n### Donate:\n\nBitcoin (BTC): `1MMDRZA12xdBLD1P5AfEfvEMErp588vmF9`\n\nEthereum & USDT (ERC20): `0x348e3C3b17784AafD7dB67d011b85F838F16E2D1`\n\nUSDT & TRON (TRC20): `TR4mA5quGVHGYS186HKDuArbD8SVssiZVx`\n\nLitecoin (LTC): `ltc1qtgvxc6na9pxvznu05yys3j5rq9ej6kahe2j50v`\n",
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"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Generated and Converted Keys with any Type Foundation from Private Key [WIF Hexed Mnemonic and Binary Bytes seed] in Python",
"version": "17.3.0",
"project_urls": {
"Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz/issues",
"Documentation": "https://cryptofuzz.readthedocs.io/",
"Homepage": "https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz",
"Source Code": "https://github.com/Pymmdrza/cryptoFuzz",
"Website": "https://mmdrza.com"
"split_keywords": [
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