Version 2.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryGSM TC35/MC35 controller (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/Call and a lot more!)
upload_time2024-09-13 16:20:02
authorQuentin Comte-Gaz
keywords gsm pdu tc35 mc35 at sms mms call phone pin puk phonebook imei imsi ucs2 7bit forward unlock lock
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # GSM TC35 Python library
[![PyPI version](]( [![codecov](]( [![License: MIT](]( [![Donate](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Downloads](](

## What is it

This python library is designed to be integrated in python or shell projects using TC35 module.
It is multi-platform and compatible with python 3+.

Most functionalities should work with other GSM module using AT commands.

<img src="" width="800">

## Functionalities

Non-exhaustive list of GSMTC35 class functionalities:
  - Check/Enter PIN/PUK
  - Lock/Unlock/Change PIN
  - Send/Receive/Delete SMS/MMS
  - Call/Re-call (possible to hide phone number)
  - Hang-up/Pick-up call
  - Enable/disable/check Call/SMS/Fax forwarding
  - Get/Add/Delete phonebook entries (phone numbers + contact names)
  - Sleep with wake up possibilities (Low power consumption)
  - Check if someone is calling
  - Check if there is a call in progress
  - Check call status (call/ringing/...) and get the associated phone number
  - Get last call duration
  - Check if module is alive
  - Switch off
  - Reboot
  - Check sleep mode status
  - Get IDs (manufacturer, model, revision, IMEI, IMSI)
  - Set module to manufacturer state
  - Get the current used operator
  - Get the signal strength (in dBm)
  - Set and get the date from the module internal clock
  - Get list of operators
  - Get list of neighbour cells
  - Get accumulated call meter and accumulated call meter max (in home units)
  - Get temperature status
  - Change the baudrate mode

Non-exhaustive list of shell commands:
  - Send/Receive/Delete SMS/MMS
  - Call
  - Hang-up/Pick-up call
  - Show information (PIN status, operator, signal strength, last call duration, manufacturer/model/revision ID, IMEI, IMSI, date from internal clock, call status and associated phone number, operator list, neighbour cells, accumulated call meter (max), temperature status, sleep mode status)

## How to install (python script and shell)

  - Install package calling `pip install GSMTC35` (or `python install` from the root of this repository)
  - Connect your GSM module to a serial port
  - Get the port name (you can find it out by calling `python GSMTC35/ --help` from the root of this repository)
  - Load your shell or python script

Note: If you want to install test dependency and execute the library test, the command is `python test`

## How to use in shell

# Get help
python --help

# Send SMS or MMS (in UTF-8, using PDU mode)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendSMS +33601234567 "Hello from shell! 你好,你是?"

# Send SMS/MMS (encoded in UTF-8 hexadecimal, using PDU mode)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendEncodedSMS +33601234567 48656C6C6F2066726F6D207368656C6C2120E4BDA0E5A5BDEFBC8CE4BDA0E698AFEFBC9F

# Send (multiple) SMS (in UTF-8, using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendTextModeSMS +33601234567 "Hello from shell!"

# Get SMS/MMS (decoded, in plain text)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getSMS "ALL"

# Get SMS/MMS (encoded, in hexadecimal, charset specified in response)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getEncodedSMS "ALL"

# Get SMS (decoded by TC35 using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getTextModeSMS "ALL"

# Delete SMS
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --deleteSMS "ALL"

# Call
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --call +33601234567

# Call in hidden mode
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --call +33601234567 True

# Hang up call
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --hangUpCall

# Pick up call
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --pickUpCall

# Show GSM module and network information
python --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --information

# Use "--debug" to show more information during command
# Use "--nodebug" to not show any warning information during command

## How to use in python script

Example of python script using this library:

import sys
from GSMTC35.GSMTC35 import GSMTC35

gsm = GSMTC35()
pin = "1234"
puk = "12345678"
pin2 = "4321"
puk2 = "87654321"

# Mandatory step (PIN/PUK/PIN2/PUK2 will be entered if required, not needed to specify them)
if not gsm.setup(_port="COM3", _pin=pin, _puk=puk, _pin2=pin2, _puk2=puk2):
  print("Setup error")

if not gsm.isAlive():
  print("The GSM module is not responding...")

# Send SMS or MMS (if > 140 normal char or > 70 unicode char)
print("SMS sent: "+str(gsm.sendSMS("+33601234567", u'Hello from python script!!! 你好,你是?')))

# Send (multiple) SMS (encoded by TC35 using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)
print("SMS Text Mode sent: "+str(gsm.sendSMS("+33601234567", 'Hello from python script!!!', True)))

# Show all received SMS/MMS (decoded)
rx_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS)
print("List of SMS (decoded):")
for sms in rx_sms:
  print(str(sms["phone_number"])+" (id " +str(sms["index"])+", "
        +str(sms["status"])+", "+str(sms["date"])+" "+str(sms["time"])
        +"): "+str(sms["sms"]))

# Show all received SMS/MMS (encoded)
rx_encoded_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS, False)
print("List of SMS (encoded):")
for sms in rx_encoded_sms:
  print(str(sms["phone_number"])+" (id " +str(sms["index"])+", "
        +str(sms["status"])+", "+str(sms["charset"])+", "
        +str(sms["date"])+" "+str(sms["time"])+"): "+str(sms["sms"]))

# Show all received SMS (using text mode, NOT RECOMMENDED)
rx_text_mode_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS, False, True)
print("List of SMS (using text mode, NOT RECOMMENDED):")
for sms in rx_text_mode_sms:
  print(str(sms["phone_number"])+" (id " +str(sms["index"])+", "
        +str(sms["status"])+", "+str(sms["date"])+" "+str(sms["time"])
        +"): "+str(sms["sms"]))

# Delete all received SMS
print("Delete all SMS: "+str(gsm.deleteSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS)))

# Call
print("Called: "+str("0601234567", hide_phone_number=False)))

# Re-call same number
print("Re-called: "+str(gsm.reCall()))

# Last call duration
print("Last call duration: "+str(gsm.getLastCallDuration())+"sec")

# Pick up call
print("Picked up: "+str(gsm.pickUpCall()))

# Hang up call
print("Hanged up: "+str(gsm.hangUpCall()))

# Check Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding
print("Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding status: "+str(gsm.getForwardStatus()))

# Enable/disable Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding
print("Enable call forwarding: "+str(gsm.setForwardStatus(GSMTC35.eForwardReason.UNCONDITIONAL, GSMTC35.eForwardClass.VOICE, True, "+33601020304")))
print("Disable call forwarding: "+str(gsm.setForwardStatus(GSMTC35.eForwardReason.UNCONDITIONAL, GSMTC35.eForwardClass.VOICE, False)))

# Add entry in GSM module phonebook
print("Added contact to GSM module phonebook: "
      +str(gsm.addEntryToPhonebook("0600000000", "Dummy contact",

# Get entry list in GSM module phonebook:
entries = gsm.getPhonebookEntries(GSMTC35.ePhonebookType.GSM_MODULE)
print("List of stored contacts:")
for entry in entries:
  print(str(entry['index'])+": "+str(entry['contact_name'])+" -> "+str(entry['phone_number']))

# Delete all GSM phonebook entries:
print("Deleted all contact from GSM module phonebook: "

# Check if someone is calling
print("Incoming call: "+str(gsm.isSomeoneCalling()))

# Check if there is a call in progress
print("Call in progress: "+str(gsm.isCallInProgress()))

# Check if someone is calling, if a call is in progress, dialing and the associated phone number
call_state, phone_number = gsm.getCurrentCallState()
print("Call status: "+str(call_state)+" (associated phone number: "+str(phone_number)+")")
print("(-1=No call, 0=Call active, 1=Held, 2=Dialing, 3=Alerting, 4=Incoming, 5=Waiting)")

# Edit SIM Pin
print("SIM Locked: "+str(gsm.lockSimPin(pin)))
print("SIM Unlocked: "+str(gsm.unlockSimPin(pin)))
new_pin = pin # (Just for test)
print("SIM Pin changed: "+str(gsm.changePin(pin, new_pin)))

# Set module clock to current date
print("Clock set: "+str(gsm.setInternalClockToCurrentDate()))

# Show additional information
print("GSM module Manufacturer ID: "+str(gsm.getManufacturerId()))
print("GSM module Model ID: "+str(gsm.getModelId()))
print("GSM module Revision ID: "+str(gsm.getRevisionId()))
print("Product serial number ID (IMEI): "+str(gsm.getIMEI()))
print("International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI): "+str(gsm.getIMSI()))
print("Current operator: "+str(gsm.getOperatorName()))
sig_strength = gsm.getSignalStrength()
if sig_strength != -1:
  print("Signal strength: "+str(sig_strength)+"dBm")
  print("Signal strength: Wrong value")
print("Date from internal clock: "+str(gsm.getDateFromInternalClock()))
print("List of operators: "+str(gsm.getOperatorNames()))
print("Neighbour cells: "+str(gsm.getNeighbourCells()))
print("Accumulated call meter: "+str(gsm.getAccumulatedCallMeter())+" home units")
print("Accumulated call meter max: "+str(gsm.getAccumulatedCallMeterMaximum())+" home units")
print("Is temperature critical: "+str(gsm.isTemperatureCritical()))
print("Is in sleep mode: "+str(gsm.isInSleepMode()))

# Make the GSM module sleep for 20sec (may be wake up by received call or SMS)
sleep_ok, timer_wake, call_wake, sms_wake, temp_wake = \
  gsm.sleep(wake_up_with_timer_in_sec=20, wake_up_with_call=True,
print("GSM was in sleep mode ("+str(sleep_ok)+"), wake-up by: Timer ("
      +str(timer_wake)+") or a call ("+str(call_wake)+") or a SMS ("+str(sms_wake)+")")

# Reboot (an init is needed to use gsm functions after such a call)
print("Reboot: "+str(gsm.reboot()))

# Switch off device (gsm will not respond after such a call)
print("Switched off: "+str(gsm.switchOff()))

# At the end, close connection with GSM module

## Examples

List of examples:
  - <a target="_blank" href="">Expose GSM module to REST-API</a>

## License

This project is under MIT license. This means you can use it as you want (just don't delete the library header).

## Contribute

If you want to add more examples or improve the library, just create a pull request with proper commit message and right wrapping.


Raw data

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    "name": "GSMTC35",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "gsm pdu tc35 mc35 at sms mms call phone pin puk phonebook imei imsi ucs2 7bit forward unlock lock",
    "author": "Quentin Comte-Gaz",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "# GSM TC35 Python library\n[![PyPI version](]( [![codecov](]( [![License: MIT](]( [![Donate](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Downloads](](\n\n## What is it\n\nThis python library is designed to be integrated in python or shell projects using TC35 module.\nIt is multi-platform and compatible with python 3+.\n\nMost functionalities should work with other GSM module using AT commands.\n\n<img src=\"\" width=\"800\">\n\n## Functionalities\n\nNon-exhaustive list of GSMTC35 class functionalities:\n  - Check/Enter PIN/PUK\n  - Lock/Unlock/Change PIN\n  - Send/Receive/Delete SMS/MMS\n  - Call/Re-call (possible to hide phone number)\n  - Hang-up/Pick-up call\n  - Enable/disable/check Call/SMS/Fax forwarding\n  - Get/Add/Delete phonebook entries (phone numbers + contact names)\n  - Sleep with wake up possibilities (Low power consumption)\n  - Check if someone is calling\n  - Check if there is a call in progress\n  - Check call status (call/ringing/...) and get the associated phone number\n  - Get last call duration\n  - Check if module is alive\n  - Switch off\n  - Reboot\n  - Check sleep mode status\n  - Get IDs (manufacturer, model, revision, IMEI, IMSI)\n  - Set module to manufacturer state\n  - Get the current used operator\n  - Get the signal strength (in dBm)\n  - Set and get the date from the module internal clock\n  - Get list of operators\n  - Get list of neighbour cells\n  - Get accumulated call meter and accumulated call meter max (in home units)\n  - Get temperature status\n  - Change the baudrate mode\n\nNon-exhaustive list of shell commands:\n  - Send/Receive/Delete SMS/MMS\n  - Call\n  - Hang-up/Pick-up call\n  - Show information (PIN status, operator, signal strength, last call duration, manufacturer/model/revision ID, IMEI, IMSI, date from internal clock, call status and associated phone number, operator list, neighbour cells, accumulated call meter (max), temperature status, sleep mode status)\n\n## How to install (python script and shell)\n\n  - Install package calling `pip install GSMTC35` (or `python install` from the root of this repository)\n  - Connect your GSM module to a serial port\n  - Get the port name (you can find it out by calling `python GSMTC35/ --help` from the root of this repository)\n  - Load your shell or python script\n\nNote: If you want to install test dependency and execute the library test, the command is `python test`\n\n## How to use in shell\n\n```shell\n# Get help\npython --help\n\n# Send SMS or MMS (in UTF-8, using PDU mode)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendSMS +33601234567 \"Hello from shell! \u4f60\u597d\uff0c\u4f60\u662f\uff1f\"\n\n# Send SMS/MMS (encoded in UTF-8 hexadecimal, using PDU mode)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendEncodedSMS +33601234567 48656C6C6F2066726F6D207368656C6C2120E4BDA0E5A5BDEFBC8CE4BDA0E698AFEFBC9F\n\n# Send (multiple) SMS (in UTF-8, using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --sendTextModeSMS +33601234567 \"Hello from shell!\"\n\n# Get SMS/MMS (decoded, in plain text)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getSMS \"ALL\"\n\n# Get SMS/MMS (encoded, in hexadecimal, charset specified in response)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getEncodedSMS \"ALL\"\n\n# Get SMS (decoded by TC35 using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --getTextModeSMS \"ALL\"\n\n# Delete SMS\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --deleteSMS \"ALL\"\n\n# Call\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --call +33601234567\n\n# Call in hidden mode\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --call +33601234567 True\n\n# Hang up call\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --hangUpCall\n\n# Pick up call\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --pickUpCall\n\n# Show GSM module and network information\npython --serialPort COM4 --pin 1234 --information\n\n# Use \"--debug\" to show more information during command\n# Use \"--nodebug\" to not show any warning information during command\n```\n\n## How to use in python script\n\nExample of python script using this library:\n\n```python\nimport sys\nfrom GSMTC35.GSMTC35 import GSMTC35\n\ngsm = GSMTC35()\npin = \"1234\"\npuk = \"12345678\"\npin2 = \"4321\"\npuk2 = \"87654321\"\n\n# Mandatory step (PIN/PUK/PIN2/PUK2 will be entered if required, not needed to specify them)\nif not gsm.setup(_port=\"COM3\", _pin=pin, _puk=puk, _pin2=pin2, _puk2=puk2):\n  print(\"Setup error\")\n  sys.exit(2)\n\nif not gsm.isAlive():\n  print(\"The GSM module is not responding...\")\n  sys.exit(2)\n\n# Send SMS or MMS (if > 140 normal char or > 70 unicode char)\nprint(\"SMS sent: \"+str(gsm.sendSMS(\"+33601234567\", u'Hello from python script!!! \u4f60\u597d\uff0c\u4f60\u662f\uff1f')))\n\n# Send (multiple) SMS (encoded by TC35 using 'Text Mode', NOT RECOMMENDED)\nprint(\"SMS Text Mode sent: \"+str(gsm.sendSMS(\"+33601234567\", 'Hello from python script!!!', True)))\n\n# Show all received SMS/MMS (decoded)\nrx_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS)\nprint(\"List of SMS (decoded):\")\nfor sms in rx_sms:\n  print(str(sms[\"phone_number\"])+\" (id \" +str(sms[\"index\"])+\", \"\n        +str(sms[\"status\"])+\", \"+str(sms[\"date\"])+\" \"+str(sms[\"time\"])\n        +\"): \"+str(sms[\"sms\"]))\n\n# Show all received SMS/MMS (encoded)\nrx_encoded_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS, False)\nprint(\"List of SMS (encoded):\")\nfor sms in rx_encoded_sms:\n  print(str(sms[\"phone_number\"])+\" (id \" +str(sms[\"index\"])+\", \"\n        +str(sms[\"status\"])+\", \"+str(sms[\"charset\"])+\", \"\n        +str(sms[\"date\"])+\" \"+str(sms[\"time\"])+\"): \"+str(sms[\"sms\"]))\n\n# Show all received SMS (using text mode, NOT RECOMMENDED)\nrx_text_mode_sms = gsm.getSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS, False, True)\nprint(\"List of SMS (using text mode, NOT RECOMMENDED):\")\nfor sms in rx_text_mode_sms:\n  print(str(sms[\"phone_number\"])+\" (id \" +str(sms[\"index\"])+\", \"\n        +str(sms[\"status\"])+\", \"+str(sms[\"date\"])+\" \"+str(sms[\"time\"])\n        +\"): \"+str(sms[\"sms\"]))\n\n# Delete all received SMS\nprint(\"Delete all SMS: \"+str(gsm.deleteSMS(GSMTC35.eSMS.ALL_SMS)))\n\n# Call\nprint(\"Called: \"+str(\"0601234567\", hide_phone_number=False)))\n\n# Re-call same number\nprint(\"Re-called: \"+str(gsm.reCall()))\n\n# Last call duration\nprint(\"Last call duration: \"+str(gsm.getLastCallDuration())+\"sec\")\n\n# Pick up call\nprint(\"Picked up: \"+str(gsm.pickUpCall()))\n\n# Hang up call\nprint(\"Hanged up: \"+str(gsm.hangUpCall()))\n\n# Check Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding\nprint(\"Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding status: \"+str(gsm.getForwardStatus()))\n\n# Enable/disable Call/SMS/Fax/Data forwarding\nprint(\"Enable call forwarding: \"+str(gsm.setForwardStatus(GSMTC35.eForwardReason.UNCONDITIONAL, GSMTC35.eForwardClass.VOICE, True, \"+33601020304\")))\nprint(\"Disable call forwarding: \"+str(gsm.setForwardStatus(GSMTC35.eForwardReason.UNCONDITIONAL, GSMTC35.eForwardClass.VOICE, False)))\n\n# Add entry in GSM module phonebook\nprint(\"Added contact to GSM module phonebook: \"\n      +str(gsm.addEntryToPhonebook(\"0600000000\", \"Dummy contact\",\n                                   GSMTC35.ePhonebookType.GSM_MODULE)))\n\n# Get entry list in GSM module phonebook:\nentries = gsm.getPhonebookEntries(GSMTC35.ePhonebookType.GSM_MODULE)\nprint(\"List of stored contacts:\")\nfor entry in entries:\n  print(str(entry['index'])+\": \"+str(entry['contact_name'])+\" -> \"+str(entry['phone_number']))\n\n# Delete all GSM phonebook entries:\nprint(\"Deleted all contact from GSM module phonebook: \"\n      +str(gsm.deleteAllEntriesFromPhonebook(GSMTC35.ePhonebookType.GSM_MODULE)))\n\n# Check if someone is calling\nprint(\"Incoming call: \"+str(gsm.isSomeoneCalling()))\n\n# Check if there is a call in progress\nprint(\"Call in progress: \"+str(gsm.isCallInProgress()))\n\n# Check if someone is calling, if a call is in progress, dialing and the associated phone number\ncall_state, phone_number = gsm.getCurrentCallState()\nprint(\"Call status: \"+str(call_state)+\" (associated phone number: \"+str(phone_number)+\")\")\nprint(\"(-1=No call, 0=Call active, 1=Held, 2=Dialing, 3=Alerting, 4=Incoming, 5=Waiting)\")\n\n# Edit SIM Pin\nprint(\"SIM Locked: \"+str(gsm.lockSimPin(pin)))\nprint(\"SIM Unlocked: \"+str(gsm.unlockSimPin(pin)))\nnew_pin = pin # (Just for test)\nprint(\"SIM Pin changed: \"+str(gsm.changePin(pin, new_pin)))\n\n# Set module clock to current date\nprint(\"Clock set: \"+str(gsm.setInternalClockToCurrentDate()))\n\n# Show additional information\nprint(\"GSM module Manufacturer ID: \"+str(gsm.getManufacturerId()))\nprint(\"GSM module Model ID: \"+str(gsm.getModelId()))\nprint(\"GSM module Revision ID: \"+str(gsm.getRevisionId()))\nprint(\"Product serial number ID (IMEI): \"+str(gsm.getIMEI()))\nprint(\"International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI): \"+str(gsm.getIMSI()))\nprint(\"Current operator: \"+str(gsm.getOperatorName()))\nsig_strength = gsm.getSignalStrength()\nif sig_strength != -1:\n  print(\"Signal strength: \"+str(sig_strength)+\"dBm\")\nelse:\n  print(\"Signal strength: Wrong value\")\nprint(\"Date from internal clock: \"+str(gsm.getDateFromInternalClock()))\nprint(\"List of operators: \"+str(gsm.getOperatorNames()))\nprint(\"Neighbour cells: \"+str(gsm.getNeighbourCells()))\nprint(\"Accumulated call meter: \"+str(gsm.getAccumulatedCallMeter())+\" home units\")\nprint(\"Accumulated call meter max: \"+str(gsm.getAccumulatedCallMeterMaximum())+\" home units\")\nprint(\"Is temperature critical: \"+str(gsm.isTemperatureCritical()))\nprint(\"Is in sleep mode: \"+str(gsm.isInSleepMode()))\n\n# Make the GSM module sleep for 20sec (may be wake up by received call or SMS)\nsleep_ok, timer_wake, call_wake, sms_wake, temp_wake = \\\n  gsm.sleep(wake_up_with_timer_in_sec=20, wake_up_with_call=True,\n            wake_up_with_sms=True)\nprint(\"GSM was in sleep mode (\"+str(sleep_ok)+\"), wake-up by: Timer (\"\n      +str(timer_wake)+\") or a call (\"+str(call_wake)+\") or a SMS (\"+str(sms_wake)+\")\")\n\n# Reboot (an init is needed to use gsm functions after such a call)\nprint(\"Reboot: \"+str(gsm.reboot()))\n\n# Switch off device (gsm will not respond after such a call)\nprint(\"Switched off: \"+str(gsm.switchOff()))\n\n# At the end, close connection with GSM module\ngsm.close()\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nList of examples:\n  - <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Expose GSM module to REST-API</a>\n\n## License\n\nThis project is under MIT license. This means you can use it as you want (just don't delete the library header).\n\n## Contribute\n\nIf you want to add more examples or improve the library, just create a pull request with proper commit message and right wrapping.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "GSM TC35/MC35 controller (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/Call and a lot more!)",
    "version": "2.1.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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