Glances - An eye on your system
| |pypi| |test| |contributors| |quality|
| |starts| |docker| |pypistat|
| |sponsors| |twitter|
.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/glances.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances
.. |starts| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/nicolargo/glances.svg
:target: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/
:alt: Github stars
.. |docker| image:: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/nicolargo/glances
:target: https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolargo/glances/
:alt: Docker pull
.. |pypistat| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/glances/month
:target: https://pepy.tech/project/glances
:alt: Pypi downloads
.. |test| image:: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=develop
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.. |contributors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/nicolargo/glances
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.. |quality| image:: https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nicolargo/glances/badges/quality-score.png?b=develop
:target: https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nicolargo/glances/?branch=develop
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.. |sponsors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/sponsors/nicolargo
:target: https://github.com/sponsors/nicolargo
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:target: https://twitter.com/nicolargo
:alt: @nicolargo
**Glances** is an open-source system cross-platform monitoring tool.
It allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of your system such as
CPU, memory, disk, network usage etc. It also allows monitoring of running processes,
logged in users, temperatures, voltages, fan speeds etc.
It also supports container monitoring, it supports different container management
systems such as Docker, LXC. The information is presented in an easy to read dashboard
and can also be used for remote monitoring of systems via a web interface or command
line interface. It is easy to install and use and can be customized to show only
the information that you are interested in.
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolargo/glances/develop/docs/_static/glances-summary.png
In client/server mode, remote monitoring could be done via terminal,
Web interface or API (XML-RPC and RESTful).
Stats can also be exported to files or external time/value databases, CSV or direct
output to STDOUT.
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolargo/glances/develop/docs/_static/glances-responsive-webdesign.png
Glances is written in Python and uses libraries to grab information from
your system. It is based on an open architecture where developers can
add new plugins or exports modules.
Project sponsorship
You can help me to achieve my goals of improving this open-source project
or just say "thank you" by:
- sponsor me using one-time or monthly tier Github sponsors_ page
- send me some pieces of bitcoin: 185KN9FCix3svJYp7JQM7hRMfSKyeaJR4X
- buy me a gift on my wishlist_ page
Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.
- ``python>=3.8`` (use Glances 3.4.x for lower Python version)
- ``psutil`` (better with latest version)
- ``defusedxml`` (in order to monkey patch xmlrpc)
- ``packaging`` (for the version comparison)
- ``orjson`` (an optimized alternative to the standard json module)
*Note for Python 2 users*
Glances version 4 or higher do not support Python 2 (and Python 3 < 3.8).
Please uses Glances version 3.4.x if you need Python 2 support.
Optional dependencies:
- ``batinfo`` (for battery monitoring)
- ``bernhard`` (for the Riemann export module)
- ``cassandra-driver`` (for the Cassandra export module)
- ``chevron`` (for the action script feature)
- ``docker`` (for the Containers Docker monitoring support)
- ``elasticsearch`` (for the Elastic Search export module)
- ``FastAPI`` and ``Uvicorn`` (for Web server mode)
- ``graphitesender`` (For the Graphite export module)
- ``hddtemp`` (for HDD temperature monitoring support) [Linux-only]
- ``influxdb`` (for the InfluxDB version 1 export module)
- ``influxdb-client`` (for the InfluxDB version 2 export module)
- ``jinja2`` (for templating, used under the hood by FastAPI)
- ``kafka-python`` (for the Kafka export module)
- ``netifaces`` (for the IP plugin)
- ``nvidia-ml-py`` (for the GPU plugin)
- ``pycouchdb`` (for the CouchDB export module)
- ``pika`` (for the RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ export module)
- ``podman`` (for the Containers Podman monitoring support)
- ``potsdb`` (for the OpenTSDB export module)
- ``prometheus_client`` (for the Prometheus export module)
- ``pygal`` (for the graph export module)
- ``pymdstat`` (for RAID support) [Linux-only]
- ``pymongo`` (for the MongoDB export module)
- ``pysnmp-lextudio`` (for SNMP support)
- ``pySMART.smartx`` (for HDD Smart support) [Linux-only]
- ``pyzmq`` (for the ZeroMQ export module)
- ``requests`` (for the Ports, Cloud plugins and RESTful export module)
- ``sparklines`` (for the Quick Plugin sparklines option)
- ``statsd`` (for the StatsD export module)
- ``wifi`` (for the wifi plugin) [Linux-only]
- ``zeroconf`` (for the autodiscover mode)
There are several methods to test/install Glances on your system. Choose your weapon!
PyPI: Pip, the standard way
Glances is on ``PyPI``. By using PyPI, you will be using the latest
stable version.
To install Glances, simply use the ``pip`` command line.
Warning: on modern Linux operating systems, you may have an externally-managed-environment
error message when you try to use ``pip``. In this case, go to the the PipX section below.
.. code-block:: console
pip install --user glances
*Note*: Python headers are required to install `psutil`_, a Glances
dependency. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu **the simplest** is
``apt install python3-psutil`` or alternatively need to install first
the *python-dev* package and gcc (*python-devel* on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL).
For Windows, just install psutil from the binary installation file.
By default, Glances is installed without the Web interface dependencies.
To install it, use the following command:
.. code-block:: console
pip install --user 'glances[web]'
For a full installation (with all features):
.. code-block:: console
pip install --user 'glances[all]'
To upgrade Glances to the latest version:
.. code-block:: console
pip install --user --upgrade glances
The current develop branch is published to the test.pypi.org package index.
If you want to test the develop version (could be instable), enter:
.. code-block:: console
pip install --user -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ Glances
PyPI: PipX, the alternative way
Install PipX on your system (apt install pipx on Ubuntu).
Install Glances (with all features):
.. code-block:: console
pipx install 'glances[all]'
The glances script will be installed in the ~/.local/bin folder.
Docker: the cloudy way
Glances Docker images are availables. You can use it to monitor your
server and all your containers !
Get the Glances container:
.. code-block:: console
docker pull nicolargo/glances:latest-full
The following tags are availables:
- *latest-full* for a full Alpine Glances image (latest release) with all dependencies
- *latest* for a basic Alpine Glances (latest release) version with minimal dependencies (FastAPI and Docker)
- *dev* for a basic Alpine Glances image (based on development branch) with all dependencies (Warning: may be instable)
- *ubuntu-latest-full* for a full Ubuntu Glances image (latest release) with all dependencies
- *ubuntu-latest* for a basic Ubuntu Glances (latest release) version with minimal dependencies (FastAPI and Docker)
- *ubuntu-dev* for a basic Ubuntu Glances image (based on development branch) with all dependencies (Warning: may be instable)
Run last version of Glances container in *console mode*:
.. code-block:: console
docker run --rm -e TZ="${TZ}" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host --network host -it nicolargo/glances:latest-full
By default, the /etc/glances/glances.conf file is used (based on docker-compose/glances.conf).
Additionally, if you want to use your own glances.conf file, you can
create your own Dockerfile:
.. code-block:: console
FROM nicolargo/glances:latest
COPY glances.conf /root/.config/glances/glances.conf
CMD python -m glances -C /root/.config/glances/glances.conf $GLANCES_OPT
Alternatively, you can specify something along the same lines with
docker run options (notice the `GLANCES_OPT` environment
variable setting parameters for the glances startup command):
.. code-block:: console
docker run -e TZ="${TZ}" -v $HOME/.config/glances/glances.conf:/glances.conf:ro -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host -e GLANCES_OPT="-C /glances.conf" -it nicolargo/glances:latest-full
Where $HOME/.config/glances/glances.conf is a local directory containing your glances.conf file.
Run the container in *Web server mode*:
.. code-block:: console
docker run -d --restart="always" -p 61208-61209:61208-61209 -e TZ="${TZ}" -e GLANCES_OPT="-w" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host nicolargo/glances:latest-full
For a full list of options, see the Glances `Docker`_ documentation page.
GNU/Linux package
`Glances` is available on many Linux distributions, so you should be
able to install it using your favorite package manager. Be aware that
when you use this method the operating system `package`_ for `Glances`
may not be the latest version and only basics plugins are enabled.
Note: The Debian package (and all other Debian-based distributions) do
not include anymore the JS statics files used by the Web interface
(see ``issue2021``). If you want to add it to your Glances installation,
follow the instructions: ``issue2021comment``. In Glances version 4 and
higher, the path to the statics file is configurable (see ``issue2612``).
To install the binary package:
.. code-block:: console
# pkg install py39-glances
To install Glances from ports:
.. code-block:: console
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/py-glances/
# make install clean
If you do not want to use the glancesautoinstall script, follow this procedure.
macOS users can install Glances using ``Homebrew`` or ``MacPorts``.
.. code-block:: console
$ brew install glances
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo port install glances
Install `Python`_ for Windows (Python 3.4+ ship with pip) and
then run the following command:
.. code-block:: console
$ pip install glances
You need a rooted device and the `Termux`_ application (available on the
Google Play Store).
Start Termux on your device and enter:
.. code-block:: console
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade
$ apt install clang python
$ pip install fastapi uvicorn jinja2
$ pip install glances
And start Glances:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances
You can also run Glances in server mode (-s or -w) in order to remotely
monitor your Android device.
To install Glances from source:
.. code-block:: console
$ pip install https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/archive/vX.Y.tar.gz
*Note*: Python headers are required to install psutil.
An awesome ``Chef`` cookbook is available to monitor your infrastructure:
https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/glances (thanks to Antoine Rouyer)
You can install Glances using ``Puppet``: https://github.com/rverchere/puppet-glances
A Glances ``Ansible`` role is available: https://galaxy.ansible.com/zaxos/glances-ansible-role/
For the standalone mode, just run:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances
For the Web server mode, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances -w
and enter the URL ``http://<ip>:61208`` in your favorite web browser.
For the client/server mode, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances -s
on the server side and run:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances -c <ip>
on the client one.
You can also detect and display all Glances servers available on your
network or defined in the configuration file:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances --browser
You can also display raw stats on stdout:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances --stdout cpu.user,mem.used,load
cpu.user: 30.7
mem.used: 3278204928
load: {'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.21, 'min5': 0.4, 'min15': 0.27}
cpu.user: 3.4
mem.used: 3275251712
load: {'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.19, 'min5': 0.39, 'min15': 0.27}
or in a CSV format thanks to the stdout-csv option:
.. code-block:: console
$ glances --stdout-csv now,cpu.user,mem.used,load
2018-12-08 22:04:20 CEST,7.3,5948149760,4,1.04,0.99,1.04
2018-12-08 22:04:23 CEST,5.4,5949136896,4,1.04,0.99,1.04
or in a JSON format thanks to the stdout-json option (attribute not supported in this mode in order to have a real JSON object in output):
.. code-block:: console
$ glances --stdout-json cpu,mem
cpu: {"total": 29.0, "user": 24.7, "nice": 0.0, "system": 3.8, "idle": 71.4, "iowait": 0.0, "irq": 0.0, "softirq": 0.0, "steal": 0.0, "guest": 0.0, "guest_nice": 0.0, "time_since_update": 1, "cpucore": 4, "ctx_switches": 0, "interrupts": 0, "soft_interrupts": 0, "syscalls": 0}
mem: {"total": 7837949952, "available": 2919079936, "percent": 62.8, "used": 4918870016, "free": 2919079936, "active": 2841214976, "inactive": 3340550144, "buffers": 546799616, "cached": 3068141568, "shared": 788156416}
and RTFM, always.
For complete documentation have a look at the readthedocs_ website.
If you have any question (after RTFM!), please post it on the official Q&A `forum`_.
Gateway to other services
Glances can export stats to: ``CSV`` file, ``JSON`` file, ``InfluxDB``, ``Cassandra``, ``CouchDB``,
``OpenTSDB``, ``Prometheus``, ``StatsD``, ``ElasticSearch``, ``RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ``,
``ZeroMQ``, ``Kafka``, ``Riemann``, ``Graphite`` and ``RESTful`` server.
How to contribute ?
If you want to contribute to the Glances project, read this `wiki`_ page.
There is also a chat dedicated to the Glances developers:
.. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg
:target: https://gitter.im/nicolargo/glances?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge
Nicolas Hennion (@nicolargo) <nicolas@nicolargo.com>
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/twitter.com/cloudposse.svg?style=social&label=Follow%20%40nicolargo
:target: https://twitter.com/nicolargo
Glances is distributed under the LGPL version 3 license. See ``COPYING`` for more details.
.. _psutil: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil
.. _glancesautoinstall: https://github.com/nicolargo/glancesautoinstall
.. _Python: https://www.python.org/getit/
.. _Termux: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux
.. _readthedocs: https://glances.readthedocs.io/
.. _forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/glances-users
.. _wiki: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/wiki/How-to-contribute-to-Glances-%3F
.. _package: https://repology.org/project/glances/versions
.. _sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/nicolargo
.. _wishlist: https://www.amazon.fr/hz/wishlist/ls/BWAAQKWFR3FI?ref_=wl_share
.. _issue2021: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2021
.. _issue2021comment: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2021#issuecomment-1197831157
.. _issue2612: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2612
.. _Docker: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/blob/develop/docs/docker.rst
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "Glances",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "cli, curses, monitoring, system",
"author": null,
"author_email": "Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a7/ba/c8da238e3a24ba13115ae70361598d999d9223001555f1f614dde59da843/glances-4.2.1.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "===============================\nGlances - An eye on your system\n===============================\n\n| |pypi| |test| |contributors| |quality|\n| |starts| |docker| |pypistat|\n| |sponsors| |twitter|\n\n.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/glances.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances\n\n.. |starts| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/nicolargo/glances.svg\n :target: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/\n :alt: Github stars\n\n.. |docker| image:: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/nicolargo/glances\n :target: https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolargo/glances/\n :alt: Docker pull\n\n.. |pypistat| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/glances/month\n :target: https://pepy.tech/project/glances\n :alt: Pypi downloads\n\n.. |test| image:: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=develop\n :target: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/actions\n :alt: Linux tests (GitHub Actions)\n\n.. |contributors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/nicolargo/glances\n :target: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22needs+contributor%22\n :alt: Contributors\n\n.. |quality| image:: https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nicolargo/glances/badges/quality-score.png?b=develop\n :target: https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nicolargo/glances/?branch=develop\n :alt: Code quality\n\n.. |sponsors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/sponsors/nicolargo\n :target: https://github.com/sponsors/nicolargo\n :alt: Sponsors\n\n.. |twitter| image:: https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/twitter.com/cloudposse.svg?style=social&label=Follow%20%40nicolargo\n :target: https://twitter.com/nicolargo\n :alt: @nicolargo\n\nSummary\n=======\n\n**Glances** is an open-source system cross-platform monitoring tool.\nIt allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of your system such as\nCPU, memory, disk, network usage etc. It also allows monitoring of running processes,\nlogged in users, temperatures, voltages, fan speeds etc.\nIt also supports container monitoring, it supports different container management\nsystems such as Docker, LXC. The information is presented in an easy to read dashboard\nand can also be used for remote monitoring of systems via a web interface or command\nline interface. It is easy to install and use and can be customized to show only\nthe information that you are interested in.\n\n.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolargo/glances/develop/docs/_static/glances-summary.png\n\nIn client/server mode, remote monitoring could be done via terminal,\nWeb interface or API (XML-RPC and RESTful).\nStats can also be exported to files or external time/value databases, CSV or direct\noutput to STDOUT.\n\n.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolargo/glances/develop/docs/_static/glances-responsive-webdesign.png\n\nGlances is written in Python and uses libraries to grab information from\nyour system. It is based on an open architecture where developers can\nadd new plugins or exports modules.\n\nProject sponsorship\n===================\n\nYou can help me to achieve my goals of improving this open-source project\nor just say \"thank you\" by:\n\n- sponsor me using one-time or monthly tier Github sponsors_ page\n- send me some pieces of bitcoin: 185KN9FCix3svJYp7JQM7hRMfSKyeaJR4X\n- buy me a gift on my wishlist_ page\n\nAny and all contributions are greatly appreciated.\n\nRequirements\n============\n\n- ``python>=3.8`` (use Glances 3.4.x for lower Python version)\n- ``psutil`` (better with latest version)\n- ``defusedxml`` (in order to monkey patch xmlrpc)\n- ``packaging`` (for the version comparison)\n- ``orjson`` (an optimized alternative to the standard json module)\n\n*Note for Python 2 users*\n\nGlances version 4 or higher do not support Python 2 (and Python 3 < 3.8).\nPlease uses Glances version 3.4.x if you need Python 2 support.\n\nOptional dependencies:\n\n- ``batinfo`` (for battery monitoring)\n- ``bernhard`` (for the Riemann export module)\n- ``cassandra-driver`` (for the Cassandra export module)\n- ``chevron`` (for the action script feature)\n- ``docker`` (for the Containers Docker monitoring support)\n- ``elasticsearch`` (for the Elastic Search export module)\n- ``FastAPI`` and ``Uvicorn`` (for Web server mode)\n- ``graphitesender`` (For the Graphite export module)\n- ``hddtemp`` (for HDD temperature monitoring support) [Linux-only]\n- ``influxdb`` (for the InfluxDB version 1 export module)\n- ``influxdb-client`` (for the InfluxDB version 2 export module)\n- ``jinja2`` (for templating, used under the hood by FastAPI)\n- ``kafka-python`` (for the Kafka export module)\n- ``netifaces`` (for the IP plugin)\n- ``nvidia-ml-py`` (for the GPU plugin)\n- ``pycouchdb`` (for the CouchDB export module)\n- ``pika`` (for the RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ export module)\n- ``podman`` (for the Containers Podman monitoring support)\n- ``potsdb`` (for the OpenTSDB export module)\n- ``prometheus_client`` (for the Prometheus export module)\n- ``pygal`` (for the graph export module)\n- ``pymdstat`` (for RAID support) [Linux-only]\n- ``pymongo`` (for the MongoDB export module)\n- ``pysnmp-lextudio`` (for SNMP support)\n- ``pySMART.smartx`` (for HDD Smart support) [Linux-only]\n- ``pyzmq`` (for the ZeroMQ export module)\n- ``requests`` (for the Ports, Cloud plugins and RESTful export module)\n- ``sparklines`` (for the Quick Plugin sparklines option)\n- ``statsd`` (for the StatsD export module)\n- ``wifi`` (for the wifi plugin) [Linux-only]\n- ``zeroconf`` (for the autodiscover mode)\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nThere are several methods to test/install Glances on your system. Choose your weapon!\n\nPyPI: Pip, the standard way\n---------------------------\n\nGlances is on ``PyPI``. By using PyPI, you will be using the latest\nstable version.\n\nTo install Glances, simply use the ``pip`` command line.\n\nWarning: on modern Linux operating systems, you may have an externally-managed-environment\nerror message when you try to use ``pip``. In this case, go to the the PipX section below.\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pip install --user glances\n\n*Note*: Python headers are required to install `psutil`_, a Glances\ndependency. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu **the simplest** is\n``apt install python3-psutil`` or alternatively need to install first\nthe *python-dev* package and gcc (*python-devel* on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL).\nFor Windows, just install psutil from the binary installation file.\n\nBy default, Glances is installed without the Web interface dependencies.\nTo install it, use the following command:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pip install --user 'glances[web]'\n\nFor a full installation (with all features):\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pip install --user 'glances[all]'\n\nTo upgrade Glances to the latest version:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pip install --user --upgrade glances\n\nThe current develop branch is published to the test.pypi.org package index.\nIf you want to test the develop version (could be instable), enter:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pip install --user -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ Glances\n\nPyPI: PipX, the alternative way\n-------------------------------\n\nInstall PipX on your system (apt install pipx on Ubuntu).\n\nInstall Glances (with all features):\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n pipx install 'glances[all]'\n\nThe glances script will be installed in the ~/.local/bin folder.\n\nDocker: the cloudy way\n----------------------\n\nGlances Docker images are availables. You can use it to monitor your\nserver and all your containers !\n\nGet the Glances container:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n docker pull nicolargo/glances:latest-full\n\nThe following tags are availables:\n\n- *latest-full* for a full Alpine Glances image (latest release) with all dependencies\n- *latest* for a basic Alpine Glances (latest release) version with minimal dependencies (FastAPI and Docker)\n- *dev* for a basic Alpine Glances image (based on development branch) with all dependencies (Warning: may be instable)\n- *ubuntu-latest-full* for a full Ubuntu Glances image (latest release) with all dependencies\n- *ubuntu-latest* for a basic Ubuntu Glances (latest release) version with minimal dependencies (FastAPI and Docker)\n- *ubuntu-dev* for a basic Ubuntu Glances image (based on development branch) with all dependencies (Warning: may be instable)\n\nRun last version of Glances container in *console mode*:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n docker run --rm -e TZ=\"${TZ}\" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host --network host -it nicolargo/glances:latest-full\n\nBy default, the /etc/glances/glances.conf file is used (based on docker-compose/glances.conf).\n\nAdditionally, if you want to use your own glances.conf file, you can\ncreate your own Dockerfile:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n FROM nicolargo/glances:latest\n COPY glances.conf /root/.config/glances/glances.conf\n CMD python -m glances -C /root/.config/glances/glances.conf $GLANCES_OPT\n\nAlternatively, you can specify something along the same lines with\ndocker run options (notice the `GLANCES_OPT` environment\nvariable setting parameters for the glances startup command):\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n docker run -e TZ=\"${TZ}\" -v $HOME/.config/glances/glances.conf:/glances.conf:ro -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host -e GLANCES_OPT=\"-C /glances.conf\" -it nicolargo/glances:latest-full\n\nWhere $HOME/.config/glances/glances.conf is a local directory containing your glances.conf file.\n\nRun the container in *Web server mode*:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n docker run -d --restart=\"always\" -p 61208-61209:61208-61209 -e TZ=\"${TZ}\" -e GLANCES_OPT=\"-w\" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:ro --pid host nicolargo/glances:latest-full\n\nFor a full list of options, see the Glances `Docker`_ documentation page.\n\nGNU/Linux package\n-----------------\n\n`Glances` is available on many Linux distributions, so you should be\nable to install it using your favorite package manager. Be aware that\nwhen you use this method the operating system `package`_ for `Glances`\nmay not be the latest version and only basics plugins are enabled.\n\nNote: The Debian package (and all other Debian-based distributions) do\nnot include anymore the JS statics files used by the Web interface\n(see ``issue2021``). If you want to add it to your Glances installation,\nfollow the instructions: ``issue2021comment``. In Glances version 4 and\nhigher, the path to the statics file is configurable (see ``issue2612``).\n\nFreeBSD\n-------\n\nTo install the binary package:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n # pkg install py39-glances\n\nTo install Glances from ports:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n # cd /usr/ports/sysutils/py-glances/\n # make install clean\n\nmacOS\n-----\n\nIf you do not want to use the glancesautoinstall script, follow this procedure.\n\nmacOS users can install Glances using ``Homebrew`` or ``MacPorts``.\n\nHomebrew\n````````\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ brew install glances\n\nMacPorts\n````````\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ sudo port install glances\n\nWindows\n-------\n\nInstall `Python`_ for Windows (Python 3.4+ ship with pip) and\nthen run the following command:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ pip install glances\n\nAndroid\n-------\n\nYou need a rooted device and the `Termux`_ application (available on the\nGoogle Play Store).\n\nStart Termux on your device and enter:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ apt update\n $ apt upgrade\n $ apt install clang python\n $ pip install fastapi uvicorn jinja2\n $ pip install glances\n\nAnd start Glances:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances\n\nYou can also run Glances in server mode (-s or -w) in order to remotely\nmonitor your Android device.\n\nSource\n------\n\nTo install Glances from source:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ pip install https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/archive/vX.Y.tar.gz\n\n*Note*: Python headers are required to install psutil.\n\nChef\n----\n\nAn awesome ``Chef`` cookbook is available to monitor your infrastructure:\nhttps://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/glances (thanks to Antoine Rouyer)\n\nPuppet\n------\n\nYou can install Glances using ``Puppet``: https://github.com/rverchere/puppet-glances\n\nAnsible\n-------\n\nA Glances ``Ansible`` role is available: https://galaxy.ansible.com/zaxos/glances-ansible-role/\n\nUsage\n=====\n\nFor the standalone mode, just run:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances\n\nFor the Web server mode, run:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances -w\n\nand enter the URL ``http://<ip>:61208`` in your favorite web browser.\n\nFor the client/server mode, run:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances -s\n\non the server side and run:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances -c <ip>\n\non the client one.\n\nYou can also detect and display all Glances servers available on your\nnetwork or defined in the configuration file:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances --browser\n\nYou can also display raw stats on stdout:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances --stdout cpu.user,mem.used,load\n cpu.user: 30.7\n mem.used: 3278204928\n load: {'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.21, 'min5': 0.4, 'min15': 0.27}\n cpu.user: 3.4\n mem.used: 3275251712\n load: {'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.19, 'min5': 0.39, 'min15': 0.27}\n ...\n\nor in a CSV format thanks to the stdout-csv option:\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances --stdout-csv now,cpu.user,mem.used,load\n now,cpu.user,mem.used,load.cpucore,load.min1,load.min5,load.min15\n 2018-12-08 22:04:20 CEST,7.3,5948149760,4,1.04,0.99,1.04\n 2018-12-08 22:04:23 CEST,5.4,5949136896,4,1.04,0.99,1.04\n ...\n\nor in a JSON format thanks to the stdout-json option (attribute not supported in this mode in order to have a real JSON object in output):\n\n.. code-block:: console\n\n $ glances --stdout-json cpu,mem\n cpu: {\"total\": 29.0, \"user\": 24.7, \"nice\": 0.0, \"system\": 3.8, \"idle\": 71.4, \"iowait\": 0.0, \"irq\": 0.0, \"softirq\": 0.0, \"steal\": 0.0, \"guest\": 0.0, \"guest_nice\": 0.0, \"time_since_update\": 1, \"cpucore\": 4, \"ctx_switches\": 0, \"interrupts\": 0, \"soft_interrupts\": 0, \"syscalls\": 0}\n mem: {\"total\": 7837949952, \"available\": 2919079936, \"percent\": 62.8, \"used\": 4918870016, \"free\": 2919079936, \"active\": 2841214976, \"inactive\": 3340550144, \"buffers\": 546799616, \"cached\": 3068141568, \"shared\": 788156416}\n ...\n\nand RTFM, always.\n\nDocumentation\n=============\n\nFor complete documentation have a look at the readthedocs_ website.\n\nIf you have any question (after RTFM!), please post it on the official Q&A `forum`_.\n\nGateway to other services\n=========================\n\nGlances can export stats to: ``CSV`` file, ``JSON`` file, ``InfluxDB``, ``Cassandra``, ``CouchDB``,\n``OpenTSDB``, ``Prometheus``, ``StatsD``, ``ElasticSearch``, ``RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ``,\n``ZeroMQ``, ``Kafka``, ``Riemann``, ``Graphite`` and ``RESTful`` server.\n\nHow to contribute ?\n===================\n\nIf you want to contribute to the Glances project, read this `wiki`_ page.\n\nThere is also a chat dedicated to the Glances developers:\n\n.. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg\n :target: https://gitter.im/nicolargo/glances?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge\n\nAuthor\n======\n\nNicolas Hennion (@nicolargo) <nicolas@nicolargo.com>\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/twitter.com/cloudposse.svg?style=social&label=Follow%20%40nicolargo\n :target: https://twitter.com/nicolargo\n\nLicense\n=======\n\nGlances is distributed under the LGPL version 3 license. See ``COPYING`` for more details.\n\n.. _psutil: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil\n.. _glancesautoinstall: https://github.com/nicolargo/glancesautoinstall\n.. _Python: https://www.python.org/getit/\n.. _Termux: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux\n.. _readthedocs: https://glances.readthedocs.io/\n.. _forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/glances-users\n.. _wiki: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/wiki/How-to-contribute-to-Glances-%3F\n.. _package: https://repology.org/project/glances/versions\n.. _sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/nicolargo\n.. _wishlist: https://www.amazon.fr/hz/wishlist/ls/BWAAQKWFR3FI?ref_=wl_share\n.. _issue2021: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2021\n.. _issue2021comment: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2021#issuecomment-1197831157\n.. _issue2612: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/2612\n.. _Docker: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/blob/develop/docs/docker.rst\n",
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