
NameJayDeBeApi JSON
Version 1.2.3 PyPI version JSON
SummaryUse JDBC database drivers from Python 2/3 or Jython with a DB-API.
upload_time2020-06-12 07:03:27
authorBastian Bowe
licenseGNU LGPL
keywords db api java jdbc bridge connect sql jpype jython
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
 JayDeBeApi - bridge from JDBC database drivers to Python DB-API

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/baztian/jaydebeapi/master.svg
   :target: https://travis-ci.org/baztian/jaydebeapi

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/baztian/jaydebeapi/master.svg
    :target: https://coveralls.io/r/baztian/jaydebeapi

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-2.7,_3.5,_3.6-blue.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/jython-2.7.2-blue.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/baztian/jaydebeapi.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/JayDeBeApi.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/

The JayDeBeApi module allows you to connect from Python code to
databases using Java `JDBC
<http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/overview.html>`_. It provides a
Python DB-API_ v2.0 to that database.

It works on ordinary Python (cPython) using the JPype_ Java
integration or on `Jython <http://www.jython.org/>`_ to make use of
the Java JDBC driver.

In contrast to zxJDBC from the Jython project JayDeBeApi let's you
access a database with Jython AND Python with only minor code
modifications. JayDeBeApi's future goal is to provide a unique and
fast interface to different types of JDBC-Drivers through a flexible
plug-in mechanism.

.. contents::


You can get and install JayDeBeApi with `pip <http://pip.pypa.io/>`_

    $ pip install JayDeBeApi

If you want to install JayDeBeApi in Jython make sure to have pip or
EasyInstall available for it.

Or you can get a copy of the source by cloning from the `JayDeBeApi
github project <https://github.com/baztian/jaydebeapi>`_ and install
with ::

    $ python setup.py install

or if you are using Jython use ::

    $ jython setup.py install

It has been tested with Jython 2.7.2.

If you are using cPython ensure that you have installed JPype_
properly. It has been tested with JPype1 0.6.3 and 0.7.5 for Python 3 and
with JPype1 0.6.3 and 0.7.0 for Python 2.7. Older JPype
installations may cause problems.


Basically you just import the ``jaydebeapi`` Python module and execute
the ``connect`` method. This gives you a DB-API_ conform connection to
the database.

The first argument to ``connect`` is the name of the Java driver
class. The second argument is a string with the JDBC connection
URL. Third you can optionally supply a sequence consisting of user and
password or alternatively a dictionary containing arguments that are
internally passed as properties to the Java
``DriverManager.getConnection`` method. See the Javadoc of
``DriverManager`` class for details.

The next parameter to ``connect`` is optional as well and specifies
the jar-Files of the driver if your classpath isn't set up
sufficiently yet. The classpath set in ``CLASSPATH`` environment
variable will be honored. See the documentation of your Java runtime

Here is an example:

>>> import jaydebeapi
>>> conn = jaydebeapi.connect("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver",
...                           "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.",
...                           ["SA", ""],
...                           "/path/to/hsqldb.jar",)
>>> curs = conn.cursor()
>>> curs.execute('create table CUSTOMER'
...              '("CUST_ID" INTEGER not null,'
...              ' "NAME" VARCHAR(50) not null,'
...              ' primary key ("CUST_ID"))'
...             )
>>> curs.execute("insert into CUSTOMER values (1, 'John')")
>>> curs.execute("select * from CUSTOMER")
>>> curs.fetchall()
[(1, u'John')]
>>> curs.close()
>>> conn.close()

If you're having trouble getting this work check if your ``JAVA_HOME``
environmentvariable is set correctly. For example I have to set it on
my Ubuntu machine like this ::

    $ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk python

An alternative way to establish connection using connection

>>> conn = jaydebeapi.connect("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver",
...                           "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.",
...                           {'user': "SA", 'password': "",
...                            'other_property': "foobar"},
...                           "/path/to/hsqldb.jar",)

Also using the ``with`` statement might be handy:

>>> with jaydebeapi.connect("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver",
...                         "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.",
...                         ["SA", ""],
...                         "/path/to/hsqldb.jar",) as conn:
...     with conn.cursor() as curs:
...         curs.execute("select count(*) from CUSTOMER")
...         curs.fetchall()

Supported databases

In theory *every database with a suitable JDBC driver should work*. It
is confirmed to work with the following databases:

* SQLite
* Hypersonic SQL (HSQLDB)
* IBM DB2 for mainframes
* Oracle
* Teradata DB
* Netezza
* Mimer DB
* Microsoft SQL Server
* PostgreSQL
* many more...


Please submit `bugs and patches
<https://github.com/baztian/jaydebeapi/issues>`_. All contributors
will be acknowledged. Thanks!


JayDeBeApi is released under the GNU Lesser General Public license
(LGPL). See the file ``COPYING`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` in the
distribution for details.


- Next version - unreleased
- 1.2.3 - 2020-06-12

  - Make pip install for Python 2 work by changing JPype1 requirement to older
  - Make pip install for Jython work by removing JPype1 requirement for Jython
  - Removed cursor destructor to avoid issues with some JPype versions (please
    make sure you're always closing your cursors properly)

- 1.2.2 - 2020-06-04

  - Return (big) decimal types as long value if scale is zero (thanks
    to @ministat)
  - Fix `DECIMAL` and `NUMERIC` type conversion for Jython

- 1.2.1 - 2020-05-27

  - Increased thread safety. Should resolve some of the
    `No suitable driver found` errors (thanks to @thealmightygrant)

- 1.2.0 - 2020-05-22

  - Added compatibility to JPype1 0.7.2+ (thanks to @dpd)
  - Support `with` statement (thanks to @Szczepanov)

- 1.1.2 - 2019-09-02

  - Added compatibility to JPype1 0.7 (thanks to @Iverian, @Thrameos)
  - Dropped python 2.6 support
  - Fix build working with newer Maven versions
  - Accidently force-pushed to master branch. Sorry for that.

- 1.1.1 - 2017-03-21

  - Don't fail on dates before 1900 on Python < 3.

- 1.1.0 - 2017-03-19

  - Support BIT and TINYINT type mappings (thanks @Mokubyow for
    reporting the issue).

- 1.0.0 - 2017-01-10

  - Allow for db properties to be passed to the connect
    method. *Probably incompatible to code based on previous
    versions.* See documentation of the connect method. (Thanks
    @testlnord for you efforts and the patience.)

  - New major version due to possible api incompatibility.

- 0.2.0 - 2015-04-26

  - Python 3 support (requires JPype1 >= 0.6.0).

- 0.1.6 - 2015-04-10

  - Fix Jython handling of Java exceptions that don't subclass python Exception

  - Enrich exceptions with message from java SQLExceptions

  - Be more specific about DB API exceptions: Distinguish DatabaseError and

  - Fix typo LONGNARCHAR vs LONGVARCHAR (thanks @datdo for reporting #4)

- 0.1.5 - 2015-03-02

  - Add version number to module.

  - Improve robustness of java to python type conversion.

  - Support Time type.

  - Add DB-API compliant exception handling.

  - Minor documentation improvements.

  - Some development related changes (Host project at github, use
    Travis CI, use JPype1 for tests).

- 0.1.4 - 2013-10-29

  - More convenient way to setup Java classpath. *Important note*
    check the changes to the ``connect`` method and adapt your code.

  - Honor ``CLASSPATH`` if used in JPype mode.

  - Set ``.rowcount`` properly.

  - Changed signature of ``.setoutputsize()`` to be DB-API compliant.

- 0.1.3 - 2011-01-27

  - Fixed DB-API_ violation: Use ``curs.execute('foo ?', (bar, baz))``
    instead of ``curs.execute('foo ?', bar, baz)``.

  - Free resources after ``executemany`` call.

  - Improved type handling. Initial support for BLOB columns.

- 0.1.2 - 2011-01-25

  - ``easy_install JayDeBeApi`` should really work.

- 0.1.1 - 2010-12-12

  - Fixed bug #688290 "NULL values with converters error on fetch".
  - Fixed bug #684909 "Selecting ROWIDs errors out on fetch".

- 0.1 - 2010-08-10

  - Initial release.

To do

- Extract Java calls to separate Java methods to increase performance.
- Check if https://code.launchpad.net/dbapi-compliance can help making
  JayDeBeApi more DB-API compliant.
- Test it on different databases and provide a flexible db specific
  pluign mechanism.
- SQLAlchemy modules (separate project)

.. _DB-API: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/
.. _JPype: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JPype1/


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/baztian/jaydebeapi",
    "name": "JayDeBeApi",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "db api java jdbc bridge connect sql jpype jython",
    "author": "Bastian Bowe",
    "author_email": "bastian.dev@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5c/8c/f27750106bf1fba33f92d83fb866af164179f7046495bc5a61fae26d9475/JayDeBeApi-1.2.3.tar.gz",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "=================================================================\n JayDeBeApi - bridge from JDBC database drivers to Python DB-API\n=================================================================\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/baztian/jaydebeapi/master.svg\n   :target: https://travis-ci.org/baztian/jaydebeapi\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/baztian/jaydebeapi/master.svg\n    :target: https://coveralls.io/r/baztian/jaydebeapi\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-2.7,_3.5,_3.6-blue.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/jython-2.7.2-blue.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/baztian/jaydebeapi.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/JayDeBeApi.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JayDeBeApi/\n\nThe JayDeBeApi module allows you to connect from Python code to\ndatabases using Java `JDBC\n<http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/overview.html>`_. It provides a\nPython DB-API_ v2.0 to that database.\n\nIt works on ordinary Python (cPython) using the JPype_ Java\nintegration or on `Jython <http://www.jython.org/>`_ to make use of\nthe Java JDBC driver.\n\nIn contrast to zxJDBC from the Jython project JayDeBeApi let's you\naccess a database with Jython AND Python with only minor code\nmodifications. JayDeBeApi's future goal is to provide a unique and\nfast interface to different types of JDBC-Drivers through a flexible\nplug-in mechanism.\n\n.. contents::\n\nInstall\n=======\n\nYou can get and install JayDeBeApi with `pip <http://pip.pypa.io/>`_\n::\n\n    $ pip install JayDeBeApi\n\nIf you want to install JayDeBeApi in Jython make sure to have pip or\nEasyInstall available for it.\n\nOr you can get a copy of the source by cloning from the `JayDeBeApi\ngithub project <https://github.com/baztian/jaydebeapi>`_ and install\nwith ::\n\n    $ python setup.py install\n\nor if you are using Jython use ::\n\n    $ jython setup.py install\n\nIt has been tested with Jython 2.7.2.\n\nIf you are using cPython ensure that you have installed JPype_\nproperly. It has been tested with JPype1 0.6.3 and 0.7.5 for Python 3 and\nwith JPype1 0.6.3 and 0.7.0 for Python 2.7. Older JPype\ninstallations may cause problems.\n\nUsage\n=====\n\nBasically you just import the ``jaydebeapi`` Python module and execute\nthe ``connect`` method. This gives you a DB-API_ conform connection to\nthe database.\n\nThe first argument to ``connect`` is the name of the Java driver\nclass. The second argument is a string with the JDBC connection\nURL. Third you can optionally supply a sequence consisting of user and\npassword or alternatively a dictionary containing arguments that are\ninternally passed as properties to the Java\n``DriverManager.getConnection`` method. See the Javadoc of\n``DriverManager`` class for details.\n\nThe next parameter to ``connect`` is optional as well and specifies\nthe jar-Files of the driver if your classpath isn't set up\nsufficiently yet. The classpath set in ``CLASSPATH`` environment\nvariable will be honored. See the documentation of your Java runtime\nenvironment.\n\nHere is an example:\n\n>>> import jaydebeapi\n>>> conn = jaydebeapi.connect(\"org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver\",\n...                           \"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.\",\n...                           [\"SA\", \"\"],\n...                           \"/path/to/hsqldb.jar\",)\n>>> curs = conn.cursor()\n>>> curs.execute('create table CUSTOMER'\n...              '(\"CUST_ID\" INTEGER not null,'\n...              ' \"NAME\" VARCHAR(50) not null,'\n...              ' primary key (\"CUST_ID\"))'\n...             )\n>>> curs.execute(\"insert into CUSTOMER values (1, 'John')\")\n>>> curs.execute(\"select * from CUSTOMER\")\n>>> curs.fetchall()\n[(1, u'John')]\n>>> curs.close()\n>>> conn.close()\n\nIf you're having trouble getting this work check if your ``JAVA_HOME``\nenvironmentvariable is set correctly. For example I have to set it on\nmy Ubuntu machine like this ::\n\n    $ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk python\n\nAn alternative way to establish connection using connection\nproperties:\n\n>>> conn = jaydebeapi.connect(\"org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver\",\n...                           \"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.\",\n...                           {'user': \"SA\", 'password': \"\",\n...                            'other_property': \"foobar\"},\n...                           \"/path/to/hsqldb.jar\",)\n\nAlso using the ``with`` statement might be handy:\n\n>>> with jaydebeapi.connect(\"org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver\",\n...                         \"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.\",\n...                         [\"SA\", \"\"],\n...                         \"/path/to/hsqldb.jar\",) as conn:\n...     with conn.cursor() as curs:\n...         curs.execute(\"select count(*) from CUSTOMER\")\n...         curs.fetchall()\n[(1,)]\n\nSupported databases\n===================\n\nIn theory *every database with a suitable JDBC driver should work*. It\nis confirmed to work with the following databases:\n\n* SQLite\n* Hypersonic SQL (HSQLDB)\n* IBM DB2\n* IBM DB2 for mainframes\n* Oracle\n* Teradata DB\n* Netezza\n* Mimer DB\n* Microsoft SQL Server\n* MySQL\n* PostgreSQL\n* many more...\n\nContributing\n============\n\nPlease submit `bugs and patches\n<https://github.com/baztian/jaydebeapi/issues>`_. All contributors\nwill be acknowledged. Thanks!\n\nLicense\n=======\n\nJayDeBeApi is released under the GNU Lesser General Public license\n(LGPL). See the file ``COPYING`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` in the\ndistribution for details.\n\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n- Next version - unreleased\n- 1.2.3 - 2020-06-12\n\n  - Make pip install for Python 2 work by changing JPype1 requirement to older\n    version\n  - Make pip install for Jython work by removing JPype1 requirement for Jython\n  - Removed cursor destructor to avoid issues with some JPype versions (please\n    make sure you're always closing your cursors properly)\n\n- 1.2.2 - 2020-06-04\n\n  - Return (big) decimal types as long value if scale is zero (thanks\n    to @ministat)\n  - Fix `DECIMAL` and `NUMERIC` type conversion for Jython\n\n- 1.2.1 - 2020-05-27\n\n  - Increased thread safety. Should resolve some of the\n    `No suitable driver found` errors (thanks to @thealmightygrant)\n\n- 1.2.0 - 2020-05-22\n\n  - Added compatibility to JPype1 0.7.2+ (thanks to @dpd)\n  - Support `with` statement (thanks to @Szczepanov)\n\n- 1.1.2 - 2019-09-02\n\n  - Added compatibility to JPype1 0.7 (thanks to @Iverian, @Thrameos)\n  - Dropped python 2.6 support\n  - Fix build working with newer Maven versions\n  - Accidently force-pushed to master branch. Sorry for that.\n\n- 1.1.1 - 2017-03-21\n\n  - Don't fail on dates before 1900 on Python < 3.\n\n- 1.1.0 - 2017-03-19\n\n  - Support BIT and TINYINT type mappings (thanks @Mokubyow for\n    reporting the issue).\n\n- 1.0.0 - 2017-01-10\n\n  - Allow for db properties to be passed to the connect\n    method. *Probably incompatible to code based on previous\n    versions.* See documentation of the connect method. (Thanks\n    @testlnord for you efforts and the patience.)\n\n  - New major version due to possible api incompatibility.\n\n- 0.2.0 - 2015-04-26\n\n  - Python 3 support (requires JPype1 >= 0.6.0).\n\n- 0.1.6 - 2015-04-10\n\n  - Fix Jython handling of Java exceptions that don't subclass python Exception\n\n  - Enrich exceptions with message from java SQLExceptions\n\n  - Be more specific about DB API exceptions: Distinguish DatabaseError and\n    InterfaceError.\n\n  - Fix typo LONGNARCHAR vs LONGVARCHAR (thanks @datdo for reporting #4)\n\n- 0.1.5 - 2015-03-02\n\n  - Add version number to module.\n\n  - Improve robustness of java to python type conversion.\n\n  - Support Time type.\n\n  - Add DB-API compliant exception handling.\n\n  - Minor documentation improvements.\n\n  - Some development related changes (Host project at github, use\n    Travis CI, use JPype1 for tests).\n\n- 0.1.4 - 2013-10-29\n\n  - More convenient way to setup Java classpath. *Important note*\n    check the changes to the ``connect`` method and adapt your code.\n\n  - Honor ``CLASSPATH`` if used in JPype mode.\n\n  - Set ``.rowcount`` properly.\n\n  - Changed signature of ``.setoutputsize()`` to be DB-API compliant.\n\n- 0.1.3 - 2011-01-27\n\n  - Fixed DB-API_ violation: Use ``curs.execute('foo ?', (bar, baz))``\n    instead of ``curs.execute('foo ?', bar, baz)``.\n\n  - Free resources after ``executemany`` call.\n\n  - Improved type handling. Initial support for BLOB columns.\n\n- 0.1.2 - 2011-01-25\n\n  - ``easy_install JayDeBeApi`` should really work.\n\n- 0.1.1 - 2010-12-12\n\n  - Fixed bug #688290 \"NULL values with converters error on fetch\".\n  - Fixed bug #684909 \"Selecting ROWIDs errors out on fetch\".\n\n- 0.1 - 2010-08-10\n\n  - Initial release.\n\nTo do\n=====\n\n- Extract Java calls to separate Java methods to increase performance.\n- Check if https://code.launchpad.net/dbapi-compliance can help making\n  JayDeBeApi more DB-API compliant.\n- Test it on different databases and provide a flexible db specific\n  pluign mechanism.\n- SQLAlchemy modules (separate project)\n\n.. _DB-API: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/\n.. _JPype: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JPype1/\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GNU LGPL",
    "summary": "Use JDBC database drivers from Python 2/3 or Jython with a DB-API.",
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "split_keywords": [
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