
NameLayerViz JSON
Version 0.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python Library for Visualizing Keras Model that covers a variety of Layers
upload_time2024-06-09 14:13:13
authorSwajay Nandanwade
keywords python keras visualize models layers
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # LayerViz


![logo (2)](

A Python Library for Visualizing Keras Models covering a variety of Layers.

## Table of Contents

<!-- TOC -->

* [LayerViz](#LayerViz)
    * [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
    * [Installation](#installation)
        * [Install](#install)
        * [Upgrade](#upgrade)
    * [Usage](#usage)
    * [Parameters](#parameters)
    * [Settings](#settings)
    * [Sample Usage](#sample-usage)
    * [Supported layers](#supported-layers)

<!-- TOC -->

## Installation

## Install

Use python package manager (pip) to install LayerViz.

pip install LayerViz

### Upgrade

Use python package manager (pip) to upgrade LayerViz.

pip install LayerViz --upgrade

## Usage


from libname imoprt layerviz
# create your model here
# model = ...

layerviz(model, file_format='png')

## Parameters

layerviz(model, file_name='graph', file_format=None, view=False, settings=None)

- `model` : a Keras model instance.
- `file_name` : where to save the visualization.
- `file_format` : file format to save 'pdf', 'png'.
- `view` : open file after process if True.
- `settings` : a dictionary of available settings.

> **Note :**
> - set `file_format='png'` or `file_format='pdf'` to save visualization file.
> - use `view=True` to open visualization file.
> - use [settings](#settings) to customize output image.

## Settings

you can customize settings for your output image. here is the default settings dictionary:

 recurrent_layers = ['LSTM', 'GRU']
    main_settings = {
        # ALL LAYERS
        'MAX_NEURONS': 10,
        'ARROW_COLOR': '#707070',
        # INPUT LAYERS
        'INPUT_DENSE_COLOR': '#2ecc71',
        'INPUT_EMBEDDING_COLOR': 'black',
        'INPUT_EMBEDDING_FONT': 'white',
        'INPUT_GRAYSCALE_COLOR': 'black:white',
        'INPUT_GRAYSCALE_FONT': 'white',
        'INPUT_RGB_COLOR': '#e74c3c:#3498db',
        'INPUT_RGB_FONT': 'white',
        'INPUT_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',
        'INPUT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',
        'HIDDEN_DENSE_COLOR': '#3498db',
        'HIDDEN_CONV_COLOR': '#5faad0',
        'HIDDEN_CONV_FONT': 'black',
        'HIDDEN_POOLING_COLOR': '#8e44ad',
        'HIDDEN_POOLING_FONT': 'white',
        'HIDDEN_FLATTEN_COLOR': '#2c3e50',
        'HIDDEN_FLATTEN_FONT': 'white',
        'HIDDEN_DROPOUT_COLOR': '#f39c12',
        'HIDDEN_DROPOUT_FONT': 'black',
        'HIDDEN_ACTIVATION_COLOR': '#00b894',
        'HIDDEN_ACTIVATION_FONT': 'black',
        'HIDDEN_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',
        'HIDDEN_LAYER_FONT': 'white',
        'RECURRENT_LAYER_COLOR': '#9b59b6',
        'RECURRENT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',
        # OUTPUT LAYER
        'OUTPUT_DENSE_COLOR': '#e74c3c',
        'OUTPUT_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',
        'OUTPUT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',

    for layer_type in recurrent_layers:
      main_settings[layer_type + '_COLOR'] = '#9b59b6'
    settings = {**main_settings, **settings} if settings is not None else {**main_settings}
    max_neurons = settings['MAX_NEURONS']


* set `'MAX_NEURONS': None` to disable max neurons constraint.
* see list of color names [here](


my_settings = {
    'MAX_NEURONS': None,
    'INPUT_DENSE_COLOR': 'teal',
    'HIDDEN_DENSE_COLOR': 'gray',
    'OUTPUT_DENSE_COLOR': 'crimson'

# model = ...

layerviz(model, file_format='png', settings=my_settings)
## Sample Usage 
📖 **Resource:** The architecture we're using below is a scaled-down version of [VGG-16](, a convolutional neural network which came 2nd in the 2014 [ImageNet classification competition](

For reference, the model we're using replicates TinyVGG, the computer vision architecture which fuels the [CNN explainer webpage](
from keras import models, layers
from libname import layerviz
import tensorflow as tf
model_1 = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
                         kernel_size=3, # can also be (3, 3)
                         input_shape=(224, 224, 3)), # first layer specifies input shape (height, width, colour channels)
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation="relu"),
  tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, # pool_size can also be (2, 2)
                            padding="valid"), # padding can also be 'same'
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation="relu"),
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation="relu"), # activation='relu' == tf.keras.layers.Activations(tf.nn.relu)
  tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid") # binary activation output

layerviz(model_1, file_name='sample1', file_format='png')

from IPython.display import Image

## Supported layers

[Explore list of **keras layers**](

1. Core layers
    - [x] Input object
    - [x] Dense layer
    - [x] Activation layer
    - [x] Embedding layer
    - [ ] Masking layer
    - [ ] Lambda layer

2. Convolution layers
    - [x] Conv1D layer
    - [x] Conv2D layer
    - [x] Conv3D layer
    - [x] SeparableConv1D layer
    - [x] SeparableConv2D layer
    - [x] DepthwiseConv2D layer
    - [x] Conv1DTranspose layer
    - [x] Conv2DTranspose layer
    - [x] Conv3DTranspose layer

3. Pooling layers
    - [x] MaxPooling1D layer
    - [x] MaxPooling2D layer
    - [x] MaxPooling3D layer
    - [x] AveragePooling1D layer
    - [x] AveragePooling2D layer
    - [x] AveragePooling3D layer
    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling1D layer
    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling2D layer
    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling3D layer
    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling1D layer
    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling2D layer
    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling3D layer

4. Reshaping layers
    - [ ] Reshape layer
    - [x] Flatten layer
    - [ ] RepeatVector layer
    - [ ] Permute layer
    - [ ] Cropping1D layer
    - [ ] Cropping2D layer
    - [ ] Cropping3D layer
    - [ ] UpSampling1D layer
    - [ ] UpSampling2D layer
    - [ ] UpSampling3D layer
    - [ ] ZeroPadding1D layer
    - [ ] ZeroPadding2D layer
    - [ ] ZeroPadding3D layer

5. Regularization layers
    - [x] Dropout layer
    - [x] SpatialDropout1D layer
    - [x] SpatialDropout2D layer
    - [x] SpatialDropout3D layer
    - [x] GaussianDropout layer
    - [ ] GaussianNoise layer
    - [ ] ActivityRegularization layer
    - [x] AlphaDropout layer

6. Recurrent Layers
    - [x] LSTM
    - [x] GRU


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "LayerViz",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "python, keras, visualize, models, layers",
    "author": "Swajay Nandanwade",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# LayerViz\r\n\r\n[License](LICENSE)\r\n\r\n![logo (2)](\r\n\r\nA Python Library for Visualizing Keras Models covering a variety of Layers.\r\n\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n\r\n<!-- TOC -->\r\n\r\n* [LayerViz](#LayerViz)\r\n    * [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)\r\n    * [Installation](#installation)\r\n        * [Install](#install)\r\n        * [Upgrade](#upgrade)\r\n    * [Usage](#usage)\r\n    * [Parameters](#parameters)\r\n    * [Settings](#settings)\r\n    * [Sample Usage](#sample-usage)\r\n    * [Supported layers](#supported-layers)\r\n\r\n<!-- TOC -->\r\n\r\n## Installation\r\n\r\n## Install\r\n\r\nUse python package manager (pip) to install LayerViz.\r\n\r\n```bash\r\npip install LayerViz\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Upgrade\r\n\r\nUse python package manager (pip) to upgrade LayerViz.\r\n\r\n```bash\r\npip install LayerViz --upgrade\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\n```python\r\n\r\nfrom libname imoprt layerviz\r\n# create your model here\r\n# model = ...\r\n\r\nlayerviz(model, file_format='png')\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Parameters\r\n\r\n```python\r\nlayerviz(model, file_name='graph', file_format=None, view=False, settings=None)\r\n```\r\n\r\n- `model` : a Keras model instance.\r\n- `file_name` : where to save the visualization.\r\n- `file_format` : file format to save 'pdf', 'png'.\r\n- `view` : open file after process if True.\r\n- `settings` : a dictionary of available settings.\r\n\r\n> **Note :**\r\n> - set `file_format='png'` or `file_format='pdf'` to save visualization file.\r\n> - use `view=True` to open visualization file.\r\n> - use [settings](#settings) to customize output image.\r\n\r\n## Settings\r\n\r\nyou can customize settings for your output image. here is the default settings dictionary:\r\n\r\n```python\r\n recurrent_layers = ['LSTM', 'GRU']\r\n    main_settings = {\r\n        # ALL LAYERS\r\n        'MAX_NEURONS': 10,\r\n        'ARROW_COLOR': '#707070',\r\n        # INPUT LAYERS\r\n        'INPUT_DENSE_COLOR': '#2ecc71',\r\n        'INPUT_EMBEDDING_COLOR': 'black',\r\n        'INPUT_EMBEDDING_FONT': 'white',\r\n        'INPUT_GRAYSCALE_COLOR': 'black:white',\r\n        'INPUT_GRAYSCALE_FONT': 'white',\r\n        'INPUT_RGB_COLOR': '#e74c3c:#3498db',\r\n        'INPUT_RGB_FONT': 'white',\r\n        'INPUT_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',\r\n        'INPUT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',\r\n        # HIDDEN LAYERS\r\n        'HIDDEN_DENSE_COLOR': '#3498db',\r\n        'HIDDEN_CONV_COLOR': '#5faad0',\r\n        'HIDDEN_CONV_FONT': 'black',\r\n        'HIDDEN_POOLING_COLOR': '#8e44ad',\r\n        'HIDDEN_POOLING_FONT': 'white',\r\n        'HIDDEN_FLATTEN_COLOR': '#2c3e50',\r\n        'HIDDEN_FLATTEN_FONT': 'white',\r\n        'HIDDEN_DROPOUT_COLOR': '#f39c12',\r\n        'HIDDEN_DROPOUT_FONT': 'black',\r\n        'HIDDEN_ACTIVATION_COLOR': '#00b894',\r\n        'HIDDEN_ACTIVATION_FONT': 'black',\r\n        'HIDDEN_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',\r\n        'HIDDEN_LAYER_FONT': 'white',\r\n        # RECURRENT LAYERS\r\n        'RECURRENT_LAYER_COLOR': '#9b59b6',\r\n        'RECURRENT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',\r\n        # OUTPUT LAYER\r\n        'OUTPUT_DENSE_COLOR': '#e74c3c',\r\n        'OUTPUT_LAYER_COLOR': 'black',\r\n        'OUTPUT_LAYER_FONT': 'white',\r\n    }\r\n\r\n\r\n    for layer_type in recurrent_layers:\r\n      main_settings[layer_type + '_COLOR'] = '#9b59b6'\r\n    settings = {**main_settings, **settings} if settings is not None else {**main_settings}\r\n    max_neurons = settings['MAX_NEURONS']\r\n```\r\n\r\n**Note**:\r\n\r\n* set `'MAX_NEURONS': None` to disable max neurons constraint.\r\n* see list of color names [here](\r\n\r\n```python\r\n\r\n\r\nmy_settings = {\r\n    'MAX_NEURONS': None,\r\n    'INPUT_DENSE_COLOR': 'teal',\r\n    'HIDDEN_DENSE_COLOR': 'gray',\r\n    'OUTPUT_DENSE_COLOR': 'crimson'\r\n}\r\n\r\n# model = ...\r\n\r\nlayerviz(model, file_format='png', settings=my_settings)\r\n```\r\n## Sample Usage \r\n\u00f0\u0178\u201c\u2013 **Resource:** The architecture we're using below is a scaled-down version of [VGG-16](, a convolutional neural network which came 2nd in the 2014 [ImageNet classification competition](\r\n\r\nFor reference, the model we're using replicates TinyVGG, the computer vision architecture which fuels the [CNN explainer webpage](\r\n```python\r\nfrom keras import models, layers\r\nfrom libname import layerviz\r\nimport tensorflow as tf\r\nmodel_1 = tf.keras.models.Sequential([\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=10, \r\n                         kernel_size=3, # can also be (3, 3)\r\n                         activation=\"relu\", \r\n                         input_shape=(224, 224, 3)), # first layer specifies input shape (height, width, colour channels)\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation=\"relu\"),\r\n  tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, # pool_size can also be (2, 2)\r\n                            padding=\"valid\"), # padding can also be 'same'\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation=\"relu\"),\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(10, 3, activation=\"relu\"), # activation='relu' == tf.keras.layers.Activations(tf.nn.relu)\r\n  tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(2),\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Flatten(),\r\n  tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=\"sigmoid\") # binary activation output\r\n])\r\n\r\nlayerviz(model_1, file_name='sample1', file_format='png')\r\n\r\nfrom IPython.display import Image\r\nImage('sample1.png')\r\n```\r\n![download](\r\n\r\n## Supported layers\r\n\r\n[Explore list of **keras layers**](\r\n\r\n1. Core layers\r\n    - [x] Input object\r\n    - [x] Dense layer\r\n    - [x] Activation layer\r\n    - [x] Embedding layer\r\n    - [ ] Masking layer\r\n    - [ ] Lambda layer\r\n\r\n2. Convolution layers\r\n    - [x] Conv1D layer\r\n    - [x] Conv2D layer\r\n    - [x] Conv3D layer\r\n    - [x] SeparableConv1D layer\r\n    - [x] SeparableConv2D layer\r\n    - [x] DepthwiseConv2D layer\r\n    - [x] Conv1DTranspose layer\r\n    - [x] Conv2DTranspose layer\r\n    - [x] Conv3DTranspose layer\r\n\r\n3. Pooling layers\r\n    - [x] MaxPooling1D layer\r\n    - [x] MaxPooling2D layer\r\n    - [x] MaxPooling3D layer\r\n    - [x] AveragePooling1D layer\r\n    - [x] AveragePooling2D layer\r\n    - [x] AveragePooling3D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling1D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling2D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalMaxPooling3D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling1D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling2D layer\r\n    - [x] GlobalAveragePooling3D layer\r\n\r\n4. Reshaping layers\r\n    - [ ] Reshape layer\r\n    - [x] Flatten layer\r\n    - [ ] RepeatVector layer\r\n    - [ ] Permute layer\r\n    - [ ] Cropping1D layer\r\n    - [ ] Cropping2D layer\r\n    - [ ] Cropping3D layer\r\n    - [ ] UpSampling1D layer\r\n    - [ ] UpSampling2D layer\r\n    - [ ] UpSampling3D layer\r\n    - [ ] ZeroPadding1D layer\r\n    - [ ] ZeroPadding2D layer\r\n    - [ ] ZeroPadding3D layer\r\n\r\n5. Regularization layers\r\n    - [x] Dropout layer\r\n    - [x] SpatialDropout1D layer\r\n    - [x] SpatialDropout2D layer\r\n    - [x] SpatialDropout3D layer\r\n    - [x] GaussianDropout layer\r\n    - [ ] GaussianNoise layer\r\n    - [ ] ActivityRegularization layer\r\n    - [x] AlphaDropout layer\r\n\r\n6. Recurrent Layers\r\n    - [x] LSTM\r\n    - [x] GRU\r\n          \r\n\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "A Python Library for Visualizing Keras Model that covers a variety of Layers",
    "version": "0.1.1",
    "project_urls": null,
    "split_keywords": [
        " keras",
        " visualize",
        " models",
        " layers"
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