
NameOsomeDB JSON
Version 5.0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Module For Managing and Creating DBs.
upload_time2023-01-23 12:06:20
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
# OsomeDB 1.0.3

Make And Manage DBs in Python.


<p align="right"> <img src="https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=meriwn-osome-db&label=Project%20views&color=0e75b6&style=flat" alt="darkmash-org" /> </p>

## Installation

Install OsomeDB with pip

  pip install OsomeDB
## Features

- Cross platform (i think)
- Encryption (AES)
- Compression
- PassBin
- Examples provided

## Structure and Working

### Structure of DATA :
    DB - > Collections - > Docs - > DATA

### Structure of Files :
    - >  Folder(DB_NAME)
        - > File(Collection-1)
        - > File(Collection-2)
        - > File(Collection-3)
        - > Config.json
        - > PassBin-1(Created When There is a request for saving passwords)
### Config File (json) :
    - > DB_NAME
    - > Date Created
    - > List of collections
    - > enc
    Eg : {"DB_NAME":"A","CREATED":"","COLLECTIONS":["A","B","C"],"ENC":false}
### PassBin (json):
    Eg : {"Id":"Guy-1","Password":"The Guy's Password"}

## Usage/Examples

from OsomeDB import OsomeDB
# Create/Get DB
  If No DB exists in db_path a new one will be created
    :param db_path: Path to the DB
DB = OsomeDB("School") 

### Note : To Enable encryption from the code,
# changing the settings
DB.Settings("School").change("ENC","HERE PUT THE ENCRYTION KEY") # Turning on encryption
or edit the config.json file.

DB class:
  len(DB) # returns num of collections
  DB.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the DB
  DB += "NewStudents" # makes a new collection
  DB -= "NewStudents" # deletes the collection
  DB.collection_exists("NewStudents") # checks if a collection exists
  DB.make_collection("NewStudents") # makes a collection
  DB.date_created() # returns the date when the DB was created
  DB.get_collection("NewStudents") # returns a Obj of class Collection
  DB.remove_collection("Collection-B") # deletes the collection
  DB.total_collections() # returns the number of collections
  DB.total_docs() # returns the number of Docs in the DB
  DB.get_db_size() # returns the size of the DB
  DB.get_db_collections() # returns all collections (name)
  DB.get_settings() # returns settings
  DB.write_settings(new_settings) # rewrites the settings
  DB.renew_db() # Renews the DB with the new config file
  DB.load_collection() # returns the collection data
  DB.write_collection(New_collection_data) # rewrites collection data
  DB.delete_collection() # deletes a collection
  DB.get_collection_size() # returns the size of a collection

Collection class:
  from OsomeDB import Collection
  collection = Collection("School","Students") # path to DB , Collection name
  # or
  collection = DB.get_collection("Students")
  len(collection) # returns the number of Docs in the Collection
  new_collection = collection+{"rollno.":1,"student":"Merwin"} # adds a doc
  new_collection = collection-{"rollno.":1,"student":"Merwin"} # removes a doc
  collection+={"rollno.":1,"student":"Merwin"} # adds a doc and saves
  collection-={"rollno.":1,"student":"Merwin"} # removes a doc and saves
  collection.delete() # deletes the collection
  collection.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the collection
  collection.read_collection_data() # returns the collection data
  collection.rewrite_collection_data() # rewrites the collection data
  collection.get_indexof({"User":user,"Id":Id etc...}) # returns the index of the data
  collection.get_byindex(1) # gets a doc by index
  # returns (index , Doc) 
  collection.search_by_key_val(key_name="Username",username) # Search using the value of a given key 
  collection.rewrite_doc(index=2,new_data={"User":user,"Id":Id etc...}) # rewrites a doc


PassBin class:
   # If passbin was not found a new one will be created
   passbin  = DB.PassBin("School","passwords") # param path to DB and PassBins name.
   passbin.passbin_exists("passwords-staff") # checks if a passbin exists.
   passbin.get_pass_bin() # returns the data in passbin
   passbin.write_pass_bin(new_pass_bin_data) # rewrites the passbin
   len(passbin) # the number of passwords
   new_passbin = passbin+{"Id":Id,"Password":"passs"} # adds
   new_passbin = passbin-{"Id":Id,"Password":"passs"} # removes
   passbin = passbin+={"Id":Id,"Password":"passs"} # adds the pass and save to passbin returns passbin obj
   passbin = passbin-={"Id":Id,"Password":"passs"} # removes the pass and save to passbin returns passbin obj
### Note : The format to + , - , += , -= In PassBin
   passbin.delete_bin() # deletes the passbin
   passbin.get_passbin_size() # returns the size of the passbin
   passbin.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the passbin
   passbin.append_new_pass(Id="1",Password="Cooldudescave123") # Appends a new password
   passbin.remove(Id="1") # removes a password from passbin
   passbin.reset_pass(Id="2",Password="Newcoolpassword") # resets a password
   passbin.search_by_Id(Id="2") # search using the Id 

Settings class:
   # Arg The path of the DB
   settings = DB.Settings("School") 
   settings.change(key="ENC",value=True) # changes settings
   settings.give_setting_info() # returns all keys available
   settings.get(key="ENC") # returns value of ENC
   settings.get_settings() # returns the settings
   settings.write_settings(new_settings) # rewrites the settings

## License


## Authors

- [@Merwin](https://www.github.com/mastercodermerwin)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/mastercodermerwin/OSOME-DB",
    "name": "OsomeDB",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Cactochan",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/78/86/3a2e21764f9697c9a7690422ab1aa85f631482ae6ba3ba5d24ae926138cb/OsomeDB-5.0.4.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n# OsomeDB 1.0.3\n\nMake And Manage DBs in Python.\n\n[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/osomedb)](https://pepy.tech/project/osomedb)\n\n<p align=\"right\"> <img src=\"https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=meriwn-osome-db&label=Project%20views&color=0e75b6&style=flat\" alt=\"darkmash-org\" /> </p>\n\n\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall OsomeDB with pip\n\n```bash\n  pip install OsomeDB\n```\n    \n## Features\n\n- Cross platform (i think)\n- Encryption (AES)\n- Compression\n- PassBin\n- Examples provided\n\n## Structure and Working\n\n### Structure of DATA :\n   \n    DB - > Collections - > Docs - > DATA\n\n### Structure of Files :\n    - >  Folder(DB_NAME)\n        - > File(Collection-1)\n        - > File(Collection-2)\n        - > File(Collection-3)\n        - > Config.json\n        - > PassBin-1(Created When There is a request for saving passwords)\n### Config File (json) :\n    - > DB_NAME\n    - > Date Created\n    - > List of collections\n    - > enc\n    Eg : {\"DB_NAME\":\"A\",\"CREATED\":\"\",\"COLLECTIONS\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"C\"],\"ENC\":false}\n### PassBin (json):\n    Eg : {\"Id\":\"Guy-1\",\"Password\":\"The Guy's Password\"}\n\n\n\n## Usage/Examples\n\n```python\nfrom OsomeDB import OsomeDB\n# Create/Get DB\n\"\"\"\n  If No DB exists in db_path a new one will be created\n    :param db_path: Path to the DB\n\"\"\"\nDB = OsomeDB(\"School\") \n```\n\n### Note : To Enable encryption from the code,\n```python\n# changing the settings\nDB.Settings(\"School\").change(\"ENC\",\"HERE PUT THE ENCRYTION KEY\") # Turning on encryption\n```\nor edit the config.json file.\n\n\nDB class:\n```python\n  len(DB) # returns num of collections\n  DB.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the DB\n  DB += \"NewStudents\" # makes a new collection\n  DB -= \"NewStudents\" # deletes the collection\n  DB.collection_exists(\"NewStudents\") # checks if a collection exists\n  DB.make_collection(\"NewStudents\") # makes a collection\n  DB.date_created() # returns the date when the DB was created\n  DB.get_collection(\"NewStudents\") # returns a Obj of class Collection\n  DB.remove_collection(\"Collection-B\") # deletes the collection\n  DB.total_collections() # returns the number of collections\n  DB.total_docs() # returns the number of Docs in the DB\n  DB.get_db_size() # returns the size of the DB\n  DB.get_db_collections() # returns all collections (name)\n  DB.get_settings() # returns settings\n  DB.write_settings(new_settings) # rewrites the settings\n  DB.renew_db() # Renews the DB with the new config file\n  DB.load_collection() # returns the collection data\n  DB.write_collection(New_collection_data) # rewrites collection data\n  DB.delete_collection() # deletes a collection\n  DB.get_collection_size() # returns the size of a collection\n```\n\nCollection class:\n```python\n  from OsomeDB import Collection\n  collection = Collection(\"School\",\"Students\") # path to DB , Collection name\n  # or\n  collection = DB.get_collection(\"Students\")\n  len(collection) # returns the number of Docs in the Collection\n  new_collection = collection+{\"rollno.\":1,\"student\":\"Merwin\"} # adds a doc\n  new_collection = collection-{\"rollno.\":1,\"student\":\"Merwin\"} # removes a doc\n  collection+={\"rollno.\":1,\"student\":\"Merwin\"} # adds a doc and saves\n  collection-={\"rollno.\":1,\"student\":\"Merwin\"} # removes a doc and saves\n  collection.delete() # deletes the collection\n  collection.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the collection\n  collection.read_collection_data() # returns the collection data\n  collection.rewrite_collection_data() # rewrites the collection data\n  collection.get_indexof({\"User\":user,\"Id\":Id etc...}) # returns the index of the data\n  collection.get_byindex(1) # gets a doc by index\n  # returns (index , Doc) \n  collection.search_by_key_val(key_name=\"Username\",username) # Search using the value of a given key \n  collection.rewrite_doc(index=2,new_data={\"User\":user,\"Id\":Id etc...}) # rewrites a doc\n\n```\n\nPassBin class:\n```python\n   # If passbin was not found a new one will be created\n   passbin  = DB.PassBin(\"School\",\"passwords\") # param path to DB and PassBins name.\n   passbin.passbin_exists(\"passwords-staff\") # checks if a passbin exists.\n   passbin.get_pass_bin() # returns the data in passbin\n   passbin.write_pass_bin(new_pass_bin_data) # rewrites the passbin\n   len(passbin) # the number of passwords\n   new_passbin = passbin+{\"Id\":Id,\"Password\":\"passs\"} # adds\n   new_passbin = passbin-{\"Id\":Id,\"Password\":\"passs\"} # removes\n   passbin = passbin+={\"Id\":Id,\"Password\":\"passs\"} # adds the pass and save to passbin returns passbin obj\n   passbin = passbin-={\"Id\":Id,\"Password\":\"passs\"} # removes the pass and save to passbin returns passbin obj\n```\n### Note : The format to + , - , += , -= In PassBin\n```\n{\"Id\":\"\",\"Password\":\"\"}\n```\n```python\n   passbin.delete_bin() # deletes the passbin\n   passbin.get_passbin_size() # returns the size of the passbin\n   passbin.__sizeof__() # returns the size of the passbin\n   passbin.append_new_pass(Id=\"1\",Password=\"Cooldudescave123\") # Appends a new password\n   passbin.remove(Id=\"1\") # removes a password from passbin\n   passbin.reset_pass(Id=\"2\",Password=\"Newcoolpassword\") # resets a password\n   passbin.search_by_Id(Id=\"2\") # search using the Id \n```\n\nSettings class:\n```python\n   # Arg The path of the DB\n   settings = DB.Settings(\"School\") \n   settings.change(key=\"ENC\",value=True) # changes settings\n   settings.give_setting_info() # returns all keys available\n   settings.get(key=\"ENC\") # returns value of ENC\n   settings.get_settings() # returns the settings\n   settings.write_settings(new_settings) # rewrites the settings\n```\n\n\n## License\n\n[MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)\n\n\n## Authors\n\n- [@Merwin](https://www.github.com/mastercodermerwin)\n\n\n",
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